Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Franchot: Financial questions on State Center project will require vigilance - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Franchot, who joined Gov. Martin O’Malley and Treasurefr Nancy Kopp onthe state’s Board of Publiv Works in voting for the $1.4 billio State Center redevelopment project Wednesday afternoon, said he does not know enoughj about the project’s costs to the state or whethert the project is even practical given the nationwide creditr crunch. “I believe the project has a lot of promisr and is deserving of Franchot said in a telephoneinterview “I voted for it, but am goingh to continue to be vigilant abouyt the fiscal exposure to the state.
” The deal involves the statse leasing its midtown Baltimore office complex to a private developmeng team, which would then redevelop the property into a mix of shops and homes. The state would then lease back a majority ofthe project’s 2 million square feet of office space for use by its varioud state agencies. But the terms of the deal have not been hammerexout yet, as Franchot and the Boarr of Public Works voted Wednesday only on a mastert development agreement.
With that agreement in place, the developmenrt team will now create designs for its planned buildingsz and come back to the state for approval on morespecifixc designs, costs, and lease The development team, which includes nationao housing deveoper McCormack, Baron & would borrow $888 million to financw its work, according to the Departmeny of Legislative Services. The stater would issue another $338 millionj in debt. State and federal tax credit programx would pick upanother $234 million in project with the remainder of the project’s costse being contributed directly by the developers or othe r investors.
Franchot said that scenario raisesseveral concerns, including the ability for the stater or the developers to borrow monet in the midst of the nationwidw credit crunch. He said he’s also concerned abouf the state’s ability to negotiats fair lease terms with the developers givenm they would both be heavily investef in making sure the projecfis successful. “The problem is that the credit marketxs arebone dry,” Franchot said. “Obviously this is a long-terj project, but I’m not confident that the privat sector will finance this in a way that the state canaffordd it.
” In addition, Franchort said he isn’t sure why the state woul make the project a priority above other pressing needse such as new college dormitories or other state-funderd construction projects.

Monday, February 27, 2012

DynCorp lands $915M aviation contract - Charlotte Business Journal:
Falls Church-based DynCorp (NYSE: DCP) will providee the Department of Statd with aviation and aviation support service in Iraq under the terms of the deal which has one base year andfour one-yeadr options. If all options are exercised the totapl value of the projectis $915 million. DynCor reported $813 million in its latest quarter. “Thisd award is a tremendously important opportunit y for DynCorp International to supporft the safety and securityof U.S. diplomatidc personnel serving in Iraq,” said DynCorp CEO Williamk L. Ballhaus.
“It’s an honot to contribute to our government’sx efforts to promote peace and stabilityin Iraq, for us as a companhy and for every person who serves with DynCorp said the award, to provide personnel, grounf and flight operations, as well as basing and maintenancwe of rotary wing and fixed air assets, began with a transitiomn period June 15, 2009 and will reach full operationj on September 4, 2009.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

St. David
The foundation identified mental health as a key focua areain 2006. Since more than $7 million has been invested to support mentalk health and behavioral services inCentral Texas. “Over the past four we have awarded mental health grantes inour community...and we are starting to see significant results,” said foundation CEO Earl Maxwell. As part of its efforg to improve mentalhealth services, the foundatiojn commissioned Toni Watt, a sociologisg at Texas State University, to conducty a three-year study of two integrated behaviorak health programs, one at People’s Community Clinicf and one at Lone Star Circle of “The report concludes there has been a reduction in depressiobn scores in both programs,” a release said.
And “as reduction in emergency room use by patient enrolled in one ofthe programs, and cost-savings to one of the clinicd as soon as one year after implementation.” In additiomn to mental health grants, the foundationh is doling out $200,250 in communitg grants to three area nonprofits that provide healthy liviny services. The foundation awards grants twicseeach year. Its mental health and healthy living grants are announcedin June, and its physical health and service for older adults grants are announcedr in December.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Idea Integration to offer Microsoft stimulus package - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Idea Integration is one of six companies inthe U.S. chosen by to offer Microsoft Stimulus360. “They’ve cobbled togethere a lot of Microsoft technology as a solution that can drop into a systemn and immediately track stimulus dollars and applhy forstimulus dollars,” said Sandy Bateh, a seniod vice president at Idea Integration and the company’s Microsoftf alliance manager. The package is aimed at state and localk governments trying to get theit share of the stimulus money and to trackits use.
Idea Integratiom and the other five companies offering the package were chosem because of their familiarity with all of the applications inthe “You have to understansd the five underlying pieces of the Bateh said. Idea Integration will be competingg with the other five companies for government clients. Bateh said the most promising sector is local since most of the stimulus moneyt ultimately gets spent at that Bateh said the alliance with Microsoftg gives Idea Integration a chance to landnew “It’s a great opportunity for companies like us becausr it gives another entry, it’s a he said.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Kitsap County: Retail, health care industries thrive in Gig Harbor - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
But when the new Tacoma Narrows toll bridgwe openedlast year, easing traffid and long wait times, it also startede costing Gig Harbor locals $3 to drive east. This the toll increased to $4. Add the cost of gas these days and, Gig Harbor retail developer JohnHogan said, it just makews more sense to shop at home. “If you need a $40 pair of shoe for your kid, plan on an extrq $10 for gas and the (bridge) toll to shop in Hogan and other developers are giving Gig Harborr residents midprice retail optionx sothey don’t have to leavw the community to find what they Retail now joins health care among busineszs sectors in growth mode in Gig Harbor.
Fuelinf the health care secto r is advance planning for futurepopulation growth. , whic already has a presence inGig Harbor, with 115 employeez providing a wide variety of medical services, is building a new $150 milliob . When it openx in February next year, it will brinh 450 new jobs and becomethe area’s biggesty employer. St. Anthony Hospital is only the second facility of its kind approved for constructiom by the state sincethe mid-1980s. Other medical sector organizationws in Gig Harbor are outpatient servicees fromand Metagenics, a medical nutrition technology company.
“We believe we could develop into a medicaklfield hub,” said Warren Zimmerman, executive director of the Gig Harbo r Chamber of Commerce. Meanwhile, the momentuk for bringing in new local retail optionsis strong, despite tough times in the industry Uptown Gig Harbor is a newly open retailo development by Hogan, who is managing partnerd for Gateway Capital. Redeveloped from an old motel ithas 150,000 square feet of space, 85 perceny of which is leased, he Tenants he’s brought in include Ben Jerry’s, Ann Taylor Loft, Borders, Galaxy Theatres, Jamba Juice, Panera Bread, Coldwater Posh Paw, Adam and Eve Clothinyg Co., Massage Envy, J.
Jill, AT&T, Cutter’s Point coffee house, Fondi girls’ fashion and accessory store wine bar and restaurant Sip, SQ Décor and a nail parlor. Hogan is confident he can fully leaswe the shopping development bynext spring. He’s targetiny kitchenware specialty store Sur La Tabl and housewares retailer Pottery Barn aspotential tenants. “We’rd not going after luxury brand like Cartieror Coach,” said Hogan. “And we’re staying out of discounty retail. We’re trying to mix apparel and entertainment.
” Gig Harbo is a tough place for a developerthat doesn’ t own land in the area, said because of what he sees as “high barrierd to entry.” “Gig Harbor has a real stronhg hold on growth,” he noting developers must provide off-site traffivc mitigation and follow expensive buildiny development codes. “It only pencils out for a long-terjm (land) holder because it’s prettyh hard to flip.” Hogan is a locao whose two family-owned groceryh stores were bought out by Safewayin 1995. His seconx cousin is trying to redevelop an old Ford and Chevrolet dealership intoretail space.
John Caldwell, senior project managet of developer , said 55,009 square feet of retail development has begun in frong of the Costco store in Gig Harbor Leasing activity isunder way. His grouo is also seeking a buyer to developoan 11-acre site for retaill across the street from Costco, but “The current retail marker has slowed that project Nevertheless, plenty of big box retailers have alreadyy sprung up in the area along with Costco in recenft years. They include Home Depot, and Office Depot.
And a YMCA facility opened not quitre a year ago And incoming Caldwell’s company plans to develolp 200 acres of land it holds into about 750 Buyers of those homes, he said, will providee more business for local retailers.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tommy Biffle Q&A: Bass fisherman shares thoughts on Biffle Bug, Alabama rig -

Louisiana Sportsman

Tommy Biffle Q&A: Bass fisherman shares thoughts on Biffle Bug, Alabama rig

Wagoner bass angler Tommy Biffle has won more than any other Oklahoma bass angler. He says he's expecting a good Bassmaster Classic on Grand Lake in 2013. Tommy Biffle has won more money than any other Oklahoma bass angler. The Wagoner veteran's career ...

Elias to be inducted into Bass Fishing H »

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Two-game losing streak not dimming Matheny's positive outlook - The Pendulum

Two-game losing streak not dimming Matheny's positive outlook

The Pendulum

by Zachary Horner Sophomore forward Lucas Troutman and the Phoenix sit second in the Southern Conference's North Division at 8-6 in conference play. File photo by Al Drago, Staff Photographer. Even though his team has lost two games in a row after an ...

and more »

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

D.C. narrows list of developers for Stevens Elementary School - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Neil Albert, the former deputy mayor for planninfg and economic development and new city announced Monday that his staff had eliminated six of the nine original A team made upof Chicago-bassed and the , baseds in D.C. Moddie Turay Company LLC, base in D.C. and founded by former Mayod Anthony Williams' special assistant Moddis Turray. Opus East was originally listed as a Turrayg partner by thedeputy mayor'sa office but is not included in its list of A partnership led by Peebles Development LLC, a likelyh outgrowth of the Peebles Corp., a Corall Gables, Fla.-based firm led by D.C. native R. Donahude Peebles. Peebles is teamed with the Walker Group.
Accordinfg to a press release from Albert, the proposals offer "various combinations of new housing, office hotels and neighborhood-serving Among those eliminated are teamss ledby Akridge, Cafritz Interests and the Capitol Hill Business Improvement District, which proposed usint the site to train and house homelesz adults. The finalists will present their plans at a communitt meetingJune 11, the day afterf a planned community meeting for finaol developers interested in Hine Jr.
High School to Albert, who began as city administrator this announced in April the city had receivex bids for all 11 vacant schools the city has put onthe

Sunday, February 12, 2012

KU names 17th chancellor - Wichita Business Journal:
She becomes KU’s firstt woman chancellor. Gray-Little is a former psychology professor who served as dean of the Collegw of Arts and Sciencesx atthe . Gray-Little replaces Robert who is leaving his post to teachhand research. in Topeka. Gray-Little will begin her chancellorshipon Aug. 15. “Shew rose to the top of an exceptionally talented and competitive poolof applicants,” said Dona Shank, chaifr of the board, in a statement. “Dr.
Gray- Little’ws outstanding record of academic excellence and impressive administrative leadership throughout her notable along with her inspiring enthusiasm and make it clear that sheis ideally-suited to propel KU to even loftiert heights.” Gray-Little will leave her post as the executive vice chancellor and provostr at UNC, a positions she’s held since 2006. She earne her doctorate and master’s degrees from and received a bachelor’a degree from in Pennsylvania. Gray-Little will be formallhy introduced to KU and the Lawrencecommunitt Saturday.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hockey-Teams leiden unter Endspielfluch - Welt Online

Deutschland Today

Hockey-Teams leiden unter Endspielfluch

Welt Online

Doch dieses Risiko zahlte sich nicht aus, die Kölnerinnen ließen kaum noch Chancen zu und erhielten unmittelbar vor dem Abpfiff selbst eine Strafecke, die Pia Grambusch zum 8:6-Endstand verwandelte. Alster hatte sich im Halbfinale am Sonnabend mit 10:5 ...

Kölner Hockey-D amen deutsche H »

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Gateway to sell professional business unit to MPC Corp. - Dallas Business Journal:
MPC will also acquire the partof Gateway's Consumer Direct unit that targets businesse with less than 100 employees, accordint to a release. Gateway will receive a 19.9 percent equityt stake in MPC Corp. (AMEX: MPZ) when the deal closes, and and MPC will take responsibility for all operations andwarrantyt support, estimated at abougt $60 million, associated with the Gatewag unit, according to a release. The deal is expected to close early in thefourth quarter. The deal includews Gateway's Nashville,Tenn.
-based configuration center, the companh said in a Gateway will also investabout $10 million in MPC in the form of a note of issuancse tied to excess inventory at the Nashville according to a release. A majority of Gateway's professional business segment employees will join MPC and continud to work out ofthe unit's Nortb Sioux City, S.D. facilty. The unit targets government agenices and educational Itgenerated $75 million in gross margi n dollars in the last four quarters, according to a release. Gatewayy agreed to for about $710 million. Irvine-basedc Gateway (NYSE: GTW) is the thirdc largest PC company inthe U.S.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Brywood Centre construction will start later in the summer - Nashville Business Journal:
The approved Tri-Land’s plan to redevelop the at 63rd Streetg and Blue Ridge Cutofflast month. The approvef $5.6 million in TIF reimbursements forthe $30.7u million project in June 2008. Tri-Land is basedf in Westchester, Ill. “We are very excitedx to be moving forward with thisredevelopment Tri-Land Executive Vice President Hugh Robinson said in a “We have had a great relationship with the city and the two districtf council members, Terry Riley and Cindh Circo, throughout this process. We look forward to deliverinf a renewed, high-quality projecft to this great community.
” Redevelopment of the 183,000-square-foot centefr will include a new facade, updated signage and landscaping upgrades, expansion of a Price Choppetr supermarket that anchors the center andincreasex pad-site availability along 63rd Street. Tri-Land also hopes to announce a new anchor tenant soon forthe 37-year-old Tri-Land owns and manages more than 2.8 milliob square feet of retail space in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantiv and Southeast regions of the country. It specializez in acquiring and revitalizing distressed and undervalueed community centers rangingfrom 100,000 square feet to 750,00p square feet.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Senators skeptical about expanding Federal Reserve
The leaders of the Senater Banking Committee agreed that regulatory reformswere needed, but they were skepticaol about giving the additionalo powers. Under the administration’s the Federal Reserve would be given the responsibilitt tosupervise “the largest, most complex and interconnected institutions” and be “thes first responder in a financiakl emergency,” Geithner said. Sen.
Chris Dodd, who chairs the Senatee Banking Committee, questioned why the Fed should be givenh more power when many experta question its track record on its current Its proposed new role as the regulator of systemicx risk also could conflict with its primary role of settingmonetarg policy, he said. Sen. Richard Shelby, said it was unrealistic to expect the Fed to handle so many and that its structure is not suitex for the role of a systemicfrisk regulator. Plus, he Congress has not spent enough time discussingg the concept of systemic risk andhow -- or if -- it can be Geithner said he saw no conflict between regulating systemid risk and setting monetary policy.
The additional authority that would be given the Fedis “quite modest, and builds on their existing to supervise financial he said. The administration’sz plan would transfer the Federall Reserve’s consumer protection responsibilities to a new which would take away some authority andremove “wa distraction” from the Fed. “I wish consumer protection had been more of a distraction at the Dodd responded. Dodd strongly supportede the administration’s proposal to creatse a Consumer FinancialProtection Agency.
This new regulatore would look out for the interests of consumers of financia l products and writerules that, in Geithner’ s words, “promote transparency, simplicity and fairness.” Existinyg regulators “turned a blind eye” to the subprim mortgages and that caused the financiaol crisis, Dodd said. “It was regulatoryg neglect that allowed the crisis to he said. “Let’s put a cop on the beat so thisspectaculad failure” is never repeatesd again. Critics of this proposal contend it would needlessl y add another layer of governmeng regulation and could stifle innovation in thefinanciapl sector.
Dodd, however, showec little patience for objections from the financia l industry on the The people who createdsthe nation’s economic crisis are arguinbg that consumers shouldn’t be protected, he contended. “Whayt planet are you living he said.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dean Foods Announces Agreement to Acquire Vandemoortele Group's Alpro Division
Belgium's largest privately-held food company. The transaction's pric is approximately euro 325 It is expected to be completed in thethirxd quarter. With its Alpro(R) soya and brands, Alpro is the Europeanm leader inbranded soy-based beverage and food producte with net sales of approximately euro 260 millionh in 2008. Alpro has five manufacturing sites in theUnited Kingdom, France and the and employs approximately 750 people. "We think this is a great deal that establishew Dean Foods as a clear global leader in the attractive soy beverages and relatedproducts category, with over $1 billion in combined annuaol retail sales," said , Dean Foods Chairmanb and CEO.
"This is one of the most strategic asseta we couldhave acquired. We see significant opportunities to leverage the collective strengths of both businessez across a global soy platform toaccelerate growth. , CEO and President of Dean Foods' WhiteWave-Morningstard division. Alpro will be run as a separat eEuropean business. "We are confident that this is awinning acquisition," Scalzo said. "We fundamentally believe that the soy marketf is an emerging category with potential to bringb more nutritious soy products to more people in more placess aroundthe world." "We look forward to beingh part of Dean Foods, a strong organizatiobn that shares our passion for brands," Deryckerd said.
"With our successful European market strategy, compatibld values and great staff, we can buildr a strong future as part ofDean Foods. " Alpro has two leading European soy-producgt brands: Alpro, targeting the retail and out-of-home and Provamel, targeting the specializer health store channel withorganic products. The transaction price of approximately euro 325 million is being financef underDean Foods' existing revolving credit facilityy and is expected to be modestly accretive to 2009 earnings, excludin transaction-related costs. Dean Foods remains committefd to deleveraging its balance sheer tobelow 3.5x funded debt to EBITDA, as defines by its bank agreement.
Inclusive of the EBITDA and debt impacta ofthis transaction, the Compan continues to expect to achieve that goal and will not raise additiona equity as a result of this transaction. A conference call to discuss today's announcement will be held at 9:00 a.m. ET To access the investors shoulddial 888-224-105i8 (+ 1 913-312-0689 international), and entet pass code 1843553. The call may also be heard live by visiting the "Webcast" section of the Company'se site at . There will be a slides presentation along with theconference call. Dean Foods is one of the leadingt food and beverage companieds in theUnited States.
The Company's Fresy Dairy Direct business is the largest processoer and distributor of milk and othere dairy products inthe country. The WhiteWave-Morningstar businessa produces and sells a variety of nationalltybranded soy, dairy and dairy-related Popular brands include: Silk(R) soymilk, Horizojn Organic(R) milk and dairy International Delight(R) coffee creamers, and LAND creamers. Additionally, the WhiteWave-Morningstat segment produces and sells private label culturerd and extended shelf life dairy products through theMorningstar platform.
The Vandemoortelr Group is a leading European food The Group has recently decided to focuw on itstwo business-to-business activities Bakery and Lipids. In Bakery, the companty produces a wide range ofbread products, American products and patisserie for professional users in the bakeryh and foodservice channels as well as for who appreciate the quality and convenience of Vandemoortele's In Lipids, the company targets both the professionalk users with a broad portfolio of productsx that combine processability, taste and and the retailers with private label margarines and frying fats.
In Vandemoortele markets a number ofstrong margarine, oils and dressingg brands in Belgium such as Alpro(R) soya and Vitelma(R). The Vandemoortele Group expectsx to realize in 2009 a turnover ofeuro 1.1 billionh in its Bakery and Lipidsw activities, with 4,800 peopler in 12 European countries. The Group'sa Headquarters are located in Gent, Belgium. Alprok is the European pioneerin soy-based For more than 25 Alpro has been championing health & wellness and a more sustainabls way of producing tasty products that conserve the soy beanss unique nutritional value.
Today, Alpro is the pan-European market leader in brandexd soy food products with the brandsAlpro (R) and Alpro employs approximately 750 staff and has a turnovef of some euro 260 million. Alpro has five state-of-the-arrt manufacturing sites in Belgium, the United France and the Netherlands. The parties have committed to an agreement toacquire Alpro, a division of subject to customary worksz council procedures. Completion of the transaction is subject to customargyclosing conditions. Some of the statements in this press releaseare "forward-looking" and are made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the Privatee Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Thesd "forward-looking" statements include statementssrelating to, among other things, projected saleds (including for individual segments, for specific product linesz and for the company as a profit margins, net income and earningxs per share accretion, debt covenant growth strategy including acquisitions, branding integration, innovation, and research and development plans, completioj of announced acquisition and acquisition synergies, and cost-savings initiatives. Thesew statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause resultd to differ materially from the statements set forth in thispresse release.
The Company's ability to meet targeter financial andoperating results, includingy targeted sales, operating income, net income, debt covenanty compliance, accretion and earnings per share depends on a varietyu of economic, competitive and governmental including raw material availability and costs, the demand for the Company's and the Company's ability to access capital undet its credit facilities or many of which are beyondc the Company's control and whic are described in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company's ability to profit from its brandint initiatives depends on a number of factors including consumerr acceptance ofthe Company'sa products.
The forward-looking statements in this press release speal only as of the date of this The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisionsz to such statements to reflect any changse in its expectations with regard thereto or any changes in the conditions or circumstances on which any such statemenyis based. CONTACT Corporate Communications: Dean Foods - Margueritew Copel, +1-214-721-1273; APCO Worldwide - Maureenj Dempsey, +1-212-300-1806 Investor Relations: Dean Foods - Barrh Sievert, +1-214-303-3438