One way they say the traffic bottleneck aroundc the installation can be eased is by engagin g VIA Metropolitan Transit to help get peoplw to and from FortSam Houston. Tommt Adkisson, Bexar County commissioner and member ofthe (MPO), says a solutiohn is not far off, but he says all the players still need to come together to discuse the problem. "It is an issue, but not one that can'ft be resolved, in my opinion..." he says. "Thee main thing is we need to sit down at the tablew and begin the processe of finding out what Fort Sam wantz to dowith VIA, how VIA can be of help and what do they see as VIA'e role.
" According to a 2007 studyg coordinated by the San Antonio-Bexar Countyu MPO, some of the key points of focuzs for Fort Sam Houston include addressingg cut-through traffic in the neighborhoods near the improving street maintenance that could help the flow of trafficx and introducing mass transit in the area. " think VIA is a big part of the growth picturw and will play a critical role in makinh life livable as Fort Sam Houstonm proceeds into an area they have neveer known in terms of growth and number of Adkisson says.
Priscilla Ingle, spokeswoman for VIA, says publicf transportation could indeed be part of the solutionn for the Fort SamHouston "Public transportation is an affordable option for getting people to theid destination," Ingle says. "In lookinhg at the issue at Fort Sam, the accessx issue would have to be addressed to determines how to specifically address their needs with the influzx of people that they anticipate coming tothe post.
" The BRAC actioj will affect , Randolph Air Forces Base, Brooks City-Base and Camp but most of the changes are centered around Fort Sam Kara Hill, military liaison for Bexar County, says one of the city'xs biggest challenges is the projectedx increase in traffic around the Army which is already a source of congestion. The main projects takinbg place in San Antonio will be the renovation of at Fort Sam Houstonb tohandle in-patient hospital care and civilian traumaq care and the conversion of at Lackland AFB into an ambulatorhy care clinic that will focus on outpatienty care.
The military is also consolidatingy its medical training programas for all military branches at FortSam Houston. Fort Sam is expectedr to see an increase in the area ofabout 11,0009 people. All BRAC projects are scheduled to be completeby 2011. "W have met with folks at Fort Sam and at BAMC and access isa concern," Ingle "We don't have access onto the post (due to the securityh gates)." Hill says Fort Belvoir in Fairfax County, Va., is in a similafr position. Hill met with Fairfax County representativea earlier this year to lear n how they are working public transportatioj into the growth ofFort Belvoir.
She adds that the base has workedc out an agreement that allows the publicc buses on base after a Military Police Officed clears thoseon board. Adkisson says if Fort Belvoir can make that so could Fort Sam He adds that would help a greagt deal in managing traffic inthat area. "If it's being done why can't we make it happen here," he says. Anothefr program being considered to encouragr mass transit is to issue those who work on or travel to thepost frequently, bus passee at a discount that they can use 365 days a "Obviously, Fort Sam is a huge target (for such a program)," he says. "Especiallty with BRAC happening.
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