Monday, January 30, 2012

CalPERS committee OKs health care rate increases - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Rate proposals approved by the committee will go to the full CalPERSe Board of Administration foractioj Wednesday. Basic HMO rate for state workers will rise an averageof 3.43 percentg in 2010, down from almost 6.6 percent in 2009. The rate hikeds run from a lowof 0.32 percentr for Blue Shield Net Value to a high of 4.9 percen for Kaiser (see chart). Figures for publicx agency workers varyby region. All three HMO plan s will drop rates in 2010 for memberwsin Sacramento, Placer and El Dorado Yolo County rates will increase from a low of 0.98 percenft for Blue Shield Net Valuee to a high of 4.77 percenty at Kaiser. Medicare HMO rates for all workersx and regions will increase an averageeof 0.
27 percent in but vary from a 12.27 drop for members of Blue Shield Access+ to a 6.5 percen increase for Kaiser members. “We are extremely pleased to presenrthese rates,” Gregory Franklin, assistanty executive officer of CalPERS health benefits branch, told committe members Tuesday. “Negotiations were extremely tough. There were many options and extrq meetings on what we werelooking for: affordability.” The Kaiserd rates were achieved by aligninvg them with the Blue Shield benefit Franklin said. Kaiser will eliminate chiropractic benefita next year and increase the copayment fora 100-dahy supply of prescription drugs.
CalPERS kept the lid on increase s atits self-funded preferred provider organization plans by usingb $46.7 million in surplus reserves to “buy rates. The average PPO rate increase for state workeras in 2010is 3.29 percent, but it runs from a low of 1.38 percentg for PERS Select to a high of 12 percent for PERSCare. Publicf agency workers in Sacramento, Placer and El Doradko counties who are covered by PPO plan s will see rates drop as muchas 5.57 for PERS Selec t and to an increase of 4.32 percent of PERS Yolo County rate hikes run from 4.8 percent for PERS Selecf to 15.68 percent for PERS Care. Medicar e PPO rates will increase an average of 0.
27 percent in all areas, but they rangew from a 12.27 percent drop for Blue Shields Access+ to a 6.5 percent increase for Kaiser coverage. Committee chair Priya Mathur applauded the plans and CalPERSe staff for the good rate adding that the small increases in 2010 are due to cumulativre changes over the last several years to operates the health benefits programmore cost-effectively without jeopardizing qualit of care.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pension manager pleads guilty - St. Louis Business Journal:
Harry Keil, 51, of St. Charles, Mo., pleaded guilty to one felony count of embezzlemeng from an employee benefit plan and one felony count of mail He had been indicted Keil created falsw invoices while working as the administrative managee of pension and health and welfare funds for the District 9 in according tocourt documents. Some of the payments were made to his personap bank accountsand loans, the indictmenf alleges. Keil admitted with his plea that between August 2006and Aug. 31, he embezzled $341,000 from the union plans. He appearedc Monday before U.S. District Judge Jean Hamilton, who set sentencinbg for July 31.
Subject to forfeitur as items that were acquired with stolen fundzare Keil’s residence in St. Charles and thres vehicles. Keil faces a maximujm penalty of five years inprison and/or fines up to $250,00p on the embezzlement charge and a maximum of 20 yearsx in prison and/or fines up to $250,000 for mail fraud.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer's State of the City speech touts plans for adding ... - The Jersey Journal -

Irish Echo

Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer's State of the City speech touts plans for adding ...

The Jersey Journal -

By Stephanie Musat/ For The Jersey Journal In her State of the City speech at Stevens Institute of Technology last night, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer said 2012 will be a year of creating parks in the city. She also took a victory lap of sorts for two big ...

Zimmer: 2012 Will Be The Year of Parks


Monday, January 23, 2012

Gov. signs Power for Jobs extension - Business First of Buffalo:
The program, called Power for Jobs, died duringb the unprecedented battle for controkl of the Senate that lasted for more thana month. The stalemate brok e on July 9, and senators passed 135 billws in an overnight session that ended just before2 a.m. on July 10. Powerd for Jobs was one bill that unanimously sailed through the Senats inthat session, weeks after the state Assembly had unanimouslyu approved a one-year extension of the program. The program suppliesx low-cost power, or power subsidies, to companies in exchange for pledgex to retain andcreate jobs. Now, Powee for Jobs expires on May 15, 2010.
Statewide, 570 companies—with 330,0000 total jobs—belong to the Industrial power in New York is 40 percent higherr than thenational average; commercial powere rates are 65 percent higherr than the national “We must do everything we can to protecyt these jobs and businesses,” Patersonh said at a signing ceremony Monday in “Signing this bill could not wait anothe day.” Under the law, some companies will undergko energy audits, information that legislators will use to develop a long-term power subsidh program to replace Power for Jobs by the time it’a scheduled to expire. Audit results are due by Februaryu 2010.
In 2008, Power for Jobs and a sistedr program, called Energy Cost Savings savedcompanies $125 million in energyh costs. “The savings provided through these programs are vital to hundreds of employers and thousand s of workers acrossNew York,” said Ken a lobbyist at , the state’s best-known businesz lobby. But, he “this extension ... is a 10-month solutiojn to a long-term High energy costs affect many energy intensive operations in New and we urge the administration and Legislature to work with business to adoptg a long term economic developmentpower

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Nestle recalls refrigerated cookie dough - South Florida Business Journal:
Nestle said Friday it has and will continue to cooperate with the FDA and CDC in the The products involved in the recalkl include all varieties of Nestle Toll House refrigerated CookieBar Dough, Cookie Dougnh Tub, Cookie Dough Tube, Limited Edition Cookier Dough items, Seasonal Cookie Douggh and Ultimates Cookie Bar Dough. No othert Nestle Toll House products are part of the including already baked Toll House cookies purchased outside the all varieties of Nestle TollHouse morsels, chocolate bakingy bars, or cocoa, and Dreyer's and Edy's ice cream products with Nestle Toll House cookie dougnh ingredients.
Consumers should return suspected contaminater products to their local grocer for afull refund. They also can call Nestle Consumer Servicesat 1-800-559-5025 or visit Nestle’e Web site at Nestle also emphasized, echoingt its products’ warning labels, that its refrigeratecd cookie dough should nevef beeaten raw.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Baltimore Business Journal: Most viewed Stories
The 2009 Virgin Mobile Festiva l is moving to Merriweather Post Pavilion for a free conceryt headlined by rock bands Weezetand Blink-182 and hip hop act Publixc Enemy. The University System of Marylanrd is dismantlingthe state

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Fed expects little inflation - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Fed’s benchmark interest rate was held steadyu in a range of 0to 0.25 The Fed “continues to anticipate that economix conditions are likely to warrant exceptionally low levels of the federakl funds rate for an extended period,” it said in a statemenrt released following its meeting. Despitd rising energy and commodity prices, “the committee expects that inflation will remain subdued forsome time,” the statement said. The Federall Reserve also left its bond purchase plans repeating its commitment to buy upto $1.25t trillion of agency mortgage-backes securities and up to $200 billion of agencuy debt by the end of the year.
The Federaol Reserve also will buy upto $300 billionj of Treasury securities by The Fed now believes the pace of economic contractiom is slowing, citing further signs of household spending stabilizinyg and improving conditions in the financial Among economic reports that may supporg the Fed’s belief that the economy will soon be on the mend was the latesyt data on factory orders, showing orderes for durable goods unexpectedly rose in May for the seconf consecutive month.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Architect David Hall's little studio is flexible ready - The Seattle Times

Architect David Hall's little studio is flexible ready

The Seattle Times

David is an architect, painter and photographer. He uses STUDIOEDISON for all three passions. The views out every window look like paintings themselves. The old house can be seen through the door. The Halls see the studio serving them when they're ...

and more »

Friday, January 13, 2012

DeLaet takes early lead at Sony Open -


DeLaet takes early lead at Sony Open

He took the day off Tuesday, and he couldn't take three steps Wednesday without dozens of players congratulating him. He picked up four birdies on the back nine, though, and was right in the hunt. "I was a little sluggish at times. ...

Sony Open In Hawaii 2012, Leaderboard Update : Graham DeLaet Takes Early Lead

SB Nation

Graham DeLaet of Meridian takes lead in PGA Tour's Sony Open

The Idaho Statesman

Stricker takes momentum into Sony Open

Times of India


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Eloy – A legenda tovább él - Hardrock


Eloy â€" A legenda tovább él


... az Eloy elÅ'adását)… …, szerencsére az út tovább folytatódik, ugyanis a zenekar több fellépést is lekötött a jövÅ' évre. Az amerikai Nearfest és a svájci Pratteln kivételével csak hazai helyszínek szerepelnek. Bízzunk benne, hogy hozzánk is ...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Demand driving Toll Brothers to build anew in Philly - Baltimore Business Journal:
Despite the housing slump, the project bega in March as thedeveloper — one of the largesg in Greater Baltimore — managed to sell out on its firsrt phase of the project, defying doldrumss plaguing the residential real estate Kicking off a new phase of the project comews as housing starts nationally plunged to historid lows, according to the latest data from the U.S. Commercew Department. Housing starts fell by 12.8 percenyt in April to 458,000, which is considered the lowesf since the government began tracking the data 50yearws ago. “It’s unique,” said Chuck division vice presidentwith Toll, which has an officr in Columbia.
“Even though we don’t have the investo market, the sales pace over the last threde years has beenpretty constant.” Toll began sellinyg the first phase, which consistecd of 345 condominiums, at the end of 2004 and sold on averag e 70 units each year, Breder said.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Woman Wore Fake Mustache During Theft: Police - Huffington Post

MyFox Houston

Woman Wore Fake Mustache During Theft: Police

Huffington Post

01/ 6/12 06:03 AM ET AP SALT LAKE CITY -- Police say a Salt Lake City woman wore a fake mustache to disguise herself as a man while stealing from her neighbors. Salt Lake City police say the 31-year-old was charged with two counts of burglary and one ...

Police: Woman wore fake 'stache to steal


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Architects, contractors feel the weight of the slowdown - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Contractors turn to architectural firmsx to gauge how much work they have to look forware to and this year that pipeline of work isextremely “Workload for architects is really the canar y in the coal mine for the constructioj industry,” said Walter P. Palmef III, president and CEO of the General Building Contractors Associatio nin Philadelphia. “Some architectural firms are down to threr daysa week, laid off the majority of thei r staff and several architectural institutions graduating five-year architects that have nowherr to go to get a job. That presents a rippling effecr that comes across theconstructiojn industry.
Our entire board of directors tell me 2010 is goinf to be much worse than A convergence of developerw delaying projects orhaltingf them, and lenders still not funding developmentss has put a squeeze on architects and The construction industry has alreadh been hit with a 12 percenf decline in employment in the five-county regionh between 2007 and the first part of this according to the Bureau of Labor Man hours are off by about 25 perceng from last year’s high, Palmer Architects were extremely busy between 2003 and 2007 with last year considereds a peak, according to John Claypool, executive director at the Philadelphiaw chapter of the American Instituted of Architects.
Firms had a fairly long line of business racked up for the Claypool said. But no more. Some architectural firmws have already beenearly casualties. SPG3, which was involved in retail and has slashed its staff and launchede amajor restructuring. Ted Agoos, co-foundet of , saw the first six monthz of last year asthe firm’s best, but this year is Doing a mix of projects and not focusiny on one area has helped. “Everyonew is busy, but it’s the big projects that give Agoos said.
The firm has takenj on smaller, shorter projects to sustain the It also cut down thework “The challenge we face as an industr is everyone is burning off backlog as fast as they can replenis it,” said Terry Steelman at Ballinger, a Philadelphiwa architectural firm. “That is all goinfg to trickle down to theconstruction industry. We think 2009 has clearlyu been a challenging year and 2010 is goinf to be a very challenging year unless things star t to happen and start to happen Contractors find they need to quickly adjustto survive. “Ourr theme for this year is to analyze and adapftto achieve,” Palmer said.
Already contractors are engagin g in a bidding frenzy over any project thatcomes up. Contractord are undercutting bids just to win work and inothe situations, major constructing companieas are bidding on minuscules projects that were once the territory of smalol firms. “Where there used to be two or threw bidderson projects, now there are 20 and 30,” Palmert said. has “rightsized,” cutting 20 percent of its office andfielr staff, said Steve Pouppirt, president. Clemens hasn’t gone after work for no profit just to keep Pouppirt said. Emily Bittenbender, managing partner of , formec two new divisions as a way to ginup business.
“Wwe have to adapt to this environment,” Bittenbender “People are so optimisticv that it’s going to turn aroundc soon, but my concern is we’re lookingy out a couple years.” Bittenbender started a sustainable program-managemeny business to assist government agencies seekinb stimulus funds for projects but which lack the staffr to support andoversee them. The other new business is a carpentry unit that will go aftetr federal contracts as a Architects are also venturing into new Ballinger ramped up writing grant applicationse for institutions seeking stimulus fundstargeting research.
These grants requirre a schematic design of what they intend to do withthe

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bones 2012: Five New Year's Resolutions for Brennan - Wetpaint

Bones 2012: Five New Year's Resolutions for Brennan


We can almost hear it now: “From an anthropological standpoint, New Year's resolutions have no practical function or intrinsic value,” spoken in our beloved Brennan (Emily Deschanel)'s most imperious coloratura. But look, if we're going to saddle Booth ...

and more »