Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pension row strike disruption for Edinburgh and east - BBC News

BBC News

Pension row strike disruption for Edinburgh and east

BBC News

Thousands of public sector workers across Edinburgh, the Lothians and Fife have gone on strike as part of a dispute over changes to pensions. They are among 300000 workers taking part in industrial action in the UK. Thousands of protesters took part in ...

50000 estima ted to strike in Edinburgh and the Lothians

STV Local

Edinburgh November 30th Strike Live


Monday, November 28, 2011

Academic Team honoree: Meredith Stone - Business First of Buffalo:
Accomplishments: National Merit Scholarship finalist. SAT scores of 1,570. Perfect score on three Regente exams. AP Scholar Award (with Science Award. President of Quiz Bowl. Full Meredith Laura Stone. Born: Octobefr 9, 1991, Buffalo. Parents: Eileebn Stone, Jeffrey Stone. Residence: Grandf Island. Favorite class: European History (Donna “Mrs. Seymour tied together overwhelming amounts of informatiobn and made itall interesting. Hers was my firs t AP class, and I believe that it pushed me, and I grew as a College and likely major: , biology. Hope to be doing 10 years from now: “ I hope to be workin g at as a researcher, and raising a familyh in the Buffalo area.
” If could meet anyonre from history: Queen Elizabeth I. “I would like to know how she dealyt with the pressures that came with being a womanhin power.” If could have dinnet with anyone now alive: Anna Quindlen. “She is a thoughtful and interestinyg person. I love reading her columns, and I thinkk that she would have a uniqu e perspective on the issues of the to proceed to the next First Team Mary Stottele.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

BC's Extra Points: Where could NU go bowling? -

BC's Extra Points: Where could NU go bowling?

Nebraska running back Rex Burkhead carries in first-quarter action at Memorial Stadium, Friday, Nov. 25, 2011. (JACOB HANNAH/Lincoln Journal Star) GOING BOWLING: Nebraska's bowl situation seemingly isn't that complicated after Friday's win. ...

and more »

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Niemi leads Sharks past Blackhawks, 1-0 - Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune

Niemi leads Sharks past Blackhawks, 1-0

Chicago Tribune

Niemi was tested often as San Jose was sluggish at the start and also helped kill off a power play late in the third period with a toe save against Jonathan Toews to give the Sharks their fourth straight win and sixth in the past seven games. ...

San Jose Sharks def eat Chicago 1-0

San Jose Mercury News


Monday, November 21, 2011

New sports car company opens headquarters in Pompano - South Florida Business Journal:
Two South African entrepreneurs have openedx the first and only dealership of Rossio n Automotive in the former warehousein Pompano. Rossio n has been touted in the industry as one ofthe world’ws most exciting new car companies. Reviews by some auto magazinesw already dubbed the Rossion Q1an “excellent (Auto Aficionado) or “a sultrgy beauty” (Luxury Auto Direct). The car has noblew lineage, literally. Owners Ian Grunes and Dean Roseh bought the rights to the previousNoblew M400, a British supercar, after Nobler announced plans to develop a new At a retail price of $100,000, the car is beint positioned to compete as an American alternative to Ferrarii and Lotus.
“We want to brand this as an Americanb car, and we wanted to be from Soutbh Florida,” Grunes said. “The goal is to slowly take this into the globall market and turn it into arecognizablw brand.”

Saturday, November 19, 2011

LeSean McCoy, Osi Umenyiora to meet on the field - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

LeSean McCoy, Osi Umenyiora to meet on the field

Los Angeles Times

Eagles running back LeSean McCoy (25) will go against the Giants at defensive lineman Osi Umenyiora on Sunday. (Photos by US Presswire and Getty Images) By Sam Farmer OK, so the exchange Sunday between Philadelphia running back LeSean McCoy and New ...

Umenyiora looking forward to meeting with McCoy (blog)

Osi won't forgive McCoy

Philadelphia Inquirer (blog)

NY Giants DE Osi Umenyiora says LeSean McCoy's criticism during contract ...

New York Daily News

ESPN (blog) -The Star-Ledger - -Bleacher Report


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Latest Starbucks Concoction: Juice - Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Latest Starbucks Concoction: Juice

Wall Street Journal

Starbucks Corp., known for its ubiquitous cafes, is looking to a new source for growth: juice bars. The coffee chain is buying a small, upscale juice maker Evolution Fresh Inc. for $30 millionĂ¢€"a deal that pushes Starbucks well beyond ...

and more »

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Merck & Co. settles Vioxx case for $58M - Washington Business Journal:
Vioxx was pulled from the market in 2004 aftee studieslinked long-term use to increased heart attacmk or stroke risk. Merck (NYSE: MRK) of Whitehouse N.J., is not admitting to any wrongdoing as part of the The company's executive vice president and general Bruce Kuhlik, said the "agreement enables Merck to put this matter behinxd us and focus on what Merck does best, developing new Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler allege that Merck violated the Consumer Protection Act by failin to inform consumers that the use of Vioxc could cause serious cardiovascular side effects. Mercm denied that allegation.
"Consumers have a righyt to know about the side effects that their medicationscan cause," Ganslert said in a statement. "This judgmenty will help ensure that Merck provides that information to consumers in the In addition tothe payment, Mercok agreed to no longer engage in positive articles about its products that appear in medical refrain from using scientific data deceptively when marketin g to doctors, delay any direct-to-consumer television advertisinb for a pain medication if recommende by the FDA, submit all TV advertising campaignx to the FDA before release for and adhere to any FDA recommendations.
The settlement includesd Arkansas, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsib and the District of Columbia. Merck said Tuesdayt that it tooka $55 million pretaxd charge in the first quartef "in anticipation of this settlement." Merck has also allocates $4.5 billion to settle the tens of thousands of private lawsuits filed against the companyh by people who used the drug.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rosamund Hanson is one of best things about Life's Too Short - Sunday Mercury


Rosamund Hanson is one of best things about Life's Too Short

Sunday Mercury

Actress Rosamund Hanson was great as Smell in This Is England and shines here. With her deadpan delivery, she tells us that her dream is to make sure that the people who go to the moon aren't pretending. Well, someone's got to do it.

Life 's Too Short's Rosamund Hanson: Ricky Gervais had me in stitches


Life's Too Short - Too Short On Plot

TV Pixie


Friday, November 11, 2011

Lifestyles: Living with leukemia - Beartooth NBC

Lifestyles: Living with leukemia

Beartooth NBC

In this week's Lifestyle's Report, Beartooth NBC's Jess Armstrong speaks with her father about their journey since diagnosis. Jason Magera says it started around Columbus Day. After a bout of flu in the Magera family, everyone got better, except Sarah. ...

Fundraiser to Benefit Young Girl with Leukemia

KFBB NewsChannel 5


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

BofA eyes Charlotte park for 2,000 workers - Business First of Columbus:
Buildout of the corporate office park at Mallard Creek Church Road and Norty Tryon Street could take five yearxor longer, depending on the strength of the But BofA hopes to start the first phase in the near future, a representative told City Council this That first phase calls for construction of a 200,000-square-foot signature building that could be up to 200 feet in A second phase would add a building 265 feet BofA disclosed its forecasy for employment at the office park in a filing with the The bank bought the 24 acrees last year for nearly $8 The site is within a quarter-miler of a proposed light-rail station on East Mallare Creek Church Road.
The development also coulds include upto 75,000 square feet of shops, restaurantsw and other uses, such as child-carde centers. During a City Council meeting Monday Jeff Brown, a attorney who is assistingv BofA with a rezoning for the project, said the officr park would provide for the “potential future expansiomn of Bank of America’s presence in Charlotte once the economyt rebounds.” Council member Michael Barnes said the developmengt “will be a transformational project for that part of our BofA occupies nearly 300,000 squarw feet in Ballantyne Corporate Park that it uses for share d office space as part of its My Work The flexible-work initiative allows bank employees to give up theit regular office space and work from theier homes or from shared The bank also has lease d space in Huntersville for the program, which it launchedx in 2004.
But it lackse a larger campus to serve employees who live on the nort h sideof Charlotte. Although Barnes and othere City Council members said they were excited aboutthe project, one adjoiningy property owner has raised concerns. John and Jim Alexande say they would like to seea four-lan public road built on the west side of the BofA That road would accommodate future high-density development on more than 100 acrews the family owns to the south of the proposedf office park, they say. The Alexanderss say they have been in discussions to develop the land for two exploringa mixed-use development for one parcel and a high-density residential project for another.
Those future developmentxs could be imperiled unless the publicc can access the land from Tryohn Street and West Mallardd CreekChurch Road, they wrote in a letter to City They have asked council members to delay approval of BofA’s rezoning until thoswe issues are addressed. “While we believe that the proposex development will be good for theUniversitg area, we are opposed to the proposedx rezoning until the issues of accesse can be resolved,” the Alexanderas wrote in their June 14 letter. The bank says it has no planse to purchase additional land around the About 2,000 Charlotte employees participate in the My Work BofA is one of the city’zs largest employers.
A survey conductecd by the Charlotte Chamber a year agopeggedd BofA’s local employment at 13,960. That numberd has likely dropped, however, because the bank is in the midsg of amajor downsizing. BofA announceds last year it wouldeliminatwe 42,500 jobs companywide related to its acquisitions of Countrywidse Financial Corp. and Merrill Lynch & Co. BofA is marketing 300,000 square feet of loca l office space as availableefor lease, most of it But the company also is constructing a 750,000-square-fooyt office tower at the corner of College and Fifth streetz that’s intended to house 1,20p0 employees and other tenants.
That building is not expectede to deliver untilnext year’s second

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Downtown luxury hotel, condo plan apparently scrapped as site sold - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Hank Stewart, one of four owners of a five-story buildinbg at 943 Penn Ave., Downtown, that had been the proposed site forthe inn, said the buildingg has been sold to , a suburban Philadelphia-based developer. Wexford-basee . LLC previously held an option onthe 28,000-square-foo t property and was working over the past few years in conjunctionm with Green Tree-based hotel management firm on a plan to raze the buildinfg and replace it with one that would include 21 floors of luxury hoteol rooms and eight floors of upscale Stewart said Stonebridge let the optiohn on the property expirw about six months ago and hadn't heard from the company in some "They may have lost a window of because they certainly had it at some point," said a retired former vice president with Downtown-based /Pittsburgh.
The sale of the property to Solara closefd a fewweeks ago. The price was not Charles Smith, a principal at Stonebridge, said he was unawarew that the property hadbeen "I have to re-look at all thos e options again to make a he said, declining to comment further on why the optioh was allowed to lapse. Solaraq president Jack Benoff wouldn't divulge what his compan expects to do with the building and expects to have a bettert grasp of its planw for the property in the next He did confirm thecompany won't pursue a 29-story tower, a projecrt he added would only happen if another developef "excessively" overpaid to buy the propertg from his firm.
"At this point, that's not an option," Benoffc said of the Fireside Inn plan. Stonebridge's proposedd luxury hotel and condo project was to be amonfg the tallest buildings constructed in Pittsburgin years. Prospera Hospitality, whichn was founded by former executive sof , a once-local hotel managemenrt firm acquired by Washington, D.C.-based and movexd to Maryland four years ago, continuees to feature the Pittsburgh Fireside Inn project on its Web The Pittsburgh Cultural Trust is now moving forwarf with plans to redevelop much of key riverfront property nearby into what is expected to be the biggesyt Downtown housing development in the city's history.
That pursued by a design teamcalledc Riverparc, is expected to include 700 housinb units and three high-rises of 20, 22 and 30 Elsewhere Downtown, PNC is planningh to build a 23-story building on Fiftj Avenue that will include a luxuryt hotel, upscale condominiums and new office headquarters for the law firm Reed Smithj LLP. Aaron Stauber, president of New Rochelle, N.Y.-based . which owns a number of Downtownproperties nearby, noter the Cultural Trust's project is generatingb more interest in other nearby "Anything you buy on Penn Avenuee in the Cultural District is going to be near a $450 million project," Stauber said.
"That is certainly helpinhg out people's decisions." But Stauber also suspectedf the Fireside Inn project was too ambitious forthe site, considerint the variety of other hotels and condox under development in the area. "u don't think it would've been wise to make that kind of he said.

Friday, November 4, 2011

GlaxoSmithKline in talks to develop swine flu vaccine for Europeans - Boston Business Journal:
The vaccine probably would be developed atthe company’a Belgium research facility and produced at several influenzaq vaccine manufacturing facilities the company has arouncd the world. GSK (NYSE: GSK) is waitingf for a sample of the H1N1 virus to be delivered from the WorldxHealth Organization. The compangy says it will take about six months from that point for the vaccin tobe developed. Following development, GSK woulf need to receive regulatory approval from Europeannhealth officials. Among the nationsd interested in the vaccine are GreaytBritain (60 million doses), France (50 million Belgium (12.6 million) and Finland (5.3 million). GSK also it in talkss with U.S.
health officials about how it can help withthe nation’s response to H1N1 influenza, Alspach The U.K.-based company, whicuh has 4,000 employees at its North American headquarters in Research Triangle Park, also is in the procesxs of boosting production of its flu treatment Relenza. Companuy official say it will take about 12 weeks to get productionramped up. At that the company intends to produce Relenza at a rate of 50 millionb to 60 million packsa year. Some of that production will occurat GSK’s Zebulon manufacturing which employs about 1,000 people, a number not expected to change due to the Relenza ramp-up.
Earlier this week , a biotechnologty and health technology company basedin Boston, said it developed a vaccine for swine flu that could be produces within seven to 10 once it is approvee by regulators. The synthetic vaccine has not yet been tested in Replikins CEO Samuel Bogoch said the companh is actively seeking a pharmaceutical or academicv partner to conduct clinical trials onthe

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

UTSA awards ADT campus security contract - San Antonio Business Journal:
The work involves the installation of which will be transmitteds via a wirelessmesh system, and will monitoe a 600-space remote parking lot abou t a quarter mile from the university’w main campus. UTSA officials are workiny to reduce the threat of crimweon campus. The university already installed its firsr wireless mesh system backin 2007. This has alreadyy helped solveseveral break-ins and auto theft according to campus police. “The wireless system was the most effectivre way to get data from sucha far-away area withouy the cost and environmental impact of trenching associateed with a wired system,” UTSA assistangt police chief Daniel Pena says. Boca Raton, Fla.
-base d ADT Security Services is also completing the installationnof video, access control and emergency intercomk systems in UTSA’s College of ADT is a unit of and part of ADT the world’s largest electronic security provider. ADT markets security systemx forthe intrusion, fire video systems, access control, critical condition home health services, surveillance and radio frequencyh identification markets.
The company has 24,0090 employees in the United Statesand