Monday, February 20, 2012

Kitsap County: Retail, health care industries thrive in Gig Harbor - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
But when the new Tacoma Narrows toll bridgwe openedlast year, easing traffid and long wait times, it also startede costing Gig Harbor locals $3 to drive east. This the toll increased to $4. Add the cost of gas these days and, Gig Harbor retail developer JohnHogan said, it just makews more sense to shop at home. “If you need a $40 pair of shoe for your kid, plan on an extrq $10 for gas and the (bridge) toll to shop in Hogan and other developers are giving Gig Harborr residents midprice retail optionx sothey don’t have to leavw the community to find what they Retail now joins health care among busineszs sectors in growth mode in Gig Harbor.
Fuelinf the health care secto r is advance planning for futurepopulation growth. , whic already has a presence inGig Harbor, with 115 employeez providing a wide variety of medical services, is building a new $150 milliob . When it openx in February next year, it will brinh 450 new jobs and becomethe area’s biggesty employer. St. Anthony Hospital is only the second facility of its kind approved for constructiom by the state sincethe mid-1980s. Other medical sector organizationws in Gig Harbor are outpatient servicees fromand Metagenics, a medical nutrition technology company.
“We believe we could develop into a medicaklfield hub,” said Warren Zimmerman, executive director of the Gig Harbo r Chamber of Commerce. Meanwhile, the momentuk for bringing in new local retail optionsis strong, despite tough times in the industry Uptown Gig Harbor is a newly open retailo development by Hogan, who is managing partnerd for Gateway Capital. Redeveloped from an old motel ithas 150,000 square feet of space, 85 perceny of which is leased, he Tenants he’s brought in include Ben Jerry’s, Ann Taylor Loft, Borders, Galaxy Theatres, Jamba Juice, Panera Bread, Coldwater Posh Paw, Adam and Eve Clothinyg Co., Massage Envy, J.
Jill, AT&T, Cutter’s Point coffee house, Fondi girls’ fashion and accessory store wine bar and restaurant Sip, SQ Décor and a nail parlor. Hogan is confident he can fully leaswe the shopping development bynext spring. He’s targetiny kitchenware specialty store Sur La Tabl and housewares retailer Pottery Barn aspotential tenants. “We’rd not going after luxury brand like Cartieror Coach,” said Hogan. “And we’re staying out of discounty retail. We’re trying to mix apparel and entertainment.
” Gig Harbo is a tough place for a developerthat doesn’ t own land in the area, said because of what he sees as “high barrierd to entry.” “Gig Harbor has a real stronhg hold on growth,” he noting developers must provide off-site traffivc mitigation and follow expensive buildiny development codes. “It only pencils out for a long-terjm (land) holder because it’s prettyh hard to flip.” Hogan is a locao whose two family-owned groceryh stores were bought out by Safewayin 1995. His seconx cousin is trying to redevelop an old Ford and Chevrolet dealership intoretail space.
John Caldwell, senior project managet of developer , said 55,009 square feet of retail development has begun in frong of the Costco store in Gig Harbor Leasing activity isunder way. His grouo is also seeking a buyer to developoan 11-acre site for retaill across the street from Costco, but “The current retail marker has slowed that project Nevertheless, plenty of big box retailers have alreadyy sprung up in the area along with Costco in recenft years. They include Home Depot, and Office Depot.
And a YMCA facility opened not quitre a year ago And incoming Caldwell’s company plans to develolp 200 acres of land it holds into about 750 Buyers of those homes, he said, will providee more business for local retailers.

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