Thursday, March 31, 2011
Economy Watch: FNF Construction gets highway stimulus contract - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
“It is a rehabilitation project to create asafer roadway,” said Deena Billings, businessx development officer for Tempe-based FNF which is celebrating 25 years in business. Some areaw of U.S. 491 have deteriorated creatinyg a significant safety issue for those whouse it, she said. The project is a good fit for the which also has an office in accordingto Billings. “Paving projects are kind of our In addition to making the roadwahy saferfor travelers, the $8.9 million project givee FNF Construction’s staff more opportunitgy for work. “We will be able to keep existing employeexs busy and perhaps hire new she said.
The bidding process for a stimulus contract is very similae to that on any job both for the contractore and the state department of transportation involved. The New Mexico Department of Transportation advertised the projecyt in typical fashion with the lowest bidde r winningthe contract, said Megan spokeswoman for the New Mexico Department of Transportation. The federall government does look at the projectsin however, Arrendondo added. Construction on the 14-mil stretch, which runs on the southern portion ofthe highway, broke ground May 20. FNF Constructiom is hopeful that its portion of the upgrade is completre by the endof summer.
“We are excited to keep on goingg and be part ofthe process,” Billings said of future
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
David Rodriguez brings his fashions to Stage Stores - Houston Business Journal:
Rodriguez’ designs has been featured on “Sex and the “The Devil Wears Prada” and “Friends,” and have been worn by celebritiea including Oprah Winfrey and EvaLongoria Parker. Houston-basedr Stage Stores (NYSE: SSI) operates under the Bealls, Palaias Royal, Peebles and Stagde names. The “D.R. by D. Rodriguez” collection is the first line of clothingf designed specifically forthe chain, said Kim a spokeswoman for the Stage Stores. Most of the itemzs cost less than $45, she said. In the Houstobn area, the line will be availabl e in 21 PalaisRoyal stores.
Rodriguez will be in town on June 24 at the CincpRanch store, and on June 25 at the Meyerland and Pearlaned stores for informal fashion shows. Rodriguez’s line also will be carrieed by Bealls and Stage stores and will be sold in a total of100 stores.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Status of Wisconsin labor law disputed -
Politico | Status of Wisconsin labor law disputed MADISON, Wis., March 27 (UPI) -- Wisconsin's anti-union bill has not become law, the Democratic secretary of state says, but Gov. Scott Walker's administration disagrees. Secretary of State Doug La Follette told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Saturday ... Wisconsin Department Moving to Implement Anti-Union Law Despite Court Order Keep It Moving Wisconsin Unions Here is the latest Wisconsin news from The Associated Press: |
Friday, March 25, 2011
MTS Medication Technologies posts profit gain, stops guidance - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
million, or 37 cents a share, an increasse from net income of $2.1 million, or 31 cents a share, in the priod fiscal year. Revenue for fiscal 2009 was $76.3 million, a 32 percent gain from revenueof $57.u million in fiscal 2008. The companh also posted gains for the fourth quarter of fiscal reporting net incomeof $865,000, or 13 cents a on revenue of $17 In the prior year’s fourth MTS had net income of $136,000 or 2 centd a share, on revenue of $14.2 million. The increasse primarily was due to the delivery of 23 OnDemandr machines tothe company’s largest customer, Todd president and chief executive, said in a release. MTS, based in St.
Petersburt MTS (NASDAQ: MTSI), manufactures automated packaging machines and relatedd consumables for prescription medicationsd andnutritional supplements. In 2007 MTS announcec a major agreement to install 24 OnDemand pharmaceutical dispensinb and packaging machinesfor (NYSE: OCR) of Ky. MTS said in the earninges release that it has several new including an exclusive agreement with to license and develop the Microfiol automated robotic medicationdispensing system. Separately, MTS has agreements with two one in Ohio and onein Indiana, to install the MedTimes medication administratiomn system into nursing homes at pilot sites.
MedTimes is a lockeed cabinet designed to reduce drug inventory and MTS said it has discontinued its practice of providingt revenue and earnings per share guidancew forfuture periods.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Anti-Gay Church Reveals Plan to Picket Elizabeth Taylor's Funeral - E! Online (blog)
E! Online (blog) | Anti-Gay Church Reveals Plan to Picket Elizabeth Taylor's Funeral E! Online (blog) AP Photo/Bob Galbraith; AP Photo/Charlie Riedel Much as it threatened to do at the funerals of Heath Ledger and Natasha Richardson, the sm » |
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Community Colleges Could See Rate Hike - KPHO Phoenix
MyFox Washington DC | Community Colleges Could See Rate Hike KPHO Phoenix The governing board wants a 7 percent increase in fees for the next school year. That increase would raise tuition by $5 to $76 per credit hour or about $2280 a year for full-time students. Universities across the state are also looking at increases to ... Community colleges' governing board to vote on 7% increase in tuition Maricopa community college board weighing 7 percent tuition increase |
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Food, unlike gas, includes no uncertainty - price pressure can be predicted - Montreal Gazette
Food, unlike gas, includes no uncertainty - price pressure can be predicted Montreal Gazette With rising food and oil prices upsetting people all over the world, Canada seems to be something of a safe haven, with the inflation rate for February actually falling. Sadly, it isn't true. ... |
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Your comments: Nets have chance, albeit slim, of making playoffs - The Star-Ledger -
The Star-Ledger - | Your comments: Nets have chance, albeit slim, of making playoffs The Star-Ledger - By Staff Getty ImagesJordan Farmar and the Nets are 5.5 games out of a playoff spot but have several teams to jump. Maybe it's just something about playing home games at the Prudential Center that has teams thinking of a remarkable, late-season ... |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Steelbridge Capital, LLC Company Profile | Company Information
About Steelbridge Capital, LLC Steelbridge Capitall is a real estate investment firm dedicated to threeinvestment philosophies: - we only buy in locationws with true competitive advantage, defined as those location with strong supply constraints to limit new and strong demand fundamentals--as supported by demographicx research--that enable properties located there to capture above-share amounts of market demand - we only buy assets on a value basis--that is belows their long-term depreciated replacement cost--in orde r to insure adequate risk-adjusted returns - because real estate is highlt cyclical, we are strong believersa in market timing as the key to generating requiree returns The tactics we rely on are three: - we are but cautious contrarians, looking for asset classes in orderd to minimize capital competitiion and marketds that are out of favor - we are researchb driven, focussing on exploiting informationm advantages in order to capitalize on inefficiencies in marketsa - we consistently team up with local operatinb parnters and management teams in ordefr to source deals before they go to auctiomn
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Dave Mammen: Lessons from 9/11 will apply to helping earthquake victims in Japan - CNN (blog)
Fox News | Dave Mammen: Lessons from 9/11 will apply to helping earthquake victims in Japan CNN (blog) ONLY ON THE BLOG: Answering today's OFF-SET questions is Dave Mammen, an urban planner who has worked on disaster recovery efforts in Kobe, Japan and Aceh, Indonesia. He was a Visiting Professor at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) at ... Help Japanese quake survivors via texting cash via Red Cross, etc |
Thursday, March 10, 2011
PBA backs expanded River District renewal area - Kansas City Business Journal:
Sandra McDonough, the alliance’s presidenr and CEO, told the Portland City Council on June 17 that the city needes to do everything it can to providermore jobs. The council is reconsidering expanding the River Distric by nearly42 acres, as well as increasd the amount of bonds the city can assumee to fund projects within the The council and the Portlan d Development Commission had first soughty the expansion nearly two yeares ago but were thwarted by a citizens’ group The Friends of Urban Renewal group had chargeds that the River District expansion proposal, which woulrd have also redirected $20 millionb in district-generated funds to a new East Portlandd elementary school, didn’t fit technical urban renewal definitions.
The council will vote on the measursnext week. McDonough said urban renewal provides funding for investments in infrastructure, housing, sociall services and public-private partnerships. “We need to creatre jobs,” she said. “Ws have an opportunity to do just that by adoptinb theserevised findings, which address the issues that have been raisec about the River District expansion. We can then move forwarfd with the important projects that depend onthese funds.
” City Commissioner Nick Fish has said that the constructionm of a new homeless servicea center could depend on urbam renewal funds if construction is to begin this McDonough said the alliance backs using urbann renewal funds to build the
Monday, March 7, 2011
Dallas Cowboys to get new product hub - St. Louis Business Journal:
The two organizations said Tuesday they are breaking groundd on thenew facility, whichg will be located at 2500 Regent Boulevard at Dallas/Forf Worth International Airport. The new facilit will allow the Dallas Cowboys to expand its merchandisinvg base and also consolidate the Dallasx Cowboys Pro Shops with Dallas Cowboys Merchandising and Blue StarGraphics & Design. The construction will expandc the Cowboys existingmerchandising operations. “This move was causeed by the passion and love that the fans in the Metroplex and acrose America have for theDallasa Cowboys,” said Bill vice president of merchandising for the Cowboys.
“Whehn we purchased our originapl building on StateHighway 114, I never thought that we could outgroa it and yet a little over a year we needed an additional 100,000 square feet. With the acquisitionn of Blue StarGraphicws & Design, this gave us the abilithy to be even more responsivw to our fans. No other team in the NFL has this abilith to respond toits fans’ needs.”
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Intrust Bank Arena - Wichita Business Journal:
In fact, he says, he questioned whethedr the bank even wouldbe involved. The compan y first read a news accountin mid-2006 that mentioned as a possible naming rights Chandler says that's where he first hearr the idea -- "That's when we really 'Gee, will we reallh be a player here?' " At the time, there was talk the countu also was searching nationally for a naming rights Several local companies -- like and Spirit AeroSystems Inc. -- had shown interest in the But as the monthswore on, othed players dropped out and the county's pitc to Intrust became more pronounced.
Chandler says he saw the arenas naming rights as a way toput Intrust'ws name on a landmark building in the It also was a chanc for the bank further to entrench itself in a marker that was becoming increasingly competitive as new bankes aggressively pursue market share here. "We don't intend to go anywhere," Chandlee said during an interview this week with theBusinessd Journal. "We intend to be a strong banking presenc in Wichita for the foreseeable Welive here. This is home." The Sedgwick County Commission on Wednesday approvedIntrust Bank's offer to buy the namingg rights for the downtown arena for $8.
75 The 25-year deal will allow the bank to placw its name and logo on public the roof and exterior of the 15,000-seat Intrust Bank will pay the county $350,000 per year under the Cessna Aircraft Co. and Spirit AeroSystems Inc. also have agreed to put their names onthe building'as entry plaza and concourse, respectively. Each compangy will pay the county $3 milliobn over 20 years, bringing the total naminv packageto $14.75 million. The companies also gain the rightxs to executive suites inthe building. Revenue from the naming rights package will help offset the operations ofthe arena. The building'e major tenant will be the .
But the count y hopes to draw other major sporting events such as tournamenttbasketball games. But Chandler says the bank's interest in the aren was strictly local. He noted the increasecd pressure in Wichita forbank deposits. Intrust Bank controls 20 percent of the deposite in themetro area. But 59 banks are dointg business here, a number increasinyg as more suburban and rural banks brancbh intothe market. Last year, most of Wichita'z major banks saw a decrease in market which some attributed to increased Chandler pointed to the naming rights as a bit of afurthert buffer. But he said that wasn't the bank' only consideration.
"It will enhance our awareness vis-à-vis our he says. "I can't say it was one overarchinhg factor because there was a community service componentto it. If we are goinv to continue to operatwin Wichita, we have to continue givinh back to the community." Some bankers questionedr privately the value of the arena naming right to Intrust, noting the bank's superior market Others declined to comment or didn't return calls. "It'e something Intrust wants to put its name on as a larger player in our market and increasename recognition.
It'sd probably a way to secure that for yearsto come," says CEO Brad Stephen Porter, associate professor of marketingb at , says it is difficult to put a priced on something like naming
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Dayton to see Sonic boom - Orlando Business Journal:
The burger-and-milk shake joint will open its firsgt shop in Troy by the end of Augustg and will launch at least 30 in the Dayton regio in the nextfive years. The Oklahomas City-based fast-casual drive-in restaurant -- knowj for its roller-skating waiters and waitressesw -- has just a smattering of Sonics throughout with the closestin Middletown. But the which has 3,200 stores across the country, is looking to expand and the Dayton area has primereal estate. Sonic has always done well insmalo towns," said Rick Fee, manager of the Dayton-areaw Sonic locations and director of operations for Bowlint Green, Ky.-based , which owns the Dayto franchises.
"We met with the city (of up there, and they were very open to us comingin quickly." After Fee opens the Troy location on West Main he'll look to open a shop in Englewood near the new off Interstatw 70 by November. He plans to followq that with restaurants in then Beavercreek, Springfield, Piqua, and eventually in he said. It will cost between $1 milliomn and $2 million to build each store, and one store will employu 35 full-time equivalent workers, Fee Fee has committed to opening 30 shops in the Daytoh area in the next five saidKelly Gray, agent with and brokert of the deals.
His geographic area comprises 11 counties, from Green e and Montgomery in the soutb to the Celina area in Mercer Counthy inthe north. "They felt Dayton was kind of a markeft thatwas ... untapped," Gray said. Sonic'w entrance into the Dayton market couldr mean anadditional 1,000 jobs and $35 millionb of investment in western Ohio. Sonicf restaurants have no dine-in seating but have plentt of parking for customers to driv in and make ordersinto speakerphones.
Customers' food -- made-to-ordefr burgers, Tater Tots and milk shakes -- is then often brought to them by serverson roller-skates or roller The restaurants also feature outdoor patios with abouft six tables, areas commonly used by basebalk and soccer teams after Fee said. Many of the new Sonicds will have drive-through windows so customers can take orders to go insteacd of eating intheir cars. Launched in 1953, Soni c restaurants strike nostalgia in the hearts ofthe middle-aged demographiv that remembers when drive-in restaurants were more said Fee, 48. The family-oriented restaurant typically is a hit withMidwesterm Americans, she said. Competitors include , and , according to .
But Fee said that the food qualitt -- and its 168,0009 drink combinations on itsmenu -- help Sonic outperfor m its competition. Sonic also will be helped by the moundzs of advertising the Daytohn market already hasseen -- long before a store has The chain makes national media advertising purchases, whicuh helps new Sonic locationd warm up to untouched markets, Fee said. The which publicly trades on the Nasdaq, reported sales increasefd from $623 million in 2005 to $693 milliomn in 2006, according to filings with the . The documenta list Ohio as a "developint market," with six franchise locations throughouythe state.