Thursday, May 31, 2012

Are you embracing this brave new world? - bizjournals:
According to the National Associationof Realtors, nearly 90 percent of home buyers use the That means companies need to reacuh these people, and firms such as Coldwelpl Banker are shifting their resources in that “If we aren’t spending the lion’s share of our marketing dollars ther (online), then we aren’t paying says Jodi Tate, the general manager of Coldwell Banker Triad Realtors, who is base d in the company’s Winston-Salem office.
Applicatione for smart phones such as the iPhonwe and Blackberry are gaining By the endof June, Coldwell Banked expects to launch a Web site specificallt targeted to these kinds of Because of the smalled screen size, complex graphics can be hard to read and the amounyt of information on a site needsa to be limited for easy accessibility. The modifiedc Web site will allow people to get information about homed that pique their interest even as they are drivingb downthe street.
“So if someone is sitting in front of a they will be able to go directly to our Web and access all of the informationand photos,” Tate “We feel this is reall y a requirement in this day and

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Academic Team honoree: Neha Bakhai - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: ACT score of 34 (equal to 1,5200 on SAT). Scores of 98-100 on four Regentsx exams. National Merit Scholarship letterof commendation. AP Scholaf Award (with Distinction). RPI Rensselaer Medal for Math and Captain of basketball andsoccer teams. Full name: Neha Born: August 26, 1991, Williamsville. Smita Bakhai, Yogesh Bakhai. Williamsville. Favorite class: Calculus (taught by Paul Sondel) and governmeny (taught by Timothy Redmond). “Both thosse teachers are very passionatw about whatthey teach. They make me want to plus they arevery funny.” College and likely , pre-medicine. Hope to be doing 10 year from now: “I have no idea.
” If coulx meet anyone from “My grandpa, whom I have never If could have dinner with anyone now Barack Obama. “I could learm a lot from to proceed to the next FirsyTeam honoree: David Ban.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Future looks good for Matthews - Charlotte Observer

Future looks good for Matthews

Charlotte Observer

By Melinda Johnston The town of Matthews is growing in its population and tax base, so it's offering residents more amenities and its future looks bright, according to Frank Warren of Kimley-Horne and Associates. Warren's remarks were part of a recent ...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

XM forges partnership with Southeastern Conference - Baltimore Business Journal:
D.C.-based XM will broadcast basketball and other sports fromthe SEC, starting with the conference'sz men's basketball tournament being playerd in Atlanta from March XM (NASDAQ: XMSR) will feature coast-to-coasy live broadcasts of the Universitt of Arkansas, University of Georgia, Universituy of Kentucky, Mississippi State University, University of Mississippi and University of Tennessee starting this year. The Universitty of South Carolina will join XM in the fall followed by the University of Floridaw in thefall 2009.
"XM will have a groul of channels dedicated tothe SEC, makinhg it easy for fans to find games and speciakl SEC programs," says Eric Logan, XM's executive vice president of in a statement. For now, though, the deal doesn' t include the University of Alabama or Auburnj University because the colleges already have agreementzwith , XM spokesman David Butler "We would love to have them on XM, but theird rights are currently not available," Butled says. XM and New York-based Siriuzs (NASDAQ: SIRI) said last month that they wouldc combine to forma $13 billion business.

Friday, May 25, 2012

City National
“Our long-term goal is to cover the saidSteve Green, City National’s regional manager for Centrak Florida. “There really isn’t a Florida-dominany bank today that does City National likely will add locations througbh both acquisitions andnew construction, Green said. If City Nationapl succeeds, it will occupy a niche largely left emptyh since Barnett Bank became part of Nationsbank in the Florida banking today is a mix of communituy banks withlimited operations, regional lenders such as SunTrust Banka and giant banks, which include Bank of JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo.
A well-financed lender that focusesz on the state could offert customers the personal attention of community bankd combined with the financial clout to make big said Green. The bank’s new localp branch — its stafvf of eight occupying the space formerly usedby Sergio’s Restaurantt — faces the towering Bank of Americaz building on North Orange Avenue, a physicao reminder of the giant competitors City Nationall will face as it pursues its growth strategy. City Nationapl is one of Soutyh Florida’s oldest financial institutions.
Until it openex a small loan office on the second floor of an Altamonte Springs office building twoyears ago, the 63-year-old bank operatef exclusively in Miami-Dade, Browards and Palm Beach counties. The opportunity to reach beyond its historixc turf came last fall whenCaja Madrid, a Spanish lender with more than $300 billiob in assets, bought an 83 percent stake in City Nationa for $927 million. Green said Caja Madrid’s ownershil and City National’s strong balance sheet givesa it the resources to undertake expansion when othetr lenders arecutting staff. “We aren’t focusefd on the issues troubling the rest of thebankintg industry,” Green said.
“Wew have a partner in Caja that’s capable of helpingf us grow inthe ­Florida marketplace.” City National’s most recent quarterly reportt depicts a bank with strong capitapl reserves and a $903,00 profit. J. Clay Singleton, a financee professor at , said a strong Florida bank with the capital to expane could do well even asthe so-calleds megabanks expand their reach. “The megabanks have huge but they’re also suffering huge financial problems.
If you’red a lender with money, this is a time to Marshall Vermillion, senior vice president of communitlender , said City Nationakl has strong leadership and solid “Positioning yourself to take advantagew of the unrest in the banking business is wise. Things are going to come and this is a good time to As a professor of mine in business school once the best time to get on a train iswhen it’s stopped.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Monsignor takes stand to counter sex abuse charges - Pittsburgh Post Gazette

Monsignor takes stand to counter sex abuse charges

Pittsburgh Post Gazette

By John P. Martin and Joseph A. Slobodzian / Philadelphia Inquirer PHILADELPHIA -- Msgr. William J. Lynn took the witness stand at his landmark trial Wednesday, asserting that he "did my best" to weed out sexu »

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Clearspring, Facebook ink deal with GSA - Washington Business Journal:
AddThis is a Web-based software application that lets userzs bookmark and shareWeb sites. ClearSpring, which help s content publishers create small onlineapplicationxs — or widgets — to spread their content and connect with advertisers, boughft AddThis LLC last September for an undisclosed sum. AddThisw reaches about a half billion users With thenew agreements, GSA and other federal agencies will be able to create Web page that allow users to better access and use information to educate users abour government services and allow greater interactio n between government and the public-- a major objective of President Barack Obama.
Negotiations began in 2008 between the socia l media companies and a groupo of agencies ledby GSA. Prior to GSA’e agreements, concerns existed over the legaol implications of standard terms and conditions that users must agree to when usingonlinw services. The GSA agreements resolvess those issues, such as liability, endorsements, freedom of information and governing law. Now, other federal agencies can sign the same agreement and begin using the sociaplmedia tools.
“We are working at a fevereed pace to improvethe public’s experience when engaging with the said Martha Dorris, acting associate administrator for the Office of Citizenj Services and Communications, in a “ is breaking new ground by migratingv to new media sites to provide a presencwe and to open up a dialog with the she said. “We know that many othef agencies want to dothe same, and having thes e agreements is an important first step.” GSA’s also signed servicr agreements with Flickr, Blist,, and is discussing similafr arrangements with other providers of free, new medi services.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Steak Or Fake? How To Spot 'Glued' Meat - KMGH Denver

Steak Or Fake? How To Spot 'Glued' Meat

KMGH Denver

DENVER -- It's white, powdery and can turn chucks of beef into a single piece of steak. Transglutaminase is used to bind proteins together. The substance is also known as TG, Activa, or meat glue. Meat glue has been part of the food industry for ...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

bizjournals: Search Results
by on June 1, 2009 ...Aside from good intentions, Emanuelsom suspects the bottom line remains the real behinde the growing popularityof "wellness" and "choice" "Our customers are...... by on November 16, 2007 ...intko the state creates 30 "We think medical research is a for good healtuh and the health ofthe economy," he Gershen...... by on May 1, 2009 ...testifying about losing her 9-year-ole daughter because of a distracted . "Driverx need to know that when they talkand drive, theirr ability...... by on February 3, 2009 ...companyg pays the medical bills, rehabilitation costsz and other expenses forthat . A studu commissioned by Gov.
Bill Rittert in 2007 showed that by onFebruary 2, 2009 Kevin Lofton says his religiouz upbringing guided his journey from the Bron to the head of the country'sz second-largest Catholic-based hospital "I was...... by on January 2, 2009 In the midstt of the largest financial crisis since theGreat Depression, Colorado lawmakers took what they hope will be a smalo step Monday...... by on November 24, 2008 Because Dennyu O'Malley was only 25 when he was namedCraig Hospital'es top executive in 1974, it would've been reasonablw to assume that he'd...... by on September 29, 2008 ...
getting expensive treatment at an emergency thought to be a key of risinv medical costs associated withthe uninsured. Underf Levy's plan...... by on January 25, 2008 ...he believed that United'sz acquisition of PacifiCare "put United in the 's seat as the state'se largest health plan." But Hertelo said...... by on December 21, 2007 ...conference. "Thids is going to make Colorado a much more significangeconomic ," Blake said. In particular, Blakde lauded the changing the exemptionthreshold for...... by on Septembert 25, 2007 ...Mountain News on March 28 published an intervie w with an anonymous limo who said that Nacchikmistreated subordinates, used foul language and congratulated himself......
by on Marcn 30, 2007 ...s holograms can be found on government passportz in 50 countriesand 's licensez in 20 states (not including although the company does...... by on February 2, 2007 ...hesitaterd to call the launch of Vist and Office 2007 a technology akinto Y2K. But former CEO of Denver-based Interlink Group...... by on November 17, 2006 ...frequency identification (RFID) becoming more prominent in everythingy from credit cardsto 's Wright also anticipates the Legislature will addresse privacy issues related......
by on Decembert 30, 2005 As incumbent phons companies and cable TV operations fighr for a greater market share ofthe high-speesd Internet market, lower higher speeds and...... by on July 29, 2005 ...manne d vehicles delivering food and supplies to be led by asinglr , Lowrie said. Jeff Jaczkowski, team leadetr of the U.S. Army's...... by on Marcbh 18, 2005 points if they get He cites one case when a remaineds stationary for 30 A dispatcher phoned the driverand verified...... by on Marchj 14, 2005 ...purchase, storage, use and consumptionj of computer software. "Technology is the economic for us," said Vic past chair of CSIA. "Taxation will certainly...... by on Decembere 31, 2004 ...
Owens withdrew a proposal to usea photo-imaginvg process for Colorado 's licenses, amid heavy protesyt from citizens. Photo imagingf combines a composite...... by on September 14, 2001

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tarun Mohanbhai: Comedy Festival review - TVNZ

Tarun Mohanbhai: Comedy Festival review


Tarun Mohanbhai's new show Joke in the Box is more performance piece and play rather than stand up set - until the very end. Mohanbhai plays Ziggy, a frankly terrible stand up who's trying to reinvent himself. He's the very essence of a failed comedian ...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 comes back to life - Baltimore Business Journal:
Systemax (NYSE: SYX) said in a statement that it planes to compete with other online retailers by offerinhdiscounted prices, fast shipping and a wide selectionm of products, as well as offering photo galleries and videosx of thousands of consumer electronics and computer The company already has the business and acquire last year. "This acquisition and quic launch of the allnew further solidifieas Systemax's position as a leadert in online retailing of value-priced, brandefd computers and consumer said Richard Leeds, chairman and chiegf executive officer of Systemax. "Circuit City is one of the iconic brandsin U.S.
electronics retailing with a 60-yeafr legacy." A check of the Web site Mondayshowed offering everything from GPS system to BlackBerry phones and flat-screen TVs.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hospitals hope reforms bring more money for teaching - Kansas City Business Journal:
The area’s teaching facilities include both hospitals, whicy are affiliated with the , and The , whicnh trains residents from the . Medicare and Medicaidc reimburse teaching hospitals for direct and indirect costss associatedwith instruction. Several changes during the pastseverakl years, legislative and have limited payments to teaching For instance, a 1997 budget bill capped the numberf of residents Medicare would help finance. KU Hospitaol expanded its residencyprogram anyway, officialas said. Its Medicare cap is 259, but it had 291 residentsw in 2007, costing about $1.
4 Meanwhile, advocates such as the in Washington are hopinf to kill a proposed Bush administration rule that wouldr eliminate federal Medicaid help for the direct costs of training Proposals like this and the reductions already in place put “immense financial pressurew on these institutions to continue to do the missiones they are set out to do,” said Karem Fisher, senior director of healthj care affairs for the association. “Clearly, medical education is going to have to be a key componeng of any healthcare reform,” KU Hospital CFO Scotft Glasrud said.
“Because if you want to change the way healtn care operateslong term, you’re going to have to do it on the front end when physiciane are being trained. And so, to me, it’sa shortsighted not to be fully fundinmedical education.” According to Truman, cuts in Medicarer education funds have cost it a total of abou $700,000 in the past five years. Truman CEO John Bluforxd said increased medical education financing would provide a quick infusion of moneyt tothe cash-strapped operation. “It’s not contingent or dependent on patients coming throughyour door,” he said.
“Those are just enhanceed payments that will come with the existinfg volume wealready have.”

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Forget small talk
It will be an easy read, fewee than 100 pages, and will get right to the pointgat hand. The working title that is bouncing around in my brai n right nowis “How to Sell Like a Pro in Less Than Two Now, understand that the book will take abouy an hour and a half to read, but it will teacu the salesperson who is a average or even a top performer how to reallt sell with a common-sense and no BS Too many salespeople dance around the tables too much. In other they don’t get righgt to the main pointat hand.
They talk about nonsensd like the weather or sportsx or whatever they wantto discuss, which basicallyg just wastes time and really does not build any true businesx relationships at all. What made me thin k of this idea was something I used abou t 30years ago, and it worked really well It has to work even betterd now because our attention spans have becom e the same as a cocker spaniel which means we do not have any attentiohn for anything lasting any longer.
I had a small glass-and-wood egg timer that was about an inch or two When I wasin someone’s office, whether it was a cold call or even an I told them that by the time the sand ran out (whichh is six minutes) I would be done with my saleas call. Sometimes, I even said that on the phonew so I could provs it to them when I was in thei office onthe appointment. Really, think aboug it, who does not have six minutes in the day tohear something?? My approach was simple, straight to the point and very honest.
For example, on the phonre I might have said three which wereas follows: my name is Hal Becker, and I work for (filo in company here), and I would like to meet you for no more than six “When the six minutes is up (and you can time me), eithert you will be interested, or worst case, you learned something new! “I will not take more than the time I am askingg for.” When I sat down in theird office, I pulled out my little egg timer and said, “Now, I wouls like to ask you three simplre questions, and when the sand runs I will leave as I mentioned to you on the • Are you familia with our company? If yes, what are you familiarf with, and if no, why not?
Tell me what you like and maybw even dislike about your present supplietr or vendor (obviously, my competitor). • If you were to realizwe that doing business with us would be more beneficialto you, and you “Geez, why didn’t I switchh to this company in the past?” would you at leasg consider looking at us?

Friday, May 11, 2012

BioMarin: Genzyme virus problem won
Genzyme (NASDAQ: GENZ) found a virus strain and stoppedd production of two drugs atthe Mass., facility. The strain, Vesivirus 2117, apparentlgy does not cause human infection but interruptsx the growth of cells that are used to make Aldurazyme — a treatment for MPS I, a rare and fata l disease caused by an enzyme deficiency — was last fillesd at the Genzyme facility in September 2008, accordinyg to BioMarin (NASDAQ: BMRN). The companyg has about 10 months of vialedr inventoryon hand, it said, and uses a seconsd fill finish supplier. A third supplier is expectedd to be qualified laterthis year, BioMarin said.
BioMarijn makes the bulk material used in Aldurazyme at itsNovatlo facility. The Food and Drug Administration hadinspected Genzyme’s plant in Septembedr and October and reportedly was concerned about controls to protect against

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Boeremag harboured: man fights conviction - Independent Online

Independent Online

Boeremag harboured: man fights conviction

Independent Online

By SAPA A man convicted of harbouring two escaped Boeremag tri »

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Biden touts stimulus successes - The Business Review (Albany):
Biden was at Shenendehowa High School in Cliftonn Park yesterday toutingthe $787 billion program. He was joinef by Gov. David Paterson and Rep. Scotg Murphy. “I see it everywhers we go: communities being rebuilt, factoriesz being reopened, workers rehired — teacherxs in their classrooms, cops on the streets, familiexs better able to live aquality life,” said Vice President Biden. “With the Recovery Act, Saratoga County and Americz are reclaiming ourprourd past—and, while we’re at it, creating a better future.
” Biden said so far $16 billionj in Recovery Act funds have been obligatedd to New York state, including $2 billion for $700 million for transportation and many project in other categories. Biden also announced that the U.S. Departmengt of Labor has certified forreleaswe $275 million in unemployment insurances modernization incentive funds to the state of New The state qualified for the funds under the stimuluss by making it easier for unemployeed workers seeking part-time work and thosde unemployed for family reasons to be eligible for Nationally, $174 billion of the stimulus funds have been committed in the first 130

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Growth, downturn lead to Axcess Medical Imaging filing bankruptcy - Triangle Business Journal:
Axcess Medical, which owns and operates, or manages, imagingf centers on Florida’s west coast, said in a release that the filing would strengthebn its financial position and ensure continued operations andfuture growth. The company said it is working to complete debtor in possessiobn financing to support its operations and to help in completinv its strategicrestructuring process. Douglas Badertscher was named chief restructuring officee to lead the company through thetransition locations, including seven locations acquired in April, will continue to operate and conducy business as usual without interruption, the company said.
Documentz filed in for the Middls District of Florida outline a story of rapicd growth amid decliningreimbursement rates. Axcess founded by Dr. Stephen Miley and Dr. John began operations in 2001 with a singlew facility in Venice and then expanded into Bradentoh in 2004 and Sarasotqain 2006. In May 2008, Axcess Medical completee a reverse merger into apubliv over-the-counter bulletin board shell company and obtained a $1 millionj convertible note to fund some of its operationws and going-public costs. In April, Axceses Medical closed on the acquisition of seven moreMRI centers, after agreeing to pay $200,000 in cash and to assume $3.
8 millionn in debt, a filing with the The centers are in Clearwater, Bradenton, Pinellas Park, Port Charlotte, Jacksonville and Titusville. However, Axceszs Medical was not sufficiently capitalizecd to withstand the combination of rapid expansion at the same time revenurwas declining, the bankruptcy filing said. Revenuwe dropped for a combination of thefiling said. The federal Deficitt Reduction Act of 2005 negativelyu impacted Medicare rates with commercial insurance contracts tied to Medicare ratesfollowing suit. The downturhn in the economy caused the volume of scans to drop at Axcesw Medical and otherimaging firms.
Additionally, Axcess Medicao has experienced longer collection as it has not yet receivee receivables generated after the purchase of the MRI centers in Axcess Medical owes creditorsabout $16 .1 million and has assetxs of $4.4 million. The compan y had $11 million in revenue last but expects its annual revenue to increase byabouty $9.7 million with the acquisition of the MRI the bankruptcy filing said.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bauer Financial issues Q1 credit union ratings - St. Louis Business Journal:
The company uses federal regulatory data to rate credit unions based oncapital profit/loss trend, delinquent loans and other factors. Bauer's rating ranks from a high of 5 stars to a low of 0 Of the 10 largest Soutjh Florida credit unionsby assets, six maintained a five-stard (superior) rating: IBM Southeastt Employees Credit Union and Brightstar Creditg Union held on to their four stars (excellent) in the firsgt quarter. They had been downgraded from five starx in the third Priority One Credit Union in Sunrise fell from to thre e stars from four stars in the firstg quarterwith 69.9 million in 1.6 percent of which were nonperforming.
, Soutbh Florida’s second-largest credit union with $738 million in held on to its three stars in thefirsyt quarter. It was downgraded to threde stars (adequate) from four stars in the fourthu quarter. The Pembroke Pines-basede credit union counted 1.74 percent of its assets as nonperforming. Firsy Choice in West Palm Beach also hadthree stars. , the largesr in South Florida with $1.62 billiojn in assets, remained the only credir union in the state rated zero stars by Bauer. The Miramar-based credit union counted 8.6 percenrt of its assets as nonperforming.
It was placed into conservatorshipl by Florida regulators on Aprill 24 after heavy losses and the ousted its Space Coast Credit Union has shown an in acquirintgEastern Financial.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mintz Levin names Susan Berson chair of Israel business practice group - Boston Business Journal:
The group was previously chaired byKennetnh Novack. According to the firm, Novack will remain active in the practice Berson is also a member inthe firm's healtj law practice and managing member of the firm’s D.C. office. Mintsz Levin has 304 attorney in Massachusetts. “Susan has the energy and talent to build upon the strong foundation ofthe firm’s Israeo business practice,” said Andrew Urban, managing member of Mintzs Levin.
“With Ken’s continued guidance and the strong relationshipsz the firm has established in Israekl with the assistance ofYael Biran, the managingh director of the [Israel businesxs practice group], we believd that this will be an area of continued growtjh for the firm.” Mintz Levi launched its dedicated Israel business practice in 2006. The firm currentlhy advises more than 100 client who have tiesto Israel, includinyg Israeli companies operating in the U.S. and domestic companiea with Israel-related transactions.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Budget raid could shut down nursing homes - bizjournals:
Tom Lescault, president of the and presidentof , an AHCCC contractor, said one fix might be for the statee to take a loan from healt plans. He said healtuh plans that have long-term contracts with AHCCCSw are offeringa $300 million loan to the state by deferring payment to the plans for one The state would pay the health planzs back at a later date, with The governor’s budget proposal includes the repaymeng plan, but does not specify when the state woulrd pay back the health nor does it specify at what interest “We’re seeking clarification,” Lescault said.
Arizona Health Care