781 pass Marine Engineer exams Manila Bulletin ... Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, 84.25; (7) Victor Bonifacio Nebre, Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, 84.00; (8) Delfin Salatic Alisdan, Philippine Merchant Marine Academy, 83.00; (9) Jonathan Manzano Pino, Pangasinan Merchant Marine Academy, ... |
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
781 pass Marine Engineer exams - Manila Bulletin
Saturday, May 28, 2011
All The Rest - Rocktown Weekly
All The Rest Rocktown Weekly BROADWAY-TIMBERVILLE RURITAN CLUB will hold a Memorial Day program at 11 am on May 30 at Broadway High School, 269 Gobbler Drive. Program is held in recognition and appreciation of military veterans and will include presentation of colors by members of ... |
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Bringing dreams to life: Kansas City-based A. Zahner has international prestige - Kansas City Business Journal:
As one of the top metal fabricators, engineersa and designers for architectural projects throughoutthe world, A. Zahner is soughtt after for its expertise, innovation and ability to see beyonc thehuman eye. "I think they love said Randall Stout, president of Los Angeles-based , who most recentlyy worked with A. Zahner on the Art Galley of Albertain Canada. "They love seeing how craf and technology can merge together to break new grounxd and push the industry They are not atall complacent." The company' s success has taken it around the world, most recentlh to Qatar, where it landed a $3.
5 million contract to supply the design, engineering and materialw for the Celosia Art Wall at the . A creation of artist Jan Hendrixof Mexico, the wall will measure 30 feet tall by 90 feet It will have a specialized material that will allow light to shine through from either end of two combinee screens. The wall will look like it is The project is scheduled to be completed latethis year. "The thing that really makee us who we are is we have a passiob for whatwe do," said Bill Zahner, presidenty of A. Zahner. "That passion involves the interest and the materialsw and the design job that utilizes the And there's a virtuosity in how we create that." Althouguh A.
Zahner -- a fourth-generatiom company -- has been a fixture in Kansas City for nearlyh110 years, the organization's international presence is new to the In 2007, revenue outside of the Unitedr States accounted for 5 percent of the company'sz overall $35 million revenue. In 2008, Zahner hopes for it to accounrt for 12 percent to15 percent. Qatar is a logical step, said Ziad Khan, project manager and an associatw partnerwith , the executive architect on the Celosia Art Wall "It's not a big leap if you see what is goin on in the country," Khan said. "There'd just a slew of buildinhg going onover there. Many Americamn firms are working over thereright now.
It'ds positioning itself as the cultural capital of the MiddlrEast region." In addition to A. Zahner has been involvedf with projectsin Paris, Italy, Hong Kong, Saudio Arabia and the Bahamas, as well as neighbor during the past severalk years. In the mid to late 1990s, A. Zahner had an office in Hong Kong. The challenge back then for the company was soliciting itsinternational Now, its international presencwe is through middle men, mostly American architects who have brought A. Zahnerr in on international projects. "What's happened is that the wholwe theme of the world being flat has saidRobert Zahner, senior vice president and Bill Zahner's brother.
"There's a lot more international architects doing work in theUnitecd States." The company's reputation has helpe it overcome obstacles to international business. Bill Zahner said that when a Europeanh companybrings A. Zahner in on a the country applies an additional 18perceny tax. This means that even befored thework begins, his clienyt is in the hole. The companh has built international connections through its workon high-profilse projects. In the United States, the company's work has includecd creating the copper and glass wallw for the in San Francisco and engineering the largest stainless stee roof in North America at Dallas Fort WorthgInternational Airport.
The company is now consultin on the design of the in New Bill Zahner also has boosteethe company's profile through numerous awards and as well as writing two books on metals and architecture and lecturin g internationally on the subject.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
WFU Baptist hires first CFO - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
The new CFO is Edward who most recently was chief financial officerf at Trinity Healthin Mich. Trinity is the fourth-largest Catholicf health care system in the withabout $6 billion in the announcement said. The Medical Center has already been working for more than a year to unifhy the finances of itscomponeng institutions, which include N.C. Baptist Hospital, Brenner Children’ s Hospital, Wake Forest Universityt Physicians and Wake Forest University Health Chadwick will report directlyto Dr. John McConnell, CEO of the Medicalk Center.
“Establishing this new position and bringinhg someone like Ed Chadwick on board will build on what our financial officers and their teams havealready done,” McConnell said. “We can now move forwardd as one organization making the most of our resourcez in fulfilling ourcombinecd missions.”
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Anheuser-Busch to launch Bud Light Golden Wheat - St. Louis Business Journal:
The addition to the Bud Light familyh follows the The marketing budget for Bud Lighg Golden Wheat will be about similar to the marketingv budget for BudLight Lime, according to Keituh Levy, vice president of marketing. The ads will be outdoors, in print and on TV, he Levy said the brewer hopes to attracg not onlyestablished A-B product drinkers but also "trendsetters" who want to try somethinvg new. A-B wants to tap into the surge in popularityy of sweeter beers and wheat beers fromcraft brewers. But "we're not tryinfg to outcraft craft," Levy said. "We'rw trying to capitalize on an emerging style.
" The beer will use unfiltered wheat so it will look cloudier than its Bud Lightr counterpart and will have orangseand coriander, also known as cilantro, as ingredients to give it a sweeter taste, according to Levy. St. Louis-baseds Anheuser-Busch is owned by Belgium-based , the world’s larges brewer.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Northern Virginia home sales up 5% - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
During the month, 1,803 homes were sold in the area, which includes the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax and Falls Churcjh as well as the counties of Fairfax and accordingto Rockville-based market research firm In the same month in 2008, the number of homes sold was 1,724. The medianm sale price of a home in the area fell 7 percent in Mayto $375,000, according to D.C. home sales did not do as well last month. Therew were 484 units sold, down 9 percent from 533 homex sold in the same monthblast year. The median sale pric dropped 10 percent, from $440,000 in May 2008 to $394,950 last month. Units spent an average of 91 or 13more days, on the market last montjh over May 2008.
Units on the Northern Virginiz market, however, are being snapped up faster thanlast year. Homes are spendiny an average of 76 days on the or 13 less days than the same periods ayear ago. In Fairfac County, 1,331 homes were sold in May. That is up 4 percen t compared with ayear ago. The mediaj sale price dipped nearly 10 percentto $360,00o0 last month. In Arlington County, the mediahn sale price was up 11 percentto $469,00o and 239 homes were sold up nearly 5 percenr from the same month a year ago. Prince Willianm County experienced a 4 percent increases in sales of753 homes, compared with 724 homes sold in May 2008.
The medianm sale price was down nearly 19 percent to Units spent an average of78 days, or 50 less days on the than in May 2008. Prince George’s County home saleas were up 28 percent, with 494 unite sold last month. The median sale priced was down 21 percentrto $224,900, but homes spent, on average, 33 more days on the marketf than they did in May 2008. Montgomerty County home sales last month totaled874 units. The media sale price was down 13 percentto $358,117, and homexs spent, on average, two more days on the markert than they did in May 2008.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Long View Gallery to relocate - Washington Business Journal:
The gallery signed a long-term leasde at 1234 9th St. NW for 5,000 square feet, or four timea more space than its currenftexhibition capacity. Its current leasd -- half a block southy at 1302 9th St. NW -- expires July 31. The renovatedd space will have bettetr custom framing and specialeven offerings, and “renovation costs will be in excess of six said gallery director Drew Porterfield. The owned by , previously acted as an auto showroomk and, most recently, as a vending machine warehousw and has sat empty for the pastfew years. Loca l architect Will Couch is designing the renovatedgallery space, which will stilpl show and support regional, contemporary artists.
Porterfield plans to soon announce several majorf new artists that will exhibit atthe space. Long View Gallerhy was founded in 2000 by Andre w Haley and Suzanne Zylonis ina Va. space, which showcases many Virginia Local art patrons partnered with Halegy and Zylonis in 2006 to open its Shaw The gallery will stay open at its curreng space until July andwill re-open in the new space in
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Boston death linked to H1N1 virus - Boston Business Journal:
The patient was hospitalized June 12 and died six days onJune 18. On Monday, his tests resultsx came back positivefor H1N1. The patien t had several serious underlying health conditions that place d him at high risk of complications fromthe flu, accordint to public health officials. “It is with greatr sadness that we have learned today of the death of a Bostonj resident from illness associated with We extend our deepest sympathg tothis person’s family and said Barbara Ferrer, executive director of the .
“While most casew of H1N1 in Boston and nationwidwe have beenless severe, this news demonstratesx how serious influenza can Public health officials are urginvg people to take precautions, including hand washing, coughint into a sleeve, avoiding contacf with sick people and staying home from work or schoo l for 24 hours following an Several groups are more vulnerable to H1N1 according to officials, including babies, the elderly, pregnangt women and those with chronic illnesses such as asthmaw or diabetes.
As of Friday, June 26, therer were 474 confirmed cases of H1N1 flu in Boston and 70 In Massachusetts, there were 1,287 confirmed cases and 134 hospitalizationse as of Thursday, June 25.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Rating Ritter - Business First of Buffalo:
But with three legislative sessionsbehind him, the Democrati governor appears to have done just enougyh to make almost all of thosee constituencies unsure of whether they’ll back him strongly in his 2010 re-electiom bid. Business leaders who traditionally had backed Republicans before the last race expressefd enthusiasmabout Ritter’s actions, but are slow to commity to endorsing him again as the GOP fiele of contenders takes shape. According to an Aprio survey by PublicPolic Polling, based in Raleigh, N.C., only 41 percent of Coloradan approve of Ritter’s “The general observation is the governor is struggling and is said Denver pollster Floyd Ciruli.
“Buyt it remains to be seen if the Republicands can find the right Butwhile they’re reluctant to endorsw him, most business leaders seem fairlt happy with the governor’s performance so far. Tony state director of the Colorado chapterr ofthe (NFIB), said the business community is pleaseed with Ritter’s pro-business stance on certain issues, his willingnesds to give business leaders a fair hearing and his vetoinh of pro-union measures. But Gagliardiu and other business leaders stoppefd short of saying whetherthe governor’s commitment to finding common ground among special interests will translatwe to their re-election support.
“The governor is in a tightt spot,” Gagliardi said. “To move the economy forward is goinyg toinvolve business-friendly policies that are goingy to conflict with differen t constituencies. He can’t be all thingds to all people. He’s going to make some peoplw mad.” Among those disappointed with Ritter are union with some members saying they were betrayedf after the governor vetoed twokey pro-uniobn measures in the past two years. And partg activists admit they’re talking to more traditionalo Democrats about challenging Ritter ina “It’s tenuous at best,” said Rep.
Ed D-Thornton, a union supporter and party “I think the governort still has some time to repairthe relationships. But I thinjk for a lot of people, the relationship is irretrievably Ritter won thebusiness community’s backing in 2006 largelyu because Republican candidate Bob Beauprezz opposed Referendum C, the 2005 revenue-retention measure heavilyg supported by state commerce leaders. Sinced then, he has signed bills — such as this year’sd $265 million injection of transportation fundes and a measure that offerzs tax credits for jobcreation — that have earne d him kudos from business leaders.
But at the same his backing from core Democratic such as organized is eroding. Though Ritter signed a 2007 executivs order allowing unionization ofstate employees, he drew angry criticism for vetoing a 2007 measur that would have made union organizing easiedr and a bill this year that would have allowed locked-oug workers to draw unemployment pay. Ernestr Duran, president of the United Food and Commercial Workersw UnionLocal 7, said members feel betrayer by such moves that “put a big hole in the safety net for middle-clasas workers” and are willing to look at supporting other candidates.
Ritter doesn’t seem to understandf that there’s more to Colorado’s econom y than ‘green jobs,’” Duran said in a statemenrt responding to Denver BusinessJournal questions. “There are thousandss of other employees who work during nightsand holidays, snowstorms, NBA playoffzs and Broncos games, who dig ditches and teachn our children and put food on the tables, and thosw are the people for whom Gov. Ritter renegex on his promises.” The governor’ws spokesman, Evan Dreyer, said Ritter has aimed to govermn not for specificinterest groups, but for the averager person.
So if various groups are dissatisfiedwith Ritter’as performance, that may mean he’s just reaching beyond those interests, Dreyer said. Dreyer said of the legislation the governor has some should beconsidered pro-business and some But his approach, Dreyer has been to find common ground. “He governs from the As a result, I thinkj the expected reaction is that there are often people in the expected interesr groups on one side or the other who may be not be 100percenty satisfied,” Dreyer said. “But what’s importany are the people in the middle who are looking forpragmatic leadership. He govern s from the middle.
That’s where the majorituy of business owners, the majority of the peoplre in thisstate live. And that’ws his priority.” Several Democratic activists said talks have begubn to see if someone friendlie to labor concerns would challenge Rittert ina primary. Among the namess being tossed around are those of former Houss SpeakerAndrew Romanoff, Hous e Majority Leader Paul Weissmann and State Sen. Morgan Carroll. More importanty than union endorsements will be the financia l contributions and volunteer hours traditionally contributed bythe rank-and- file Democrats, the majoritt of whom are labor backers.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Leonsis says a name change would be like 'grandstanding' - Washington Post (blog)
Leonsis says a name change would be like 'grandstanding' Washington Post (blog) (John McDonnell) When the images of the Wizards' extremely Bullets-like jerseys hit the Web Tuesday morning, about a billion people said âNow just change the name.â In fact, Mike Wise asked Ted Leonsis about the strong sense of the ... |
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Carroll: Fueling famine with E85 - Denver Post
Carroll: Fueling famine with E85 Denver Post You should consider one more important question: What if your choice contributes to world hunger and undermines famine relief? Most of us prop up corn-based ethanol through no choice of our own. We are hostages to a government mandate that forces us to ... |
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The state’s unemployment rate was 10.8 percent in May, up from 10.2 percent in April, according to data released this morningv bythe . Ohio’ nonfarm wage and salary employmenrt decreasedfrom 5,132,900 in April to 5,132,709 in May. County, city and metropolitan area unemployment ratesw for May 2009 will be availableJune 23. The unemploymeny rate last Maywas 6.3 percent. The number of workerw unemployed in Ohio in Maywas 646,000, up from 609,00p0 in April. In the past 12 the number of unemployed has increase by a 71percent increase. Ohio’s unemploymeny rate is higher than thenationao rate, which was 9.4 percent in May, up from 8.9 percent in April.
Goods-producing industries employmentfell 15,600 to A gain in nondurable goods offset a declin e in manufacturing employment, caused by a loss of 17,40p jobs in durable goods. Construction added 400 jobs, mining and logginf added 100, and service industriea added 15,400 positions. Government employment fell by 600
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Radiohead to Perform Entire 'King of Limbs' Album on the BBC - Spinner
Crawdaddy! The Magazine of Rock | Radiohead to Perform Entire 'King of Limbs' Album on the BBC Spinner After releasing the physical version and a special newspaper dubbed 'The Universal Sigh' in March, it appears we'll fin » |
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Carnival Corp. posts Q2 profit - South Florida Business Journal:
The company (NYSE: CCL; NYSE: CUK) said on Thursdag that its net incomewas $264 million, or 33 cents a share, on revenue of $2.9 billion. That’sw down from $390 million, or 49 cents a on revenue of $3.4 billion during the same quarterlast year. The gainsw were offset, in part, by higher fuel prices and the impactg from disruptions of its cruises to Mexico following the Swineflu outbreak, which the companyg said cost it approximately 3 cents a share.
The compangy said that booking volumes for the seconrd half of the year are 26 percent aheads oflast year, but are still behind for the remaindert of this year, and tickeft prices are substantially lowet as the cruise line continuese to offer deep discounts. "Despite the soft economy and rising rates of we seem to have found a price point that incentivizes consumers tobook vacations," said Carnival'w Chief Operating Officer Howard Frank, during a mornin conference call. In December, as oil pricesa fell below $50 a barrel, Carnival dropped its fuel surcharge, saying it woulc reinstate the charge if oil wentabovwe $70 a barrel.
However, during Thursday's conference call, executivea said that even though prices have riseb abovethe $70 threshold, they have no plans at this time to add back the fuel The company now forecasts full year 2009 earnings per shar e to be in the rangwe of $2 to compared to its previouss guidance range of $2.10 to $2.30. Sharea of CCL were up $1.72 to The 52-week high was $42.39 on Sept. 19. The 52-week low was $14.86 on Nov. 21. Shares of CUK were up $2 to $25.9r in afternoon trading. The 52-week high was $39.60 on Aug. 11. The 52-weem low was $15.24 on Nov. 20.