Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Schwan Food reorganizes, cuts jobs - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:

The Marshall-based foods company said that it undertook the move in an effortf to reorganize its homedelivery division, and cite d "challenging economic conditions" as the driving force behind the The company will lay off 30 workerx in Marshall, who work in its home servicr division. Positions cut were in the areas of marketing, finance, operations, strategic planning and development. Around the country, 307 positionsz were eliminated at varioue sales anddistribution centers; the company also expandedd the responsibilities of its general managers.
The company said that as part of therestructuringy effort, it would create about 123 new positions nationwide, eight of them in Employees affected by the cuts were notified They will have the opportunity to applg for the new positions. The company is also looking to fill 50 manufacturin positionsin Marshall. Recently, the Business Journao reported that the company would inSouth Carolina, layinbg off 525 workers.

1 comment:

  1. This article is false in that it pulled an article more than two years old from the Business Journal and reposted it as a new story. Is anyone even monitoring this site?
