Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Who's Hiring - Orlando Business Journal:
Why are you hiring during the recession The countercyclical side of this is startups are tryingy to preserve their capital as longas possible. We offer the most economicalp alternative for highlyskilled people. How are you a betteer value for a startup interested in slowing its burnrate ? We take equity as a largre share of the compensation. The alternative, a consultant for example, is paid an hourly rate and theit interest is to drive up the For us the success is driving up the value of one of our What are some startupe that you have teamed up with since therecessiojn hit? There’s Enroute Systems, which providexs shipping logistics software to reduce shipping costs.
MBS Source: These guys are bringing increased transparencyto mortgage-backed securities. And Meteor Solutions. They offetr viral tracking analytics software that measurezs and tracks how users are passin g along content through emailsand blogs.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Glu Mobile CEO Ballard departing - San Francisco Business Times:
San Mateo-based Glu (NASDAQ:GLUU) said that Ballarc will remain on the job until a successoreis found. The company said it has retained Martha Josephsonof , an executivew recruiting firm, to help identify candidates to replace “After six years, I have decided the timinfg is right to look for a new I’m incredibly proud of how much we accomplishedd during my tenure, having buil what I believe to be a world-clasw global enterprise," Ballard said in a prepare statement.
“The Glu board and I also share the view that this is a good time to brinf in new leadership for the as we focus on returning to generating positived cash and begin even greater investmentin next-generatiobn mobile platforms." Separately, Glu said Thursday that its boardc of directors elected Dan Skaff and Bill Milledr as co-chairmen. Glu, founded in 2001, publishexs titles including Glyder, Bonsai Blast, Supefr K.O. Boxing!, Stranded and Brain Genius, as well as title based on major brands from partnersaincluding Atari, Activision, Konami, Harrah’s, Hasbro, Warner Microsoft, PlayFirst, PopCap SEGA and Sony.
In addition go San Mateo, the companyg has offices in Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Russia, China, Brazil, Chile, Canada and

Friday, December 24, 2010
The SBA's Office of Inspecto r General outlined its concerns in a memo that said agency actioj is overdue on 10 recommendations it made in the past to addressz weaknesses in lender oversight and agency The Office of Management and Budger has directed agencies to address problems disclosed by prior audits in programss that will receive funding through the American Recovery andReinvestment Act. Lender oversight is particularly important because the bill temporaril increased the government guaranty onthe SBA's 7(a) businesse loans to 90 percent.
"Because the higher guarantiesa reducelender risk, which may lead to poor a greater potential will exist for lossesa and fraud," wrote Debra the SBA's assistant inspector general. That's why it's importanyt for the SBA to do onsite reviewds for all SBA lenderswith high-rismk ratings that have more than $4 million in guaranteefd loan portfolios, the memo stated. The agencg has agreed that's needed but hasn't done it yet. The SBA also hasn'ft implemented comprehensive policies and procedures that define acceptabl lender performance and risktolerances levels, or what enforcement actions will be takenb when risk tolerance limits are violated.
The SBA also needd to do a better job of collecting imprope r payments of loan guaranties to lenderszwho didn't follow prudent lendintg practices or failed to comply with SBA according to the inspector general's office. More than $4 million in improper payments identified by previous auditzs have notbeen recovered, the office found. "Increases in loan volumex and reduced lender risk under the Recovery Act are expectede to lead to higher levels ofimproper payments," the memo stated. The bill also providefd $30 million in additional funding for theMicroloan program, which makes small loan to aspiring entrepreneurs through nonprofit organizations that also provide technicaol assistance.
The SBA needs to develop standardc operating procedures for this and collect information on whethet the businesses that received these loansbecamde successful, according to the SBA spokesman Jonathan Swain said the agency "is working on a numbert of fronts" to implement the recommendation s cited in the memo. "We do take them very seriously," he The agency particularly is focused on lendedr oversight and risk management as it rolls outnew stimulus-related Its new $35,000 America'es Recovery Capital loans, for example, are designed to be "a riskietr loan program than the SBA has ever offered," he because they're an effort to help businesses that temporariluy are having problems makinvg loan payments.
The SBA is looking at ways to mitigater that risk as much as he said.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Panel: Success of region tied to I-75 - Business First of Columbus:
“In the last five years it has becomw obvious to the world that regions are much saidMark Policinski, executive director of the , or OKI. Policinskoi spoke Tuesday at a regionaldevelopment forum, hosted by the Dayton Business Journa l and sister paper Cincinnati Business A three-member panel — also including Leonard partner at in Middletown, and Bob Steinbach, director of regional initiatives at the — spoke in fronft of about 350 audience members.
Steinbachb said that just as development continuez along the Interstate 75corridor — blurring the line betweejn the Dayton and Cincinnati regions — that the Tri-Statse cities’ continued vitality is still “The health of the central citiews is very important to the development of the Steinbach said. “When someone thinks about they want to know about the major city in the Despitethat fact, government can not dictate where developmeny takes place, and investment is always dictated by the Robinson said.
The seeminglhy endless constructionalong I-75, is the product of yearz of planning by the private sector, he said, which means marketg demand in the 50-mile stretch betweeb downtown Cincinnati and Dayton should not be consideredx a recent phenomenon. “New development is takingt place because people took the time to put them in Robinson said. Policinski said the bigged “region” is growing at historically high rates, but absolute inability to grasp partnerships with the private is inhibitingeconomic development.
“We have been beatint on this drum forfive years,” Policinski “You would think you are asking them to do the Meanwhile, around the country, private-public partnershipws are flourishing and leaving southwesr Ohio at an economivc disadvantage, he said. Panelists reached a consensuds about future importance on passenger andfreight rail, along the I-75 as a means for gettint trucks off the highway.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Maximizing your company
While that relationship may well havebeen affected, anothef important area that has been impacted has been privates institutional investment – in the eagerness of private equity funds to entet into transactions, and the valuatioh that an institutional investor might assign to a This is because private equity firms often augmentf their equity investment with bank debt in order to maximize the returns to their If credit conditions make it more difficult for theser firms to raise debt, deals are less with the ultimate result of a lowe r valuation for a company if a transaction is being contemplated.
If owners or management of any company are anticipatingg a saleor capital-raising event of this type at some how can they ensure that the valuation is a favorable as possible ? A few suggestions: For example, the company should have a robust shareholder’s agreement. This is a very basic, but key, part of any corporate documents. It addresses issuesa such as ownership, the rules governing sales of shares, composition of the boarx of directors andother matters. A corporate attorney with experience in addressinv these specific matters shoulddraft it.
If you have not had competenr counsel review thesedocuments recently, it would be money well An ounce of prevention here can mitigate huge problemsd later. Any law firm with a busines s law practice should be able to assist in a mattef suchas this. It should go withou t saying that if your accounting record are in poor it will be extremely hard to support any sort ofattractivse valuation. In fact, in this market, many firms will simply pass on a deal wherwe the financial recordsare suspect. This is simpl because there are enough other deals out there wherew this is not an issue that an investor will just move on tothoswe deals.
Any company that has any reason to believr that it will be looking to raiss outsidecapital – debt or equity should have appropriate accounting controls and procedures in If the company does not possess the internal expertise to implemen t these controls, any competent CPA firm should be able to As an end result, management should look to put in placse a process that results in audited financial If management can articulate and defend how the compant will achieve its growth goals for the next couple of it will have a majo impact on valuation. This includes concrete salez goals, executable plans to achievr those goals and infrastructure rollout tosupporg growth.
Even though growth right now mighrtbe minimal, if management can credibly demonstrate how it will address this it can make a very significant differencew in how the company is viewedr by an outside investor. By preemptively addressing thesee issues, management seeking outside investment can make theirt company more attractive and help supporty a more compelling valuation from the perspective ofall

Thursday, December 16, 2010

DJ Premier to put out unreleased Gang Starr tracks, DVD - Consequence of Sound

Consequence of Sound

DJ Premier to put out unreleased Gang Starr tracks, DVD

Consequence of Sound

Per Rolling Stone, Guru has left behind some unfinished and/or unreleased work, about an album's worth in total, and, coincidentally, Premier told ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cincinnati Fine Arts Fund campaign to take super-targeted tack - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Downtown-based creative agency developed marketing materials aimerd at getting donations from people based on the differenr reasonsthey give. The material s feature real Cincinnati residents and appeap to such groups as young professionals, parents and businesspeople who view the arts as job creatiom organizations, said Pam McFarland, director of marketingt and communications at the Fine Arts Fund.
One idea that didn’rt end up in the campaign even appealed to those who give for the browniw points atthe office, addefd Traction Principal Tony “From our perspective, we were looking to tackle some specifid comments and specific need s – so people know wherre the money is going and how it’s abouft them,” said Traction Principal Tom Kisker. That will be more importanf this yearthan ever, said Scott Provancher, the Fine Arts Fund’s vice presidentr and campaign director. “Even at the end of last year’s we were up a couple of percenyt from theyear before, but we had startedf to see the unsteadiness,” Provancher said.
“We wante d this to be the year we were most prepared operationally for the Provancher said the FineArts Fund’xs broad base of 44,000 donors will be a huge benefi to the campaign, which kicks off Feb. 15. But thoswe guiding the effort know the uncertainty in many workplaces could hurt giving atthe office. So the hope is for the new marketinv materials to reachnew donors, too, he “We feel this campaign is going to be a nail Provancher said. No campaign goal has been set orannounced yet, he But the Fine Arts Fund already has warneds its member organizations that the fundraising total could be lower than the more than $12 million raisedx last year, he said.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Concordia readies environmental stewardship center - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Construction of the 13,000 two-story building is set to beginJuly 14. The structurr will be built in Mequon on a bluf overlooking Lake Michigan and work is expectexd to be completed in time for the start of the 2010academic year. The totakl cost of the building is expected to bebetweem $3.5 million and $3.75 million and is being funded exclusivelty through charitable gifts already secured for the project. Concordia officials said the building demonstratesthe university’s commitment to environmentap education, freshwater conservation and emphasis on sustainable energty resources.
Plans for the center included laboratories, classrooms and a large seminar room that can accommodate 200 peoplwfor presentations. With its lakefront exposure, Concordi officials say the building will be a center for the stud of the Great Lakes and other environmental The building will be designed to be a Leadershi p in Energy and EnvironmentalDesign gold-level building. “When completed, the centee will offer many educational program and research in water stewardship and otherf sustainability education topics for Concordia studentds as well as visiting area schools and the greater saidBruce Bessert, director of the Concordiaa Center for Environmental Stewardship Concordia has added new degrees because of the new center, and now offers a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies and education with a minor in environmental studies, and a master’s degree in education with an emphasisw on environmental education.
“This new center is in line with Concordia’sw increased and continued interest ingreen initiatives,” said William vice president of academics at Concordia. “Each of our receng building projects has been built to increasingenvironmentall standards, especially to save energuy and other resources.” Construction is expecterd to be completed in time for the star of the 2010 academic year. The totaol cost of the building is expected to be between $3.5 million and $3.75 million and is being funded exclusivelyt through charitable gifts already secured for the project.
“Thi new center reinforces Concordia’s efforts to create program that are both important to the student body and the communitty asa whole,” Concordia president Patrick Ferruy said.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

GM files for bankruptcy protection - Denver Business Journal:
Chevrolet-Saturn of Harlem Inc., a New York-basedf affiliate of the Detroit automaker, was the firsf GM affiliate to seek bankruptcy protection Monday morning throughthe U.S. Bankrutpcy Court's Southern District of New York, according to courg records. The restructuring will enable GM to emergs as a viable entity under the brand namenew GM. It also will give the federak government, which plans to make availableabout $30 billio n of federal assistance to support the restructuring, a large ownershio stake in the company.
Two area companies were amonf the list of creditorsin GM'x filing: New York-based Bank of New York with claims of $176 million, and Downtown-based US with claims of $9.6 million. For a list of see GM's . According to a release from theWhitde House, the company plans to announcre today that it will close 11 facilities and idle anotheer three. GM had already announce d in May .

Monday, December 6, 2010

Amazon offers hosted DNS servers - Inquirer


Amazon offers hosted DNS servers


It supports the usual record types including IPv4 and IPv6 A records and can point to services hosted on cloud service providers and more traditional single ...

Amazon Launches DNS Hosting Service

Virtualization Review

Amazon Adds to Cloud Hosting with DNS Service

Web Host Industry Review

Amazon launches its own DNS service



Saturday, December 4, 2010

SoftBrands sold for $80M; Golden Gate Capital is buyer - Business First of Columbus:
The buyer, a holding company created by private-equity firm and its portfoliiocompany , will pay 92 cente per share for SoftBrands. Shares of SoftBrandas closed at 47 cents per shareon Thursday. On the same date in SoftBrands’ stock closed at 1.09 per San Francisco, Calif.-based Golden Gate Capital hasabout $9 billion in assets underr management. Infor, based in Alpharetta, Ga., is a software company with about 9,000 employees and $2.2 billiom in revenue. Minneapolis-based SoftBrands (AMEX: SBN) sells softwarre to the hospitality industry, as well as to small and mid-sizec manufacturers under the brand. Its producte handle tasks such as making reservations to settinfroom rates.
SoftBrands CEO Randy Tofteland said in a press statement that the deal will allow shareholdersto “realizd significant value from their He also said the company would benefit from an with Infor. A spokeswoman for Infor said SoftBrandsz will continue to have a presence in though it has yet to be determine d how many employees willremain SoftBrands’ board has already approvedr the sale, which is expected to closw in between 60 and 90 days.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pasco plan would concentrate development, preserve rural lands -

Pasco plan would concentrate development, preserve rural lands

Pasco County is working on a plan to push future development to its urban core in order to protect undeveloped rural lands, such as this spot in Blanton. ...

and more »

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ohio confirms 13th case of swine flu - Business First of Columbus:
The H1N1 virus is now in eight different countiezs as it continuesto spread. Cases throughout the country are growinbas well, and the U.S. has more than half of all confirmecd cases of theillness worldwide, accordinyg to the . Around the officials have tracked 9,830 cases, with 40 countries having at leasftone case. The reported 5,469 confirmed cases in 48 states as of11 a.m. Six deaths tied to swine flue have been with threein Texas, two in Arizonas and one in Washington. The possibles death of a 16-month old child in New York hasn’ been confirmed.
Wisconsin has the most cases of any statsewith 766, followed by Illinois with 707, Texas with 556, Californisa with 553 and Arizona with 488. officials said that as of 12 p.m. the official number of confirmed cased of Swine Flu inOhio were: • Franklin County five cases (31-year-old male, 33-year-old male, 18-year-old 20-year-old female, 19-year-old female) • Cuyahoga County — two cases (41-year-olfd male, 9-year-old male)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Warriors' David Lee (elbow) is cleared to play -

Warriors' David Lee (elbow) is cleared to play

Golden State forward David Lee has flown to Minneapolis and will meet the Warriors there for a game against the Minnesota Timberwolves on Saturday. ...

David Lee cleared, could play on Saturday

David Lee cleared to return

San Francisco Chronicle (blog)

Warriors' Lee cleared to return to team

San Francisco Chronicle


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christian Science Church, Maples house top endangered list - Washington Business Journal:
Rebecca Miller, executive director of the D.C. Preservation announced the list Tuesday at the site of an on the the Maples, 619 D St. SE near Easterj Market. The D.C. nonprofit has published the list annuallhsince 1996, hoping to draw attentiom to Washington’ historic and culturao landmarks most threatened by ill-advisef alteration, demolition through neglect or abandonment. The one of Capitol Hill’s oldest residences, was buil between 1795 and 1798 forWilliamj Duncanson, personal friend to Georg Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
Although the propertg has gone through periodd of neglect and prosperity duringits 135-year history, recent developers hope to restore it to its formef state. Friendship House, as it’s affectionately called, once served as the home of FrancisScotty Key, Sen. John Clayton, and Major Augustus Nicholson. Anothed of this year’s entries, the Third Churcb of Christ Scientist, 900 16th St., NW, is particularly endangered, give the recent decision by Planning DirectorHarriet Tregoning, actingv as the mayor’s to allow the church to proceed with demolition so it can buildd a new one. Built in 1971, the comple was designed by I.M. Pei partner Arald o Cassutta.
While church’s “brutalistic” concrete design has its championsand critics, it has been citer for architectural excellence by variouzs publications, including Architecture magazine. The church’s efforts to raze the buildingy has ignited passions on both The Foundry Branch Trolleytrestle (crossinbg Foundry Branch of Potomac Rivetr in Glover Archbold Park, just north of Cana Road NW). This line, constructed in was used by Washingtonians to access the Glen Echo Amusemenf Park insouthern Maryland. All track have been removed from the former trolley line, but the right-of-way stilol serves as a trail alony the Potomac River overlookinh D.C.’s Palisades neighborhood.
The Barney Circle neighborhooxd — bounded by Potomac Avenue, 17th Street, Kentuckyg Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue SE just east of CapitoHill — was developed to provide affordable housing for peopl e moving to Washington following Worlxd War I. As housing prices and rents have increasedd inrecent years, developers have moved to build larger houses there. Mead’s Row, 1305-1331 H St. NE, comprisex row houses with two living levels above retailstorefront shops. A proposap to build a new parking lot forH Street’xs up-and-coming restaurant/bar scene threatense these unique properties.
The Superintendent’s House, 5211 Little Falls Road NW, a two-story Civil War-erza home, and the adjacent Dalecarlia Reservoirt are NationalHistoric Landmarks. The Washington owner of the property, recentl y proposed to demolishthe building. DCPL officials have encouraged the aqueducty to either rehabilitate the buildiny or lease it to a user who woulcd bettermaintain it. Three of the structures are repeats from last the church, the Foundry Branch Trolley trestlde and the Barney Circlse neighborhood. Miller said preservatio needs to be acommunity effort.
“It’ss not as productive to have preservatiojn put down on someond as it is to have it percolates fromthe residents,” she said.

Monday, November 22, 2010

JLS Singer Severed His Hand During Tour Rehearsal - OMG, Music!

JLS Singer Severed His Hand During Tour Rehearsal

OMG, Music!

"We were rehearsing for the tour and some glass fell down and pierced my hand," Williams rec »

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ferrellgas profit dips, sales drop - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission aftert the market closed on theOverland Park-based propane retaileer (NYSE: FGP) reported earnings available to commonm shareholders of $32.5 million, or 48 cents a share, for the This compares with earnings of $34.8 million, or 55 cent a share, for the same period last year. Revenue for the quarterd was $561.1 million, down from $712.1 million last Ferrellgas said in the SEC filing that lowee propane prices contributed tothe quarter’ds lower revenue. The company said it sold 239.2 millionj gallons of propane duringthe quarter, down 5 percentt from 252.1 million gallons in the same quartetr last year.
Retail sales volumea decreased mainly because of temperatures that were 5 percenty warmer than last year and customer conservation relatefd to theweak economy, the company said. Ferrellgas rankz No. 10 on the Kansax City BusinessJournal ’s list of area public companies.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Business events scheduled for the coming week - BusinessWeek

Business events scheduled for the coming week


By AP BRUSSELS -- EU foreign ministers debate steps to improve economic governance and the merits of a permanent safety net to safeguard the stability of ...

and more »

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Manny's Steakhouse, Chino Latino get new CEO - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Monroe, chairman of Bloomington, Minn.-based Krass Monroe, has provided Parasolw with legal, financial and business advicesince 2000. He will stay on at the law shiftingsome day-to-day operations to other membere of the management team. In a statement, Parasole co-foundet Phil Roberts said that the company has increasingly reliefd on Monroeas it’s grown. “I’m an enthusiastic but when it comes to finance andlegal matters, I’m as competent as a wheel of Roberts said. “Having aboard in a formal capacity justmakews sense, since he has long since become integra to our operations.
” In additionb to Manny’s and Chino Latino, Parasol e also operates Figlio, Good Earth, The Living Room, Mufaletta Café, Pittsburgh Blue, Prohibitionh and Salut Bar Américain. The companu also founded and The Oceanair eSeafood Room, but have since spun them off.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Builder seeks priority treatment in Fontainebleau bankruptcy - Dallas Business Journal:
Nevada-based , a sister company to FontainebleahLas Vegas, has filed a lawsuitr within the bankruptcy action, asking to be amonbg the first paid. It claims it is owed $669 million. If the claim could wipe out some interests of some major lenders on the including , . “Turnberry West Construction requests the courft find its lien is superior to any other type of mortgaged or encumbrance that was incurred aftert constructionhad begun,” the lawsuit Turnberry West filed and recorded a claim of lien in Nevada on June 4.
Fontainebleauy Las Vegas LLC and two of its affiliates LLCand – filed for bankruptcy protection on June 10 in Fontainebleau Las Vegas is an affiliate of the compang that holds ownership interest in the Fontainebleau Miamki Beach. However, the Miami Beach hotel is not included in the Scott Baena, the attorney who represents the Fontainebleau Las Vegas, said Soffefr and Turnberry West did not want to file the which has the potential to eat up huge amountsa of cash for legal fees that is needed to completes the hotel project. The $2.
9 billion resort-casin project on the Las Vegas Strip is 70percent “I think it’s extremely expensive and impairz our ability to reorganize,” Baena said during the first meeting of creditors on Wednesday in Miami. “Great harm and damage will be visitefd on the debtor is this litigation goesahead now.” Baensa said he will likely seek a stay of the Miami-based Berger Singerman is handling the litigation.
The company has said that the decisioh to file Chapter 11 was the direcrt result of litigation with lenders on the Las Vegasw hotel construction project that had to do with contractual disputes related tonearly $800 million in construction funding for the

Monday, November 15, 2010

Check your insurance packets for changes this year - Atlanta Journal Constitution

Check your insurance packets for changes this year

Atlanta Journal Constitution

The first provisions of the nation's health care law have been enacted and will bring at least slight changes to many plans. Some consumers who need to be ...

and more »

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wii Black Friday Bargaincell- Permium Protective Green 2 Tone Silicon/silicone ... - Underground Newsroom

Platform Online

Wii Black Friday Bargaincell- Permium Protective Green 2 Tone Silicon/silicone ...

Underground Newsroom

Unique design  »

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hanger Orthopedic gets credit rating upgrade - Birmingham Business Journal:
Bethesda-based Hanger Orthopedic announced Monday thatStandar & Poor's Rating Services had raised its rating on Hanget Orthopedic Group, Inc. to from "B;" raised the issue level ratinhgon Hanger's senior secured debt to from "B+;" and raised the senioer unsecured debt rating to "B-" from "CCC+." Standar d & Poor’s outlook for Hanger is “stable.” "Wew are extremely pleased with the S&P upgrade especiallu given the current economic said Hanger Orthopedic chief financial officer George McHenry.
"Thed upgrade reflects, among other things, our consistentr performance over the lastthree years, solid liquidity as well as no significang near-term debt maturities." In its latesty quarter Hanger Orthopedic (NYSE: HGR) reported that net income increased 27 percent to $4.5 million as revenue increased 7 percent to $169.q1 million.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

MMAC: Milwaukee-area economy still sluggish - Charlotte Business Journal:
Only three of 20 April indicators registered improvementfrom year-ago levels, matching the numberf of upward-pointing indicators recordee in March, the MMAC said in its Economic Trendss report. "The employment situation continued to deteriorate with deepening job declinew and unemployment indicators over double what they were one year saidBret Mayborne, economic research director for the "But metro area existing homes salews rose for only the second time in nearly threwe years giving some hope for near-term improvement in a stagnantr local housing and real estate market." Nonfarm employment in the metro area fell 4.8 percent in April to down from March’s 4.
3 percent Employment levels have now declinef compared with year-ago levels in each of the past 12 with April’s decline being the steepestt registered in this period, the MMAC Only two of 10 majofr industry sectors registered April job gainas compared with one year ago, while eight registered declines. Unemployment indicators for the metri area both measured more than twicetheir year-earlieer levels. The number of unemployeed in metro Milwaukeerose 117.6 % against year-ago levels, to 70,300 compared with 32,300p in April 2008. Likewise, new unemployment compensation claims rose ata 104.
6 percent rate in April to 12,101, this indicator’z third consecutive year-over-year increase of 100 percen t or greater. On the positive existing homes sales for the metrio arearose 5.6 percent in the first year-over-year increase in this indicatorr in seven months and only the second such gain in nearlyg three years.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Harry Potter film studios set for revamp - Monsters and

The Guardian

Harry Potter film studios set for revamp

Monsters and

US film giant Warner Bros is to spend $160m revamping the Harry Potter studios and adding a new studio tour for fans ...

Warners sets up prod'n base in UK



Sunday, November 7, 2010

Doing without or with less - Business First of Buffalo:
While full-time employees at the Buffalol nonprofit organization paid a portion of theid healthcare costs, part-timers were saddler with the entire bill. Executive Director Linda Mabry was worried risin costs would prompt some employeezs togo without. “It was realluy important for me and the organizatiob to find something that was manageable for our she says. Both for-profiyt and nonprofit companies are exploring their options diligently to try to cut going with slimmed down benefits packages or shiftinhg more costs to their The result: Insurance provider are stepping up their game to meet the needs of more demandin g clients.
The Community Music School isan example: March 1, employees mover from an plan to BlueCross BlueShield of WNY’s Aqua with supplemental coverage througgh a medical bridge plan with Colonial Paul “It was really all on what our employees couls afford, and we absolutely did not want anyone thinkinf they could go Mabry says. Insurance brokers say the landscape isdefinitelg changing. In some cases, policies offer significantly less than what many employees have grownm accustomedto receiving, says Mark Byrne, vice presidenyt at LLC.
“(Compared to) when I startefd in this business in theearlyy 90s, if a normal employee actuallyg saw what is being offered today, they’d say ‘absolutely not,’” he Brian Murphy, a partnerd at , a subsidiary of Lawleyg Insurance, says employers seem to be a lot more willingv to change carriers and modify benefits In the past, an employer would have to have seen a savingz of at least 8-10 percentr to justify a switch.
Now, 4-5 perceny is enough, he Employers are also willing to make morechangeds simultaneously: Rather than reducing benefitx one year while keeping the employee contributionsx level, they may shift employew responsibility from 15 to 30 percent of while also decreasing the benefits “Because of the economy, peoplse are either just doing it because they feel that they have to, or becaus they think it’s a good time to do it,” he says. “Id there’s some money on the they’re willing to take that Insurers say the economy is definitely pushingf more creativityin plans.
But Pam Pawenski, regional vice presiden of salesat , says competition is alwayes heated between carriers. Pawenski says the costs go up everyh year in health care regardless of how much people are using it because oftrend factors, not the But a tight economy mean s people may not have enough moneyu to access the care they need. And oftemn when people access healthcare less, they end up sickee later with higher coste for that care. That’ss an issue that affects all carriers. “o suspect that all of our competitors are aware of the pressures of the she says. “I really don’t thinj the change in the economy increasea the level of competition inthe market.
I thinik we’re always trying to get a cuttinyg edge in the market from a competitive perspective to be the best we can Melissa Hayes, vice president for product management at Independent Health, says she’s getting lots of calls from employersd looking for lower cost including more than just typicall buy-downs. And when companies currently with acompetitoe call, Independent Health offers a variety of she says, including high-deductible plans that push more of the cost to the membe r as opposed to the “Benefits that would have been way too bare bonesa in the past are now beinb considered very attractive to employeres where they never were she says.
“They’re trying to change the benefitsdso they’re still palatable and the membeer is still able to acces s care, but also drivde down the rates so employers don’t have to drop the Cost-cutting measures have driven interest in consumerd driven plans at BlueCross says Michael Giaquinto, senior vice president of the company’s generapl business unit. Since mid-2008, the company has grownh its consumer-driven plans from about 2,000 memberw to 28,000 by the end of the firs quarter. “It puts more responsibilith in the hands ofthe consumer,” he says.
“We The message from our clientsis ‘hey, help us providde affordable health care options to our employees’.” Though it can’t control rising health care costs. Giaquinto says the company works to reducee premiums by driving down operating costs by using technologgy as muchas possible. That includes puttinvg more information onlinefor customers, rather than printingt and mailing. “Competition is certainly healtu and we do seegroups – as we have in the past continue to shop for the best value,” he says. “Inn some cases, that means a bettedr price orricher benefits.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Retail Brokers Inc. principals face lawsuits related to investments - Pittsburgh Business Times:
million in loans from an Oklahomw bank tothe pair’s real estate partnerships. The two men also are defendantse in three investor lawsuits claiming they mismanaged investments in theirr retail realestate endeavors. The developers are trying to settld theinvestor complaints, according to several attorneysz familiar with the cases. In 2008, the pair settled a similar investor suit out of Barnessand Papakyriakou, principals of Scottsdale-basex , own shopping centers in Tempe, Gilbert and Glendale. They operate each centerd under a separatebusiness partnership. The pair also are involveds in a numberof Phoenix-area charitable organizations.
Barness, for example, is active with local Jewisu community causes and helped raise moneu forArizona Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential bid. Papakyriakouy also goes by the name Alex The filed its suits in late January in Maricopa County Superior Court, claiming the developers failed to pay back three loanes totaling $9.5 million, according to court documents. Mike Phoenix managing partnerof , the law firm representinyg the bank, declined to comment on the pendinh matters.
“We cannot comment on the record,” Manning RBI and Barness’ charitable foundatio n did not respond to requests for No official response to the lawsuit was fileed by the defendants bypressa time. The investor lawsuits were filed in Maricopa County Superioer Court against Barnessand Papakyriakou’sw real estate businesses. Those three investor claims may be consolidated under Maricopa Superior Court Judge John Buttricmk andsettled together, according to legal source s who would not go on the Barness and Papakyriakou’s attorney, Jeffrey Leonard, said he expectx the investor lawsuits to be resolved He said the resolutions would be via mutual agreement, but declines to say whether they would involve out-of-court settlements.
Leonars also would not commengt about the resolution or settlementy of the 2008investor lawsuit. Barness and Papakyriakou did not commentt forthis story. Other lawyers familiar with the investort suits said a settlement isbeingv negotiated. Robert Mitchell, the investor/plaintiff’s attorneyu in the 2008 claim against Barnessand Papakyriakou, said he coulsd not comment. “All I can tell you is that the case was he said.
The 2008 case claimed Barness and Papakyriakou deceived investorswith self-deale and misrepresented sales and financial One of the 2009 in-vestor suits was filedr by Phoenix cardiologist Na-than Lauferd and four other investors who say Barnesss and Papakyriakou raised as much as $400 million in equity investments and loansw for their real estate and shoppinv center businesses. They claim the defendants “wrongfully diverted nearly $50 milliob to themselves,” according to court documents.
The Laufer suit also contendsd Barness and Papakyriakou improperly used investment money in some dealx between business entitiesthey owned, and that the salesw benefited the defendants but not the investors. The suit claimsz fraud, breach of contract and failure to meet fiduciary Plaintiffs in the Laufer case say theyinvesteds $1.3 million in Barness-Papakyriakou real estate endeavors. Attorneys representin g the plaintiffs in the Laufet case wouldnot comment. A second investoer suit, filed by the Eugene and Lenore Schupak Family Trust, claims the trust invested $10.4 million in Barness- and Papakyriakou-owned shopping centers in Arizona and real estate partnerships.
The same suit contendw anotherfamily entity, Schupak Partners I, invested $953,000 in Castle Yuma Dev Partners, an investmeny entity created by the defendants.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Kentucky puts restrictions on livestock from Nebraska, Texas - Business First of Buffalo:
Kentucky now will require livestock brought to Kentuckhy from Nebraska and Texas to pass a tuberculosie test within 60 daysof arrival. The tests must be given to cattlwe 18 months and older and goatsd and camelids six months and the said in anews release. Nebraska agriculture officialsw have confirmed tuberculosis in two cattle inthe north-centralo part of the state. They have quarantinec 32 cattle herds withabout 15,000 adult according to the release. The in Ames, Iowa confirmed a case of tuberculosis in a dairyt cattle herd inwest Texas, accordin g to the release.
Kentucky also has banneds entry of livestock from Starr Countgy in south Texas because a horse there has been diagnosed withvesiculart stomatits, a viral disease that can affecft horses, cattle, swine, sheep, goats and deer.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mass transit programs eyed as fix for Fort Sam traffic woes - San Antonio Business Journal:
One way they say the traffic bottleneck aroundc the installation can be eased is by engagin g VIA Metropolitan Transit to help get peoplw to and from FortSam Houston. Tommt Adkisson, Bexar County commissioner and member ofthe (MPO), says a solutiohn is not far off, but he says all the players still need to come together to discuse the problem. "It is an issue, but not one that can'ft be resolved, in my opinion..." he says. "Thee main thing is we need to sit down at the tablew and begin the processe of finding out what Fort Sam wantz to dowith VIA, how VIA can be of help and what do they see as VIA'e role.
" According to a 2007 studyg coordinated by the San Antonio-Bexar Countyu MPO, some of the key points of focuzs for Fort Sam Houston include addressingg cut-through traffic in the neighborhoods near the improving street maintenance that could help the flow of trafficx and introducing mass transit in the area. " think VIA is a big part of the growth picturw and will play a critical role in makinh life livable as Fort Sam Houstonm proceeds into an area they have neveer known in terms of growth and number of Adkisson says.
Priscilla Ingle, spokeswoman for VIA, says publicf transportation could indeed be part of the solutionn for the Fort SamHouston "Public transportation is an affordable option for getting people to theid destination," Ingle says. "In lookinhg at the issue at Fort Sam, the accessx issue would have to be addressed to determines how to specifically address their needs with the influzx of people that they anticipate coming tothe post.
" The BRAC actioj will affect , Randolph Air Forces Base, Brooks City-Base and Camp but most of the changes are centered around Fort Sam Kara Hill, military liaison for Bexar County, says one of the city'xs biggest challenges is the projectedx increase in traffic around the Army which is already a source of congestion. The main projects takinbg place in San Antonio will be the renovation of at Fort Sam Houstonb tohandle in-patient hospital care and civilian traumaq care and the conversion of at Lackland AFB into an ambulatorhy care clinic that will focus on outpatienty care.
The military is also consolidatingy its medical training programas for all military branches at FortSam Houston. Fort Sam is expectedr to see an increase in the area ofabout 11,0009 people. All BRAC projects are scheduled to be completeby 2011. "W have met with folks at Fort Sam and at BAMC and access isa concern," Ingle "We don't have access onto the post (due to the securityh gates)." Hill says Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, Va., is in a similafr position. Hill met with Fairfax County representativea earlier this year to lear n how they are working public transportatioj into the growth ofFort Belvoir.
She adds that the base has workedc out an agreement that allows the publicc buses on base after a Military Police Officed clears thoseon board. Adkisson says if Fort Belvoir can make that so could Fort Sam He adds that would help a greagt deal in managing traffic inthat area. "If it's being done why can't we make it happen here," he says. Anothefr program being considered to encouragr mass transit is to issue those who work on or travel to thepost frequently, bus passee at a discount that they can use 365 days a "Obviously, Fort Sam is a huge target (for such a program)," he says. "Especiallty with BRAC happening.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Schwan Food reorganizes, cuts jobs - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The Marshall-based foods company said that it undertook the move in an effortf to reorganize its homedelivery division, and cite d "challenging economic conditions" as the driving force behind the The company will lay off 30 workerx in Marshall, who work in its home servicr division. Positions cut were in the areas of marketing, finance, operations, strategic planning and development. Around the country, 307 positionsz were eliminated at varioue sales anddistribution centers; the company also expandedd the responsibilities of its general managers.
The company said that as part of therestructuringy effort, it would create about 123 new positions nationwide, eight of them in Employees affected by the cuts were notified They will have the opportunity to applg for the new positions. The company is also looking to fill 50 manufacturin positionsin Marshall. Recently, the Business Journao reported that the company would inSouth Carolina, layinbg off 525 workers.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

County opens 20,000 acres to growth - Business First of Columbus:
That acreage is aboutt one-third larger than the city of Ranchp Cordova. But alongside thosd acres of new development, the Genera l Plan 2030 also calls for21st century-styld growth by rerouting some development to infill sites as well as to decayin and underutilized commercial corridors. The plan anticipates the unincorporatex portions of the county willneed 99,70p0 new homes over the next 20 about 50,000 more than can be accommodatedr within its existing urbanm area. The proposed general plan was firsft presented Monday to officials atSacramentl County’s Planning Commission. It ultimatelh must be approved by the Boardof Supervisors.
The plan has been seven years in the Much has changed during that including the proliferation of sustainable the region’s blueprint for “smart and the rise and devastating fall of the housint bubble. It may be an onerous task for stafg to mull decades of population and economic growth at a time when no one is buildingynew homes, shopping centers or But just as landowners have been using the downtime to plan for a returnj of the construction market, planners have been anticipatinf growth patterns over the long haul.
“One thingf we’re trying to champion is completd communities with a mix of developmentand (to) integrates uses as much as possible,” planner Davif DeFanti said. “That means a diversity of housing, transportation, retail.” The proposesd general plan followsthe region’s blueprint for smartr growth that values infill and eschews leapfrob development. Principal planner Leighanbn Moffitt said it does not ask official s to expandthe county’s urban services boundary, which is a near-sacrosancty border established in 1993 between urbabn and rural land.
But it does envisionn expandingthe county’s urban policy a line that markx the existing urban-rural divide and occasionall shifts farther out from the urban core. Theree are two main new growth areas under this both withmultiple landowners. The first comprises 12,009 acres of industrial and agricultural land along the Jackson Highwayu corridor between Sacramento andRancho Cordova. It includes mining propertyg owned by the Teichert group ofcompanies that’s envisioned to be developed into new communitiew as mining operations wind down. The second area of growthy consistsof 8,000 acres of primarily grazinvg land east of Granf Line Road bordering Rancho Cordova.
Prominent land developer controlsabout 2,400 acres of that propertyy and was the first to propose a new community there. Last Conwy submitted an application for an expansive set of villaged and other development that includesa full-scale residentiapl campus for the . “There was an initial concer n this isleapfrog development, but we are contiguousa to existing development,” said Michelle a spokeswoman for Conwy, noting that the project borders Rancho Cordova’s Sunrise-Douglas Community Plan. A groundbreaking for the university was originally expected next year but that has been pushedfto 2011, Smira said.
In accordance with the county’s blueprintf for smart growth, General Plan 2030 directs some growth toinfilkl sites. These include parcels near the former McClellan Air Baseand under-user sites in the county’s 14 commercial corridors. Moffity said the transformation of McClellamn into a business park has openede up areas of developmen that previously had been restricted due to noise andsafety concerns. The areaws being considered near the base are west of Watt Before the realestate downturn, developers had been proposinv projects in that she said.
Perhaps the most unconventionalk aspect of the proposed Genera Plan is the decision to revitalizecommercial corridors, such as stretches of Watt Avenu e and Folsom Boulevard. County staff estimated the plan could allo anadditional 19,000 homes along those That would eliminate the need to put those homesd on agricultural land. Smaller parcels scattered throughouyt the county could accommodate thousandsmore homes. Planning for four of the commercial corridors alreadhhas started, principal plannedr Tricia Stevens said. The idea is to revamp restrictive zoning and allowmixed uses, includinbg homes and apartments, in areas that previouslyt were limited to strip centers.
The count also plans to make the corridorxs more attractive by burying utility planting vegetation and enhancingthe streetscapes. Although cash is tight at the Stevens said funding will come from grante and redevelopment money generated through taxes inredevelopment zones. The procese of writing a general plan has takebn so long that one major new growtnh project originally envisioned as part of the plan is alread yunder way. applied to rezone a portion of 6,00p0 acres it owns for redevelopmentlast year.
The aerospace compang wants todevelop 4,800 residential lots as well as commercial and officr space on 1,391 acres soutnh of Highway 50 between Rancho Cordova and Folsomj in the Easton planninv area. General Plan 2030 is next due before the county Planningh Commission onJune 22. Othef workshops could follow. It could be the fall before it is formallhy adopted by the Boareof Supervisors. “The purpose of the plan is to set DeFanti said. “The details will follow.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Stanford, Canary Foundation plan $20M cancer center - Dallas Business Journal:
Canary Foundation is pledging $15 million towarcd the center, doubling its earlier commitment to support early detectionn research atthe university. The medicak school, together with the school'w Department of Radiology, is committing $5 million through facultyh recruitments, research facilities, and other The center will be ledby Dr. Sanjibv Sam Gambhir and will include new faculty hireds in both ex vivo and invivo diagnostics.
The centefr is located in a newlh renovated School of Medicine building on Californiaq Avenue in Palo Alto and it will have stronbg ties to the NationaolCancer Institute-designated Stanford Cancer Centerr with a view towards translatingg the early detection research into clinicakl practice. Canary Foundation is a non-profit dedicatedr to the goal of identifying cance early through a simple blood test and then isolatinf itwith imaging. Since 2004, Canary has raisex over $30 million to supporr early detection research.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

GEORGE KENNEDY: Police have shown we shouldn't take Tasers away - Columbia Missourian


GEORGE KENNEDY: Police have shown we shouldn't take Tasers away

Columbia Missourian

COLUMBIA â€" Today I'm offering, in response to no public demand whatsoever, a voters' guide to the amendments and propositions on Tuesday's ...

Police Taser use reduces injuries

Columbia Daily Tribune


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cerner finds a treasure in data mining - Boston Business Journal:
The North Kansas City-based health care information technologuy company, known mostly for the health-record software sold to hospitalasand clinics, is leveraging the billionx of anonymous patient records it has at its disposal as marketable information to pharmaceutical companies and researchers. Cerner said the data operatioj is a big reason revenuw for its LifeSciences Group has increasedf by roughly 20 percentg during each of the past five Mark Hoffman, the company’s life sciences solutiond vice president, predicted that annual growth will be greater stillk in the future. “This is just the beginninf for us in thelife sciences,” he said.
Include d in Cerner’s data warehousw are 1.2 billion lab results. It also has smallef numbers of medication orders andother data. The company collects the informationthrougyh data-sharing agreements with roughlyu 125 of its software clients. By some estimates, it can take as long as 17 yearasand $1.2 billion to develop a single Cerner’s data-mining capabilities can quickem that process and save money for drug companiexs by helping the companies establish a study protocol that maximizes the numbet of eligible candidates for a “We believe that can actually eventually reduce the cost of drug Hoffman said.
Cerner would not name its pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical companies and clinical researchers pay for Cerne r data forother reasons, said Scott director of the ’s Office of Therapeutics Discover y and Development. He said Cerner’zs data-mining capability can point scientists to potentia new uses forexisting drugs. For Weir said, Cerner’s database might suggest that a drug used to treatr cardiovascular disease could be helpful in treating cancer Researchers then could run a clinicalk trial to testthe idea. The data is usefukl to drug companies for much the same Weir said, including helping them identify and correct side effectas from drugs.
The KU Cancer Center has used Cerner’a data-mining capabilities for several projects. “They uncover informatiom we wouldnever discover,” Weir said. “It’s He said Cerner stands to benefit financially, as well, from collaborationsa with researchers that can lead to intellectual property that produces licensing fees and Cerner also can work with researchers suchas Dr. Stephehn Spielberg, director of the Center for Personalized Medicine and Therapeutif Innovationat . Spielberf seeks a $3.9 million grant from the for a study of how the center can better capture data in pediatric cancer studies usingCerner software.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Four Points Centre lands new office tenant - The Business Review (Albany):
“We are extremely excited to sign a leasde with such an outstanding companyas THQ,” said Mark Greinerd of Oxford Commercial, the project’s leasing “This lease with THQ demonstrates that first-class office buildings continu to attract tenant interest even in challenging THQ will move into Four Points this fall. Four Points Centre has 200,000 square feet of offic e space, 270,000 square feet of retail spacw and 550 multifamily The development will ultimately have an additionak 1 million square feet ofoffice space, 250,0090 square feet of retaik space and a 250-room hotel.
The new leasr is significant since Four Points is in an area of Austi n that has seen office vacancy rise in recent monthas as millions of square feet of new productf havebeen delivered. Four apartments do have tenants, as does its retail including an HEBand Target. David Kimball and Keith Zimmerman with UGL Equis representedTHQ Inc. The development has also been awarded Gold rating underthe ’s Leadership in Energy and Environmenta l Design for its core and shell design. “As part of Opportunit y Austin, we are in constant contac with a variety of businesses contemplatingb moving to or growingin Austin.
With greater frequency, companies are seeking eco-friendly space,” said Gary Farmer, chairmanh of the Opportunity Austin economicdevelopment initiative. “It’s important to have such spacdreadily available.”

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mergers: Districts ponder joining forces - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The Town of Tonawanda resideny headedthe 17-member board for seven years before stepping down in March. Yet he didn’yt retire. He continues to serve as WesternNew York’ws regent, and he remains as outspoken as ever about educational One of his pet topics is the sheer number of locao school systems. There are too many of he says, and their enrollmentx are generallytoo “Why do you need 28 school districts in Erie he asks. “I’d like to see somethinhg like five districts in the county insteadof 28.
I’c even like to start talking about a countywideschool district, like they have in Northg Carolina and a few other Bennett’s stand is buttressed by a reporgt released last December by the States Commission on Property Tax Relief. “New York Stat e has too many school districts,” the repor t says flatly. It suggeste that districts with fewerthan 1,000o students should be required to merge with adjacengt systems, and districts with enrollments betweeb 1,000 and 2,000 should be encouragerd to follow suit.
Such proposalz hit home in WesternNew York, where 66 of the region’es 98 school districts have enrollmentsw below 2,000, including 38 with fewe r than 1,000 students from kindergarten througu 12th grade. The heart of this issue is a mattef of benefits andcosts -- pitting the perceiver advantages of combining two or more districte against the potential loss of locakl control and self-identity. Advocates maintain that mergers allos consolidated districts to bemore cost-effective, construcg better schools and offer a widert range of challenging “It’s not only a financial issue. To me, it’ a matter of says Bennett.
“If you had a regional high school, maybe servingt seven or eight ofthe (current) it would give kids the opportunity to work with each othed -- and to have the best of the But opponents contend that mergers bring more bureaucracy, longedr bus rides for students and diminution of loca pride. “In this community, the world revolvesw around this school,” says Thomas Schmidt, superintendeng of the 478-pupil Shermajn Central School District inChautauqua “If the school went away, Sherman, would lose a greaft deal of its identity.
” School consolidatiobn has been a emotional issue for a The state was crosshatched by 10,565 districts in many of them centered on one-roon schoolhouses. A push for greate r efficiency reduced that numberdto 6,400 by the outbreak of Worlxd War II, then swiftly down to 1,300 by 1960. New York now has 698 Statewide enrollment works outto 2,540 pupils per which falls 25 percent below the national averagre of 3,400, according to the Statr Commission on Property Tax Relief. The gap is even largerf in WesternNew York, which had 104 districtas when Business First began rating schoolsd in 1992. Mergers have since reduced that numberr to 98school systems.
They educate an averagre of 2,268 students, 33 percenty below the U.S. norm. A comprehensive effort to push regional enrollment up to the national averagr would require the elimination of 33 Western NewYork districts. That procesa would be complicated, messy, rancoroud -- and extremely unlikely. There is no shortagr of candidatesfor consolidation, to be sure. Businessw First easily came up with 13 hypothetical most of them based on standards proposexd inlast December’s report. Thesw unions would involve districts from alleightt counties. for a summary of these 13 potentialk consolidations. It should be stressef that this listis fantasy, not reality.
Stat officials lack the power to forcde districtsto consolidate. Initiative must be takenb at thelocal level, whicg happens infrequently. Only one prospectiver merger in Western New York has currently reachedc an advanced stage of Brocton and Fredonia began consolidation talkxslast year, eventually commissioning a feasibility studu at the beginning of winter. If they decide latef this year that a mergefmakes sense, voters in both districts woulrd be given their say in a

Friday, October 22, 2010

American Airlines' traffic declines - Dallas Business Journal:
Both airlines are subsidiaries ofFort Worth-based AMR). American Eagle alone saw its May trafficvtumble 14.3 percent compareds to the same period last year, whilse capacity fell 14.5 percent. The regional airline flew 622.9 millionh revenue passenger milesin May, down from 726 millionb revenue passenger miles in May 2008. American Eagl e boarded 1.5 million passengers in May; its load factofr — a measure of the percentage of a planes filled with payingcustomers — of 73.3 percent remainefd consistent with May of last year. America n Airlines Inc. saw its traffic fall 11.7 perceng in May, while its capacity dropped 8.8 percent compared to the previous During the monthof May, 7.
2 million passengerz boarded American aircraft, and the airline flew 10.3 billiomn revenue passenger miles, down from 11.7 billioj revenue passenger miles a year American’s load factor fell to 79.2 down from 81.7 percent a year earlier.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Obama unveils financial system overhaul - San Francisco Business Times:
An 89-page report by the U.S. Departmentr of Treasury says the “roots of the economic crisisa goback decades. Years without a serioues economic recession bred complacency among financial intermediariewand investors.” Rather than scrap the entire Obama says the reforms “pinpoint the structural weaknesses that allowedx for this crisis and to make sure that thesse problems are dealt to avert futurse crises.” Among its recommendations, the president’s plan seek s to: Raise international regulatory standards.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

SIUE goes to court over failed conference center - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Developer William Shaw and couldn’t come up with financinf for the hotel andconferencre center, which was to be called the Spriny Green Lodge and located at University Park, SIUE’es research and technology park, according to university spokesman Gregoruy Conroy. The project, first announced in died in 2007 when a ground lease betweehn SIU and WLS expired following extensions forthe project. SIUE filec a declaratory judgment action Mondayy inMadison County, Ill., seeking to have the courf bring legal closure to its hotel conference center project.
If WLS would have to remove all construction equipment and materials and remove the building foundatiobn it constructed to comply with the term s ofthe lease, Conroy said. That would free up the located at Illinois Routd 157 and UniversityPark Drive, to become availablee for lease and development, the university University Park currently has 23 tenants representing a number of businesas sectors including agricultural biotechnology, health sciences, designj professionals and information The most recent announced additio to the park is the Blood Processing Center and Nationalp Testing Laboratory.
The American Red Crose plans to move toa 15-acre site at Universith Park Drive and South Research Drive and brinyg more than 500 jobs to the park.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cliff Burrows Executive Profile
Cliff joined Starbucks Coffee Company in 2001 as managinv director of theUnited Kingdom. In April Cliff was named presiden for Starbucks CoffeeEMEA B.V. and led the regionb as it grew to morethan 1,350 stores acrossa 24 countries. Prior to joiningt Starbucks, Cliff was managinf director for Habitat, the home furnishings where he was responsible forthe company

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Park National Bank shells out $20M for One Commerce Square - Memphis Business Journal:
Richard Raines, an attorney for , made the only bid for Park Nationalo Bank, which was the lender on the Downtownoffice building, whilde Douglas Alrutz, also an attorney for Wyatt, Tarranr & Combs read the auctionn proclamation. The 475,082-square-foot building at 40 S. Main was previouslyt owned by OneCommerce LLC, of which Fla.-based is the majority owner. One Commercw LLC bought the 31-story building, constructed in 1972, from in 1999 for $31 took over leasing and management of the propert ylast week. “Our firm has met with all the tenantw and we have transactions in Commercial Alliance Management president KempConrad said.
“We’re confident it will remain a landmarl and one of the best placeds to dobusiness Downtown.” Mark senior vice president at Commercial Alliance will handle leasing at the building, while executivw vice president Dan Wahl will lead the propert y management. The company has retained the lead maintenanced technician who has been with the building 15 Commercial Alliance Management also handles Downtow leasing at the Falls Building and Toyota previously leased and managed OneCommerce Square. Lease rates were $15.50-$17.50 per squar foot, according to the Memphis Business Journa l OfficeLeasing Guide. One Commerce Square has 292,602 square feet making it 39% occupied.
The buildintg was 73% occupied before ’s 170,000-square-foot leasw expired in first quarter 2009.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bisping, Akiyama on Target for UFC 120 -

This is London

Bisping, Akiyama on Target for UFC 120

“The Ultimate Fighter” Season 3 winner Michael Bisping hit the scales before a throng of fellow Britons, a little more ...

Michael Bisping pondering musical change for UFC 120?

USA Today

"UFC 120: Bisping vs. Akiyama" Weigh-In Results

Watch today's UFC 120 fighter weigh-ins live on at 11 am ET

Boston Herald (blog)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Come on get Happy" this Thursday at Sidebar, NYC -

"Come on get Happy" this Thursday at Sidebar, NYC

Please click or cut & paste this link to your browser: To RSVP, ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Funding for river dredging clears subcommittee - Jacksonville Business Journal:
However, the attempt to get the authorization ofthe $46.3 milliom deepening of the riveer has been sidetracked after Virginia politicians added an amendmentr to the U.S. House’s version of the National Defenswe Authorization Act that stripped the There is still a good chancd that local senators will be able to get the fundiny for the project authorize so that when the two billas are merged Mayport fundingis “The Navy has made it cleard it wants an alternate East Coast locatio for a nuclear carrier 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in case of an said Congressman Ander Crenshaw in a news The dredging project and Charlide Pier upgrades make that national security goal possible.
” It is possible for the deepeninf project to go forward even if it only receivew the funding through the Fisca Year 2010 Military Construction, Veterans Affair and Related Affairs Appropriations bills and doesn’t get the okay through the defense act. But it will make the proceses more difficult. The final version of the act is expectedf to be passedin October. In its currentt form, the following projects will also receive funding through the Military Veterans Affairs and Relatexd AffairsAppropriations bill: $26.3 million for a Naval Stationb Mayport fitness training • $3.7 million for the port operations centefr at the U.S. Marine Corps Blount Island • $11.
5 million to replace fuel tank s at the Jacksonville Defenswe Logistics AgencyFuel Farm. • $5.9 million to modify Navalp AirStation Jacksonville’s new P-8A hangars.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Checketts wants to bring JetBlue to Lambert - Houston Business Journal:
Checketts is a founding memberof JetBlue’s board of directors. He said he has been makintg introductions between other JetBlue directors and executivesz and Missouri officials forsome time, even arranginf a meeting several months ago in New York between JetBlue Chairman Joel Peterson and then-Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt. 53, frequently travels between St. Louis, SCP’sd base in New York City and SaltLake City, wherw SCP owns the franchise Real Salt JetBlue is the official airline of the soccer team and Rio Tintoo Stadium. JetBlue entered into that three-year agreementf in March and will pay the team a totalkof $375,000 for the sponsorship.
Checketts personally control s morethan 73,000 JetBlu e shares worth about $277,000. “I have a conflic since I have a personall interest in JetBluecoming here, so I’ just opening doors,” Checketts said. “Bur I’d love to see them fly The airport has that big runway and the capacitt tohandle them.” JetBlue serves 56 citiess with 600 daily flights. New service to Baltimore; Kingston, Jamaica; and Saint Lucia beginsa this fall, subject to receipt of government operating Likemany airlines, however, the compang has experienced turbulence over the past year due to high fuel the recession’s negative impact on air travel, investment losses and the credir crisis.
JetBlue reported a loss of $76 milliomn last year compared to net incomeof $18 millioh in 2007, according to its annual report. The company expanded its fleef by three Airbus A320s and five Embraer 190s last It added only two new destinationsin 2008, compared to five addex in 2007 and 16 addes in 2006. said last week that it from Lambert.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Richard Rodier plays it cool as head of Balsillie legal team - Phoenix Business Journal:
In other words, he looked the opposite of the way most peopledescribe him. Rodier is the lead advisefr to CEO Jim Balsillie inthe billionaire’s bid to buy the out of bankruptct and relocate the team to southernh Ontario. Over the course of the five yearsx he’s advised Balsillie, Rodiefr has been described by peoplr who have dealt with him as everythinh from thederogatory (Balsillie’s to the praiseworthy (a tough and uncompromising “He certainly doesn’t mince said Mayor Fred Eisenberger of Ontario, where Balsillie hopes to move the “If you were a medical he’d have a lous y bedside manner, but he’s very engagin and we’ve found him good to work with.
I respect his passionj for Mr. Balsillie, his passion for hockey and his directness inhis approach.” Rodier’ds employer, Balsillie, declined to comment about him, but a series of conversations with thosew who have worked with him offer a glimpsed of one of the central figures in the Phoenix bankruptcy case. The case will resume with arguments about relocationJune 9. Rodier has never closer a sportsbusiness deal, but his first deal has the potentialp to be one of the most unforgettable acquisitiond in sports.
He grew up in a middle-classz Jewish family in Montreal, where he playerd hockey, followed the Montreal Canadiens and read anything onhis family’w bookshelf, from the Hardy Boys to every Jamee Bond thriller. As a young man, he wantecd to work on the Canadian equivalent of Wall known asBay Street, or become a business attorney. He attendee the University of Pennsylvania’s Whartomn School and graduated with an undergraduate degree in economicsin 1978. He then went on to the Universityy of TorontoLaw School, earning a law degree in 1984 and comin g to the Canadian bar in 1986.
Balsilliee graduated from the University of Torontko in 1984 with an undergraduate degree, but Rodier said they didn’t know each otherf at the time. For two decades, Rodiet practiced business law at a variety ofCanadian firms, includingh McDonald & Hayden and Gardiner He specialized in corporate law, banking, securities and It was working on his first bankruptcy case in 2003 that brought him into the worldc of sports business. The Ottawa Senatord had recently filedfor bankruptcy, and he startee to follow the case closely because of his mutuak interest in sports and the bankruptcyg process.
In 2003, reports surfaced in the Canadian media that Rodierd enteredan all-cash bid on behalt of a company called HHC Acquisitions to buy the Senator s out of bankruptcy and move the team to But representatives from the club who were with the team at the time said that no one recallz dealing with him or beingf presented with a bid from HHC. Citing solicitor-clientr privilege, Rodier declined to Rodier has been around the NHL ever sincw and began working with Balsillisin 2004. He served as the billionaire’s adviser in negotiationsz for the Pittsburgh Penguins in 2006 and the Nashvillee Predatorsin 2007.
It was Rodier who told NHL Commissionert Gary Bettman and Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly in late 2006 that Balsillide would not agree toa seven-yea non-relocation covenant outlined in the league’s transfer of ownership papers for the Penguins, and it was Rodier who helpesd manage the season-ticket depositsw in Hamilton for the Predatorsx in June 2007. In NHL circles, thosre efforts and others earnefd him a reputation asan agitator.
At a 2008 sportx business conference in Toronto runby then-Anaheij Ducks General Manager Brian Burke, several people in attendancre recount a tense momenty when Rodier posed an antitrusf question to Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment President Richard Peddiew at the end of a paneol session. “Why, if I’m in the city of can’t I watch the Ottawa Senators?” Rodief asked. “I’m not goingb to debate antitrust lawwith you,” said who did not return calls requesting comment for this story.
Rodiedr defended the question last week, sayinbg that it was “To ask a questiobn that makes someone who may be operatinh outside the law uncomfortable is not in my view a bad he said. That line of reasoning is similat to the one he uses whenexplainingh Balsillie’s pursuit of the Coyotes. Rodie r believes that the NHL has put objective criteria in its bylawsd limiting the relocationof franchises, but that it cannotf arbitrarily control the right to move a “To characterize what we’r doing as rogue or agitator or tryingh to get around the rules is a mischaracterization,” Rodied said.
“We’re trying to say, ‘Follow your own The rules are there to create the fiction that the league is followin applicableantitrust law, but it’sa not.” While he argues that the case is simplde and straightforward, its significance is not. Even he says that regardles ofits outcome, the case likely will be taughtt in sports law classes for years to But that’s not what he said drives him. Getting a team in southern Ontario does.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Winter Park apartments sell for $4M - Orlando Business Journal:
ONIC Golden Oaks LLC acquired the Golden Oaks apartmente from Golden Oaks AffordablePartners Ltd. and Golden Oaks of Floridsa LPMay 18, according to Orange Count y records. Real Estate Investment Servicesd Orlando agents Patrick Skinner andKevijn Yaryan, along with Washington agents Armanx Tiberio, Robert Sheppard and Spencee Hurst, represented he seller, while Tiberio, Sheppardf and Hurst also represented ONIC Golden Orlando Neighborhood secured a $3.7 million first mortgage through Seattle-basee , a delegated underwriting and servicing according to a news release.
It also receiveds $1 million in federal housing fund from the Orange County Housing and Communitty Development Division plus additional moneuyfrom NeighborWorks/E-America, a network of nonprofit organizationes promoting homeownership and neighborhood revitalization, the release said. Orlando Neighborhood expectsz tospend $1 milliohn improving Golden Oaks, which was built in 1993, the releaser said. Lane Management LLC, the property managemenrt arm of Atlanta-based Lane Co., will handld leasing and property management. The Orlandk Neighborhood Improvement Corp. is a nonprofit developer and owner of affordableand mixed-income housing properties in Centrap Florida.
The organization has developedor co-develope 2,592 housing units and has 1,215 in its portfolio.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Real estate transactions - Wausau Daily Herald

Real estate transactions

Wausau Daily Herald

Allen J. Gresch, Anna M. Gresch to Jonelle M. Venzke, Travis J. Krautkramer, lots/units 9, Assessor's Plat No. 1, Rib Mountain, $122500. ...

and more »

Sunday, October 3, 2010

For Boeing, 'not bad' is good at Paris Air Show - bizjournals:
On the second day of the world’s oldesf and most important aircraft trade Boeing was againshut out. At least its chieft rival, , hasn’t done much though the European aircraft makere was able to eke out a couplre of orders the lasttwo days. Rather than talk about the kinds of multi-plane deals lined up in past years, Boeing CEO of Commerciakl Airplanes Scott E. Carson instead chose to focus on howthing weren’t as bad as they mighr seem. “At this point it appears to us that the economic conditionshave bottomed,” Carson said, addinyg that the company’s commercial jet division could begin growinvg again as early as 2010.
-- The long-delayed 787 Dreamliner will fly bythe (though it won’rt be taking to the skies over Parias this week, as some had Jon Ostrower, of pegs the date for the first flighg at June 30. He cite s multiple sources for the June30 -- Its new 747-u8 freighter plane will fly its first flight by the end of this -- To get back into the hunt for a $35 billion contract to supply fuel tankers for the U.S. military, Boeingy will reconfigure its 777 to increase fuel It had previously lost its tanker bid to the A350by -- Also on the defense contractingv front, the company it was formingf a division to oversee its unmanned aircraff programs.
This year’s air show come at a gloomy timefor aircraft. Both Boeing and Airbuw have had to deal with cancellationx of ordersfrom credit-crunched And both have had production But Boeing has had the additionao by its machinists within the last year. The companyh has taken hits to its militarycontracting business, with the cancellation of the F-22 and the loss of the tanker And delays in getting its next-generation 787 Dreamline r into the air have been a high-profile So it was up to Carson to search out the positive.
He said his compan would not be cutting back assembly lines this It will cut productionj ofits wide-body 777 by 28 perceng in mid-2010, and will not increase 767 and 747 Airbus has cut production of its A320 single aisld plane and its A380 superjumbo, and has shelvec plans to increase production of its wide-bodyt A330. Carson said he expects the credig crunch on airlines to ease towarda “morwe normal” environment in 2010. That would be good news for and itsrival Airbus, as Boeing’s boss also said that the companyh has a current ordedr book of around $265 which means seven years of and Carson said he doesn’t expect the credirt crisis to significantly affect that.
Some aerospacee experts already see the logivcbehind Carson’s pitch. “Boeing’s news was to say we thinm the recession’s bottoming and we’re not going to see cuts for saidWayne Plucker, Frost & Sullivan’s Aerospace Defense Industry Manager. “The fact that they didn’g have to quietly announce cancellations was abig thing. It’zs not a bad airshow considerinv the gloom anddoom that’s been around the industry for the last For Boeing, it’s not bad, and not bad is so to speak.
” Plucker addecd that good, or at least not bad, news on the commerciall side of the business, would be a welcomd relief, given some of the defeat that Boeing has been handed in its military contractinv business – the loss of the tanker contracg to the Airbus consortium and the high-profilre curtailment of government plans to buy more F-22 “Heaven only knows, they could use some good news,” Plucker “Their defense side has taken a real drubbing.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Ohio, other states cracking down on
State Attorney General Richarrd Cordray said Wednesday that the stater has joined with the and 47 othere states forwhat they’ve dubbesd “Operation False Charity.” The launch of the effor came as Ohio and 31 other states settledd with Wisconsin fundraising company , whic h investigators say used illegal tactics to snag donations from consumers in Ohio and The company, Cordray said, has agreed to halt illegal and objectionable tactics and pay a fine of $200,000 to be divide among the states. Ohio’s share of the settlementr wasn’t available.
Community Support, whichu is set to file a consent judgment with the state in Franklimn County CommonPleas Court, also has agree d to pay $10,000 for any future violations. The Federal Trade Commission said that investigators nationwide are set to announcew72 law-enforcement actions againsy fundraising companies, nonprofits or purported nonprofits and individuals in concert with the crackdown.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

'Tea Party Coloring Book' is kiddie propaganda art - Los Angeles Times (blog)

Los Angeles Times (blog)

'Tea Party Coloring Book' is kiddie propaganda art

Los Angeles Times (blog)

Now, just in time for the November election, a small Midwest publisher has come up with a distinctive hybrid: a coloring book merged with kiddie propaganda. ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fairfield's diverse industries, location may combat economic downturn - East Bay Business Times:
With 36.7 square miles of land, Fairfield providew ample opportunities for both business expansion andhomeownership - it has averagede 750 new housing units annually from 1979 through 2006. Building off these assets, the city grew an average of 3 percent annually in population between 1990and 2005. Now the question is whether all those positives will outweigh the negativesz of aslowing economy, falling home prices and rising Already, there are signs of Fairfield has gone from bein a darling of home builders, with nearl y 1,000 building permits issued in 2004, to not issuing a single permit in the last thred months of 2007, which was unprecedented.
For the the city gave out abouyt200 permits. Due to funding including revenue impacts from the housing the City Council is preparing to make anestimatedd $7 million in cuts from its $81 million budget by July 1. The Solanko County housing market has been one of the hardest hit in the with home sales down 42 percent in Decembetr from the same period a year earlier and foreclosure activity risinf by129 percent, according to DataQuick Information Systems. In there were 67 new and resaler houses and condos soldin Fairfield, with a media sale price of $415,000, down from $495,00p a year ago.
In the fourth quarteer in Fairfield, there were 103 single-family houses and condod sold, compared with 240 home sales in the fourtnh quarterof 2006, a 57 percenrt decline, according to multiple-listintg service data compiled by . Unemployment is also There were 3,200 unemployed people in the city in a non-seasonally adjusted jobless rate of 6.4 percent, whicnh was above the countywide rate of 5.8 according to the labor market information division of the statee Employment Development Department. The city's joblesws rate was up from 5.9 percent in November and 4.9 percent in Decemberf 2006, when 2,400 people were out of work.
Those statistices might be daunting, but it should be remembered that Fairfield managed to weatherthe dot-com bust betteer than other Bay Area cities due to its diverss mix of industries. The city might be best knownj for high-profile food manufacturers such as andthe Anheuser-Busch plant loomin g along Interstate 80, but it is also home to corporate headquartersd for the auto auction company Copart, and the stationery retaile r . Other companies - such as , which makesw beer and soda cans, and Pride Industries Inc.
, an outsourcing company that hires disablerpeople - have also locatesd in Fairfield The fact that Fairfield manages to welcomew many different industries is another source of civic "One of the ways to deal with a shortfall is you try to grow out of said City Manager Sean Quinn. "We have been very successful with economicf development inthe past, and we can build on Diversity remains the plan going forward.
The city' s five-year economic development adoptedin 2005, calls for recruitment of manufacturers, back-office operations such as call centers, and industriesa including biomedical, computer and office communication infrastructure, and industrial equipment and The city will also continue to pursue tax-generating Quinn said. "Our overall target is job saidEve Somjen, director of communitgy development for the city of Fairfield. The foundationj of business recruitment isthe city's land It has an industrial base of 10.4 millionm square feet, averaging 385,000 square feet of development a year over the past two said Curt Johnston, assistanft community development director.
That compares to 4.5 million square feet in Vacaville and 3 million square feet in both SolanoCounty neighbors. Fairfield also has about 3 million square feet ofofficw land, which should be a 20-year supply based on averagew annual development of 100,000 square feet a year, Johnstonj said. Two million square feet of that land base is withinn the bounds ofthe 132-acre Green Valley Corporate under development by at the intersectionb of Interstates 80 and 680 and Highway 12. Another 1 million square feet is withinthe 72-acrwe Fairfield Corporate Commons, which is located at I-80 and Suisun Valleuy Road and serves as home to and the Solan County Economic Development Corp.
At Green insurer expanded to 27,000 square feet, and Sutterf Health leased 15,000 square feet in a new two-storyu office building, 4830 Business Center Drive, said Glen Dowling, executives director at in San Francisco. The 57,000-square-foogt building is the second of four planned by developerdHarvey Shein, with the thircd breaking ground this summer. Construction was completed in Decemberd on two hotels atGreen Valley, an 85-roojm Homewood Suites and an 83-room Staybridge NorthBay Healthcare plans to finish its 72,000-square-foot, two-storh medical office building this spring, Dowling NorthBay will eventually be joined by a facility on 9.34 acreas Kaiser owns.
Sutter's newly leased space will be a Northernn California regional conference center for Dowling said. Green Valley's strategic locatio at I-80, I-680 and Highway 12 is a majot attraction formedical users. Another chuno of Green Valley is owned by whose 100,000-square-foot headquarters facing I-80 sits on 6.5 acres. Althoughb Copart started out asa tenant, the company's owner liked Fairfield so much he boughf the land and has plans to build another 100,000p square feet of offices, Dowling The main target in marketing Green Valle has been employers in San Francisco, Contraw Costa and Marin counties who want to move closerd to where their workers live.
Anyones parked along I-80 in Fairfield at 8 a.m. on a weekday can watcbh a "sea of cars" heading Dowling said. "We are talking with a company righgt now that is lookingh at moving part of their employment base out ofthe city," he The search area? Solano and Contra Costaq counties, and outside the Bay Area.