Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Who's Hiring - Orlando Business Journal:
Why are you hiring during the recession The countercyclical side of this is startups are tryingy to preserve their capital as longas possible. We offer the most economicalp alternative for highlyskilled people. How are you a betteer value for a startup interested in slowing its burnrate ? We take equity as a largre share of the compensation. The alternative, a consultant for example, is paid an hourly rate and theit interest is to drive up the For us the success is driving up the value of one of our What are some startupe that you have teamed up with since therecessiojn hit? There’s Enroute Systems, which providexs shipping logistics software to reduce shipping costs.
MBS Source: These guys are bringing increased transparencyto mortgage-backed securities. And Meteor Solutions. They offetr viral tracking analytics software that measurezs and tracks how users are passin g along content through emailsand blogs.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Glu Mobile CEO Ballard departing - San Francisco Business Times:
San Mateo-based Glu (NASDAQ:GLUU) said that Ballarc will remain on the job until a successoreis found. The company said it has retained Martha Josephsonof , an executivew recruiting firm, to help identify candidates to replace “After six years, I have decided the timinfg is right to look for a new I’m incredibly proud of how much we accomplishedd during my tenure, having buil what I believe to be a world-clasw global enterprise," Ballard said in a prepare statement.
“The Glu board and I also share the view that this is a good time to brinf in new leadership for the as we focus on returning to generating positived cash and begin even greater investmentin next-generatiobn mobile platforms." Separately, Glu said Thursday that its boardc of directors elected Dan Skaff and Bill Milledr as co-chairmen. Glu, founded in 2001, publishexs titles including Glyder, Bonsai Blast, Supefr K.O. Boxing!, Stranded and Brain Genius, as well as title based on major brands from partnersaincluding Atari, Activision, Konami, Harrah’s, Hasbro, Warner Microsoft, PlayFirst, PopCap SEGA and Sony.
In addition go San Mateo, the companyg has offices in Great Britain, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Russia, China, Brazil, Chile, Canada and

Friday, December 24, 2010
The SBA's Office of Inspecto r General outlined its concerns in a memo that said agency actioj is overdue on 10 recommendations it made in the past to addressz weaknesses in lender oversight and agency The Office of Management and Budger has directed agencies to address problems disclosed by prior audits in programss that will receive funding through the American Recovery andReinvestment Act. Lender oversight is particularly important because the bill temporaril increased the government guaranty onthe SBA's 7(a) businesse loans to 90 percent.
"Because the higher guarantiesa reducelender risk, which may lead to poor a greater potential will exist for lossesa and fraud," wrote Debra the SBA's assistant inspector general. That's why it's importanyt for the SBA to do onsite reviewds for all SBA lenderswith high-rismk ratings that have more than $4 million in guaranteefd loan portfolios, the memo stated. The agencg has agreed that's needed but hasn't done it yet. The SBA also hasn'ft implemented comprehensive policies and procedures that define acceptabl lender performance and risktolerances levels, or what enforcement actions will be takenb when risk tolerance limits are violated.
The SBA also needd to do a better job of collecting imprope r payments of loan guaranties to lenderszwho didn't follow prudent lendintg practices or failed to comply with SBA according to the inspector general's office. More than $4 million in improper payments identified by previous auditzs have notbeen recovered, the office found. "Increases in loan volumex and reduced lender risk under the Recovery Act are expectede to lead to higher levels ofimproper payments," the memo stated. The bill also providefd $30 million in additional funding for theMicroloan program, which makes small loan to aspiring entrepreneurs through nonprofit organizations that also provide technicaol assistance.
The SBA needs to develop standardc operating procedures for this and collect information on whethet the businesses that received these loansbecamde successful, according to the SBA spokesman Jonathan Swain said the agency "is working on a numbert of fronts" to implement the recommendation s cited in the memo. "We do take them very seriously," he The agency particularly is focused on lendedr oversight and risk management as it rolls outnew stimulus-related Its new $35,000 America'es Recovery Capital loans, for example, are designed to be "a riskietr loan program than the SBA has ever offered," he because they're an effort to help businesses that temporariluy are having problems makinvg loan payments.
The SBA is looking at ways to mitigater that risk as much as he said.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Panel: Success of region tied to I-75 - Business First of Columbus:
“In the last five years it has becomw obvious to the world that regions are much saidMark Policinski, executive director of the , or OKI. Policinskoi spoke Tuesday at a regionaldevelopment forum, hosted by the Dayton Business Journa l and sister paper Cincinnati Business A three-member panel — also including Leonard partner at in Middletown, and Bob Steinbach, director of regional initiatives at the — spoke in fronft of about 350 audience members.
Steinbachb said that just as development continuez along the Interstate 75corridor — blurring the line betweejn the Dayton and Cincinnati regions — that the Tri-Statse cities’ continued vitality is still “The health of the central citiews is very important to the development of the Steinbach said. “When someone thinks about they want to know about the major city in the Despitethat fact, government can not dictate where developmeny takes place, and investment is always dictated by the Robinson said.
The seeminglhy endless constructionalong I-75, is the product of yearz of planning by the private sector, he said, which means marketg demand in the 50-mile stretch betweeb downtown Cincinnati and Dayton should not be consideredx a recent phenomenon. “New development is takingt place because people took the time to put them in Robinson said. Policinski said the bigged “region” is growing at historically high rates, but absolute inability to grasp partnerships with the private is inhibitingeconomic development.
“We have been beatint on this drum forfive years,” Policinski “You would think you are asking them to do the Meanwhile, around the country, private-public partnershipws are flourishing and leaving southwesr Ohio at an economivc disadvantage, he said. Panelists reached a consensuds about future importance on passenger andfreight rail, along the I-75 as a means for gettint trucks off the highway.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Maximizing your company
While that relationship may well havebeen affected, anothef important area that has been impacted has been privates institutional investment – in the eagerness of private equity funds to entet into transactions, and the valuatioh that an institutional investor might assign to a This is because private equity firms often augmentf their equity investment with bank debt in order to maximize the returns to their If credit conditions make it more difficult for theser firms to raise debt, deals are less with the ultimate result of a lowe r valuation for a company if a transaction is being contemplated.
If owners or management of any company are anticipatingg a saleor capital-raising event of this type at some how can they ensure that the valuation is a favorable as possible ? A few suggestions: For example, the company should have a robust shareholder’s agreement. This is a very basic, but key, part of any corporate documents. It addresses issuesa such as ownership, the rules governing sales of shares, composition of the boarx of directors andother matters. A corporate attorney with experience in addressinv these specific matters shoulddraft it.
If you have not had competenr counsel review thesedocuments recently, it would be money well An ounce of prevention here can mitigate huge problemsd later. Any law firm with a busines s law practice should be able to assist in a mattef suchas this. It should go withou t saying that if your accounting record are in poor it will be extremely hard to support any sort ofattractivse valuation. In fact, in this market, many firms will simply pass on a deal wherwe the financial recordsare suspect. This is simpl because there are enough other deals out there wherew this is not an issue that an investor will just move on tothoswe deals.
Any company that has any reason to believr that it will be looking to raiss outsidecapital – debt or equity should have appropriate accounting controls and procedures in If the company does not possess the internal expertise to implemen t these controls, any competent CPA firm should be able to As an end result, management should look to put in placse a process that results in audited financial If management can articulate and defend how the compant will achieve its growth goals for the next couple of it will have a majo impact on valuation. This includes concrete salez goals, executable plans to achievr those goals and infrastructure rollout tosupporg growth.
Even though growth right now mighrtbe minimal, if management can credibly demonstrate how it will address this it can make a very significant differencew in how the company is viewedr by an outside investor. By preemptively addressing thesee issues, management seeking outside investment can make theirt company more attractive and help supporty a more compelling valuation from the perspective ofall

Thursday, December 16, 2010

DJ Premier to put out unreleased Gang Starr tracks, DVD - Consequence of Sound

Consequence of Sound

DJ Premier to put out unreleased Gang Starr tracks, DVD

Consequence of Sound

Per Rolling Stone, Guru has left behind some unfinished and/or unreleased work, about an album's worth in total, and, coincidentally, Premier told ...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cincinnati Fine Arts Fund campaign to take super-targeted tack - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Downtown-based creative agency developed marketing materials aimerd at getting donations from people based on the differenr reasonsthey give. The material s feature real Cincinnati residents and appeap to such groups as young professionals, parents and businesspeople who view the arts as job creatiom organizations, said Pam McFarland, director of marketingt and communications at the Fine Arts Fund.
One idea that didn’rt end up in the campaign even appealed to those who give for the browniw points atthe office, addefd Traction Principal Tony “From our perspective, we were looking to tackle some specifid comments and specific need s – so people know wherre the money is going and how it’s abouft them,” said Traction Principal Tom Kisker. That will be more importanf this yearthan ever, said Scott Provancher, the Fine Arts Fund’s vice presidentr and campaign director. “Even at the end of last year’s we were up a couple of percenyt from theyear before, but we had startedf to see the unsteadiness,” Provancher said.
“We wante d this to be the year we were most prepared operationally for the Provancher said the FineArts Fund’xs broad base of 44,000 donors will be a huge benefi to the campaign, which kicks off Feb. 15. But thoswe guiding the effort know the uncertainty in many workplaces could hurt giving atthe office. So the hope is for the new marketinv materials to reachnew donors, too, he “We feel this campaign is going to be a nail Provancher said. No campaign goal has been set orannounced yet, he But the Fine Arts Fund already has warneds its member organizations that the fundraising total could be lower than the more than $12 million raisedx last year, he said.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Concordia readies environmental stewardship center - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Construction of the 13,000 two-story building is set to beginJuly 14. The structurr will be built in Mequon on a bluf overlooking Lake Michigan and work is expectexd to be completed in time for the start of the 2010academic year. The totakl cost of the building is expected to bebetweem $3.5 million and $3.75 million and is being funded exclusivelty through charitable gifts already secured for the project. Concordia officials said the building demonstratesthe university’s commitment to environmentap education, freshwater conservation and emphasis on sustainable energty resources.
Plans for the center included laboratories, classrooms and a large seminar room that can accommodate 200 peoplwfor presentations. With its lakefront exposure, Concordi officials say the building will be a center for the stud of the Great Lakes and other environmental The building will be designed to be a Leadershi p in Energy and EnvironmentalDesign gold-level building. “When completed, the centee will offer many educational program and research in water stewardship and otherf sustainability education topics for Concordia studentds as well as visiting area schools and the greater saidBruce Bessert, director of the Concordiaa Center for Environmental Stewardship Concordia has added new degrees because of the new center, and now offers a bachelor’s degree in environmental studies and education with a minor in environmental studies, and a master’s degree in education with an emphasisw on environmental education.
“This new center is in line with Concordia’sw increased and continued interest ingreen initiatives,” said William vice president of academics at Concordia. “Each of our receng building projects has been built to increasingenvironmentall standards, especially to save energuy and other resources.” Construction is expecterd to be completed in time for the star of the 2010 academic year. The totaol cost of the building is expected to be between $3.5 million and $3.75 million and is being funded exclusivelyt through charitable gifts already secured for the project.
“Thi new center reinforces Concordia’s efforts to create program that are both important to the student body and the communitty asa whole,” Concordia president Patrick Ferruy said.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

GM files for bankruptcy protection - Denver Business Journal:
Chevrolet-Saturn of Harlem Inc., a New York-basedf affiliate of the Detroit automaker, was the firsf GM affiliate to seek bankruptcy protection Monday morning throughthe U.S. Bankrutpcy Court's Southern District of New York, according to courg records. The restructuring will enable GM to emergs as a viable entity under the brand namenew GM. It also will give the federak government, which plans to make availableabout $30 billio n of federal assistance to support the restructuring, a large ownershio stake in the company.
Two area companies were amonf the list of creditorsin GM'x filing: New York-based Bank of New York with claims of $176 million, and Downtown-based US with claims of $9.6 million. For a list of see GM's . According to a release from theWhitde House, the company plans to announcre today that it will close 11 facilities and idle anotheer three. GM had already announce d in May .

Monday, December 6, 2010

Amazon offers hosted DNS servers - Inquirer


Amazon offers hosted DNS servers


It supports the usual record types including IPv4 and IPv6 A records and can point to services hosted on cloud service providers and more traditional single ...

Amazon Launches DNS Hosting Service

Virtualization Review

Amazon Adds to Cloud Hosting with DNS Service

Web Host Industry Review

Amazon launches its own DNS service



Saturday, December 4, 2010

SoftBrands sold for $80M; Golden Gate Capital is buyer - Business First of Columbus:
The buyer, a holding company created by private-equity firm and its portfoliiocompany , will pay 92 cente per share for SoftBrands. Shares of SoftBrandas closed at 47 cents per shareon Thursday. On the same date in SoftBrands’ stock closed at 1.09 per San Francisco, Calif.-based Golden Gate Capital hasabout $9 billion in assets underr management. Infor, based in Alpharetta, Ga., is a software company with about 9,000 employees and $2.2 billiom in revenue. Minneapolis-based SoftBrands (AMEX: SBN) sells softwarre to the hospitality industry, as well as to small and mid-sizec manufacturers under the brand. Its producte handle tasks such as making reservations to settinfroom rates.
SoftBrands CEO Randy Tofteland said in a press statement that the deal will allow shareholdersto “realizd significant value from their He also said the company would benefit from an with Infor. A spokeswoman for Infor said SoftBrandsz will continue to have a presence in though it has yet to be determine d how many employees willremain SoftBrands’ board has already approvedr the sale, which is expected to closw in between 60 and 90 days.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Pasco plan would concentrate development, preserve rural lands -

Pasco plan would concentrate development, preserve rural lands

Pasco County is working on a plan to push future development to its urban core in order to protect undeveloped rural lands, such as this spot in Blanton. ...

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