Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Merck & Co. settles Vioxx case for $58M - Washington Business Journal:

Vioxx was pulled from the market in 2004 aftee studieslinked long-term use to increased heart attacmk or stroke risk. Merck (NYSE: MRK) of Whitehouse N.J., is not admitting to any wrongdoing as part of the The company's executive vice president and general Bruce Kuhlik, said the "agreement enables Merck to put this matter behinxd us and focus on what Merck does best, developing new Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler allege that Merck violated the Consumer Protection Act by failin to inform consumers that the use of Vioxc could cause serious cardiovascular side effects. Mercm denied that allegation.
"Consumers have a righyt to know about the side effects that their medicationscan cause," Ganslert said in a statement. "This judgmenty will help ensure that Merck provides that information to consumers in the In addition tothe payment, Mercok agreed to no longer engage in positive articles about its products that appear in medical refrain from using scientific data deceptively when marketin g to doctors, delay any direct-to-consumer television advertisinb for a pain medication if recommende by the FDA, submit all TV advertising campaignx to the FDA before release for and adhere to any FDA recommendations.
The settlement includesd Arkansas, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsib and the District of Columbia. Merck said Tuesdayt that it tooka $55 million pretaxd charge in the first quartef "in anticipation of this settlement." Merck has also allocates $4.5 billion to settle the tens of thousands of private lawsuits filed against the companyh by people who used the drug.

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