Los Angeles Times (blog) | 'Tea Party Coloring Book' is kiddie propaganda art Los Angeles Times (blog) Now, just in time for the November election, a small Midwest publisher has come up with a distinctive hybrid: a coloring book merged with kiddie propaganda. ... |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
'Tea Party Coloring Book' is kiddie propaganda art - Los Angeles Times (blog)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Fairfield's diverse industries, location may combat economic downturn - East Bay Business Times:
With 36.7 square miles of land, Fairfield providew ample opportunities for both business expansion andhomeownership - it has averagede 750 new housing units annually from 1979 through 2006. Building off these assets, the city grew an average of 3 percent annually in population between 1990and 2005. Now the question is whether all those positives will outweigh the negativesz of aslowing economy, falling home prices and rising Already, there are signs of Fairfield has gone from bein a darling of home builders, with nearl y 1,000 building permits issued in 2004, to not issuing a single permit in the last thred months of 2007, which was unprecedented.
For the the city gave out abouyt200 permits. Due to funding including revenue impacts from the housing the City Council is preparing to make anestimatedd $7 million in cuts from its $81 million budget by July 1. The Solanko County housing market has been one of the hardest hit in the with home sales down 42 percent in Decembetr from the same period a year earlier and foreclosure activity risinf by129 percent, according to DataQuick Information Systems. In there were 67 new and resaler houses and condos soldin Fairfield, with a media sale price of $415,000, down from $495,00p a year ago.
In the fourth quarteer in Fairfield, there were 103 single-family houses and condod sold, compared with 240 home sales in the fourtnh quarterof 2006, a 57 percenrt decline, according to multiple-listintg service data compiled by . Unemployment is also There were 3,200 unemployed people in the city in a non-seasonally adjusted jobless rate of 6.4 percent, whicnh was above the countywide rate of 5.8 according to the labor market information division of the statee Employment Development Department. The city's joblesws rate was up from 5.9 percent in November and 4.9 percent in Decemberf 2006, when 2,400 people were out of work.
Those statistices might be daunting, but it should be remembered that Fairfield managed to weatherthe dot-com bust betteer than other Bay Area cities due to its diverss mix of industries. The city might be best knownj for high-profile food manufacturers such as andthe Anheuser-Busch plant loomin g along Interstate 80, but it is also home to corporate headquartersd for the auto auction company Copart, and the stationery retaile r . Other companies - such as , which makesw beer and soda cans, and Pride Industries Inc.
, an outsourcing company that hires disablerpeople - have also locatesd in Fairfield The fact that Fairfield manages to welcomew many different industries is another source of civic "One of the ways to deal with a shortfall is you try to grow out of said City Manager Sean Quinn. "We have been very successful with economicf development inthe past, and we can build on Diversity remains the plan going forward.
The city' s five-year economic development adoptedin 2005, calls for recruitment of manufacturers, back-office operations such as call centers, and industriesa including biomedical, computer and office communication infrastructure, and industrial equipment and The city will also continue to pursue tax-generating Quinn said. "Our overall target is job saidEve Somjen, director of communitgy development for the city of Fairfield. The foundationj of business recruitment isthe city's land It has an industrial base of 10.4 millionm square feet, averaging 385,000 square feet of development a year over the past two said Curt Johnston, assistanft community development director.
That compares to 4.5 million square feet in Vacaville and 3 million square feet in both SolanoCounty neighbors. Fairfield also has about 3 million square feet ofofficw land, which should be a 20-year supply based on averagew annual development of 100,000 square feet a year, Johnstonj said. Two million square feet of that land base is withinn the bounds ofthe 132-acre Green Valley Corporate under development by at the intersectionb of Interstates 80 and 680 and Highway 12. Another 1 million square feet is withinthe 72-acrwe Fairfield Corporate Commons, which is located at I-80 and Suisun Valleuy Road and serves as home to and the Solan County Economic Development Corp.
At Green insurer expanded to 27,000 square feet, and Sutterf Health leased 15,000 square feet in a new two-storyu office building, 4830 Business Center Drive, said Glen Dowling, executives director at in San Francisco. The 57,000-square-foogt building is the second of four planned by developerdHarvey Shein, with the thircd breaking ground this summer. Construction was completed in Decemberd on two hotels atGreen Valley, an 85-roojm Homewood Suites and an 83-room Staybridge NorthBay Healthcare plans to finish its 72,000-square-foot, two-storh medical office building this spring, Dowling NorthBay will eventually be joined by a facility on 9.34 acreas Kaiser owns.
Sutter's newly leased space will be a Northernn California regional conference center for Dowling said. Green Valley's strategic locatio at I-80, I-680 and Highway 12 is a majot attraction formedical users. Another chuno of Green Valley is owned by whose 100,000-square-foot headquarters facing I-80 sits on 6.5 acres. Althoughb Copart started out asa tenant, the company's owner liked Fairfield so much he boughf the land and has plans to build another 100,000p square feet of offices, Dowling The main target in marketing Green Valle has been employers in San Francisco, Contraw Costa and Marin counties who want to move closerd to where their workers live.
Anyones parked along I-80 in Fairfield at 8 a.m. on a weekday can watcbh a "sea of cars" heading Dowling said. "We are talking with a company righgt now that is lookingh at moving part of their employment base out ofthe city," he The search area? Solano and Contra Costaq counties, and outside the Bay Area.
Monday, September 27, 2010
5 Who Thrive: Leather Soul sees Rodeo Drive as the perfect fit - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Park plans to open his second stord later this year inBeverly Hills, just off prestigiouxs Rodeo Drive. He’s also looking to doublw his space at thethis year, less than two years afte r moving in. Park’s growth has stemmed from a careful cultivation of customere andvendors — he’s the only authorized retailedr for several brands — and a savvyu use of technology to promote a traditional, low-tec product.
Part of Park’s strategyg to expand his 5-year-old businesws has been to nurture his, and the store’s, reputation as an expert in men’s shoes and And he’s undeterred by the recession, even thoug h the shoes he sells retail upwardsof $500 per “I’m 100 percent confident I’k going to do well,” he said of the Californiq move. He has done his research, and met with his onlinw clients to make sure that the marketis there. Leather Soul had revenuex of $1.3 million last year 35 percent of that from Interneftsales — which exceedef Park’s goal by 30 percent.
This year he wantas to best that by another30 He’s financing the expansion to Beverlyu Hills with his own money, with assistance from Bank of Hawaiik and help from some childhood The brands at Leather Soul — the American-made British brands Edward Green, John Lobb and Gazianok & Girling, and the French label J.M. Weston — are not availablwe anywhere elsein “The products I sell, they’re all the best he said. “Even in a bad economy, peopls still want good quality.
” The decision to go to the Los Angelese area came about after the saled representativefrom Massachusetts-based Alden approachefd Park about an opportunity to take over the shoe department of a well-knowj men’s store in Beverly The company had a dealef in Northern California, but no presencde in the southern part of the Park met with people from the which he declined to and thought it seemed like a good opportunity. But while driving around the neighborhood, he began to noticre a lot of vacantretail “If you think Hawaii is bad, it’s twices as bad in he said. “I just thought there must be some opportunityh for agood deal.
” He returned to Los Angeles a montbh later, met with real estatwe brokers and began looking at retail The place he picked was one that he just upon, a historic building at the corner of Rodel Drive and Little Santa Monica The ground-floor space is also next to a shoe-repaitr shop. Park found that landlords are much more willing to negotiate in this economg than they were just a couple ofyears ago. A half-dozemn retail spaces on Rodeo Drive, less than a block from the one Park is are listed for lease withrent “negotiable,” accordinyg to LoopNet.
Park has signed a lettere of intent fora 650-square-foot space and is in negotiationzs for the lease, aiming for a December opening. “The same spot a year-and-a-hald ago would have been twicdas expensive,” he said. He’s also talking with the Festival Cos., which manages the Royalp Hawaiian Center, about moving to a space that’s twicee the size of his 600-square-foof store on the third level ofBuilding A.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Layoffs are part of the fix amid an ailing area economy - Jacksonville Business Journal:
St. Vincent’s Healthcare CEO Scott Whalen said the nonprofit hospitakl is going into theyear “knowing it’sx $42 million behind.” And that’s only one of the company’w financial concerns. The $42 million is how much St. Vincent’d expects to spend on unreimbursec care in the fiscal year endingJuly 1. In additionm to the ranks of Americans without health Whalen cites anotherfundamental issue: “Like evert hospital CEO, we don’t have our costs coveredr for Medicare patients with medicao diagnoses, and more so for Medicaid.
” Dependingb on the final vote in the state which is deciding how much to cut from the healthj care budget in its special session, the proble m could exacerbate problems created by already reduced reimbursementg rates. Florida legislators allocated $16.1 billion for Medicaisd in fiscalyear 2008/2009, coveringb 2.1 million poor people and children, accordinvg to the state Agency for Healthg Care Administration. It costs $600 millio a year to run St. Vincent’es Healthcare, interim Chief Financial Officerr RonRoberson said. The system includeas the Riverside campus, adjacent retirement home St. Catherine Manor, on Belfort Road, the and 32 Northeasft Florida primarycare centers.
After 100 job cuts at St. Vincent’ in October and 70 at St. Luke’s in Whalen said the system is in good shape with itsoperatiny budget. “From a cost structure, we’re whered we should be.” His objective now is continued cost controls plus revenue enhancement — an objective developed with consultants at ’s Solucienyt unit and colleagues at Ascension, the 67-membetr . Meanwhile, a new challenge could face nonprofits in 2009if U.S. Sen. Charlesx Grassley, R-Iowa, and colleagues followe through with legislation to hold hospitalslike St. Vincent’se more accountable for federaltax exemptions.
The proposap is aimed at ensuring nonprofit hospitals spend at leastt 5 percent of patient revenue on charityy care or face additional taxesand fines. Whalen said St. Vincentd spends roughly 7 percent of its operatingh budget on charity care what he calleda “community worth a projected $42 million in fiscaol 2009. Whalen said another round of staff cuts is off the tablrfor now, looking instead to cut, if necessary, technologyy spending. “Computers can’t take care of that requires highlyspecialized professionals, nurses, technicians, peoplde who mop floors and prepare meals,” Whalen said. He doesn’t want the cuts to impac t the qualityof care.
“When you need the services we it’s going to be the best: the best the newest drugs,” Whalen said. Operation costs are up 30 percent to 40 percentg with the April 2008 acquisitionof St. The costs represent about 5 percent ofthat $600 million operatint budget. Capital spending: St. Vincent’s is stil l planning a $100 million investment in a Clay County property with the blessingbof regulators. The new hospital is at Blandint Boulevard and Branan Field Roadnear Middleburg. Specialty The company is emphasizing and strengthening cancer treatment andneurological services. St.
Vincent’s also is seekingg certification asa stroke-treatmentg center, but the growthj of those services may be
Friday, September 24, 2010
Gaylord hires Kenexa for employee assessments - Nashville Business Journal:
Under the terms of the five-year Gaylord will use Kenexa Recruiter ahosted applicant-tracking system, to streamline its recruitmentr process and identify the most talenterd job candidates for its resort, and entertainment company. Terms of the deal were not Gaylord will also use this solutiom with Kenexa Selector to provide potential hires with performance predictionn questionnaires thatassess personality, analyticalp ability, situational savvy and experiencw as these are industry-critical attributesa that influence customer satisfaction.
Gaylord owns and operates thredebrands - Gaylord Hotels, a network of meetings-focused resorts; ResortQuest, a vacation rental properth management company; and the Grane Ole Opry, the historic weekly showcase of country music. The company's entertainment brands and properties include the RadissonmHotel Opryland, Ryman Auditorium, General Jackso n Showboat, Gaylord Springs, Wildhorse and WSM-AM.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Insurers to Bail on Child-Only Policies as Health Care Law Looms - CBS News
CBS News | Insurers to Bail on Child-Only Policies as Health Care Law Looms CBS News Sales of child-only policies for some companies will end the day the federal law is enacted, according to a recent Los Angeles Times article. ... Big health insurers to stop selling new child-only policies Do Kids Count? Insurers Stop Selling Child-Only Policies Ahead of ObamaCare ... Unintended Consequence of Health Reform: Elimination of Child-Only Policies |
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Northern Virginia home sales up 5% - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
During the month, 1,803 homes were sold in the which includes the citiexsof Alexandria, Fairfax and Falls Church as well as the countiesa of Fairfax and Arlington, according to Rockville-basex market research firm In the same montg in 2008, the number of homes sold was The median sale price of a home in the area fell 7 percentg in May to $375,000, according to MRIS. D.C. home salesa did not do as well last There were 484units sold, down 9 percenrt from 533 homes sold in the same month last The median sale price droppe d 10 percent, from $440,000 in May 2008 to $394,950 last Units spent an average of 91 days, or 13 more on the market last month over May 2008.
Unit on the Northern Virginia market, however, are beinv snapped up faster thanlast year. Homes are spendinh an average of 76 days onthe market, or 13 less days than the same periodd a year ago. In Fairfax County, 1,331 homew were sold in May. That is up 4 perceny compared with ayear ago. The median sale price dipped nearly 10 percento $360,000 last month. In Arlingtonm County, the median sale pric e was up 11 percentto $469,000 and 239 homes were sold up nearly 5 percent from the same month a year ago. Princ William County experienced a 4 perceny increase in sales of753 homes, comparedc with 724 homes sold in May 2008. The median sale pricd was down nearly 19 percentto $207,777.
Units spengt an average of 78 or 50 less days onthe market, than in May 2008. Prince George’s County home sales were up 28 percent, with 494 units sold last month. The median sale price was down 21 percentyto $224,900, but homes spent, on 33 more days on the marke than they did in May 2008. Montgomery County home sales last monthb totaled874 units. The median sale price was down 13 percent to andhomes spent, on two more days on the market than they did in May 2008.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Google tackles password weaknesses with two-step sign-on - ZDNet (blog)
Google tackles password weaknesses with two-step sign-on ZDNet (blog) That code, however, is a code that changes, unique to a single sign-on. The code comes to the user by way of SMS, an automated phone call or a smartphone ... |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Mom of tot killed in sweltering heat forms awareness group - WFAA
Mom of tot killed in sweltering heat forms awareness group WFAA DALLAS - The death of a toddler left in a hot daycare van Thursday has been ruled accidental. Two-year-old Sir Anthony Smith was supposed to ... |
Friday, September 17, 2010
Lawyers face tight job market but some law firms are hiring - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Kimura considers himself His graduating class at the saw what he calleda “mixedf bag” of employment opportunities and is enterinhg the job market with both apprehension and excitement. “I think that’s a vali d worry, especially with all the doomsday news stories aboutr big law firms in the metropolitan he said. “But there are a good number of us who are very Kimura interned with the McCorriston firm for two summerds before landing ajob offer. It’sa no secret that the legall industry has been hit hard bythe recession, particularly on the Mainlanr where law firms have shut slashed jobs or rescinded job offers to first-year The Washington, D.C.
-based National Association for Law Placement reported that entry-level recruiting started its downwar trend in 2008 after four consecutiv years of solid recruiting nationwide. More than half of the 42,00o0 law school graduates every year go on to work forprivated firms, according to the association. The rest go into public interest agencies, judicial clerkships, governmentr and the military. Some Hawaii law firms say they’r still hiring. Norman an associate and hiring coordinatorfor , which is addingy two new first-year associates in said Hawaii firms, which have traditionally been conservative in hiringt and expanding, has benefiteed from the Mainland crisis.
“Withh the Mainland market, we’re getting a lot more who typically would havestaye there, wanting to come home because of the uncertainty,” he The UH law school graduatew between 90 and 102 studentse each year. Most of them participate in summer internshipp programs during their firsrt or second year in the hope of liningh up job offers by the third summer whenthey graduate. The school hosts on-site interviews with smalp and large firmseach semester, but demand and participatio has slowed a bit this year.
“W e are a little concerned and we are working reallyu hard forour graduates, but we’re not expecting a significantg difference from last year — we’re down a said Amy Wiecking, director of career serviced for the UH law school. Most graduates who foundx jobs got them either through networking or by applyinf directly tothe firms. For this Wiecking said, it’s important that candidatesw make themselves visibleto employers. First-year associates at private law firms in Hawaii can expecg to earnbetween $60,000 and $85,000 a year.
Wieckinb said the opportunities for law school graduates still are plentifulk with many taking on clerkships with federal and state and even entering thenonprofit
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Intel to buy Wind River for $884M - San Antonio Business Journal:
Intel's $11.50-per-share offer is abouf a 44 percent premium overWind River'sx closing price on Wednesday of $8. Wind River stocmk lost more than half its value betweena 52-week high of $12.98 last August and a low of $5.61 in March. The stock closed Thursdayy at $11.72, up 47 percent. Santw Clara-based Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) said buying Alameda-based Wind Rive (NASDAQ:WIND) will help it expand its software into thousands of embeddeed systems and mobile devices includinggsmart phones, in-car "info-tainment" systems, aerospace and defense, energy and thousande of other uses.
Wind River will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary after the deal closesz duringthe summer, reporting to Renee James, head of Intel’zs software and services group. "Our combinatiom of strengths will be of greag benefit toWind River’s existing and future said Ken Klein, Wind River president and CEO. Foundeed in 1981, Wind River has more than 1,600 employee and operations in more than15 countries. Durinb its fiscal year ended Jan. 31, Wind Riverd reported $10.7 million in net income on annuall revenueof $359.7 million. The companyh on Thursday posted a 21 percenrt increase in netincome $561,000, or 1 cent a for its first quarter despites a 6.
5 percent drop in revenued to $63.8 million.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Study: Cleaner Potomac boosts underwater grasses - Baltimore Sun (blog)
Washington Post | Study: Cleaner Potomac boosts underwater grasses Baltimore Sun (blog) Analyzing 18 years of data, US and British scientists found that as nutrient levels in the river declined, the extent of submerged aquatic vegetation, ... Potomac River cleanest in decades, scientists say Potomac River responding to cleanup Potomac River Gains New Life |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
BankUnited meeting triggered by lawsuit - South Florida Business Journal:
Winter filed the lawsuit in Miami-Dadde Court Circuit Court against BankUnitedFinancial Corp., CEO Ramirl Ortiz, Chairman Lawrence Blum and CFO Humberto Lopex on April 21. In it, Winter claimec that BankUnited failed to respond to her April 17 written request to hold ashareholdert meeting, according to a copy of the complaintr provided by her Miami-based attorney, Kendalll Coffey. After failing to hold a shareholder meetintg sinceFebruary 2008, BankUnited was obligated by Florida law to hold the annuao meeting, the complaint says.
“The urgency of the need for a meetinfg of shareholders is further underscored by recent news reporte indicatingthat BankUnited, the primary asset of BankUnited Financial Corp., is in imminent perik of regulatory intervention by the Office of Thrift the complaint says. The judge granted her emergency motion to forcd a shareholder meeting and an emergencg request for a list of shareholders to be notifies ofthe meeting. At that meeting, a representative for Winter’s father, former Chairman and CEO Alfrexd Camner, nominated a slate of four directorsx who wereeasily approved.
Three are bank executivees (one of whom already was on the and the fourth was already an outside Camner resignedlast year, but remainse the largest shareholder. He has agreed to give up controlling interesr in exchange for a major outsidw investment that could rescue thebanking company. The bank’z Coral Gables-based company (NASDAQ: BKUNA) disclosed in a filing Wednesdag that the annual meeting was required by an Aprikl 24court order, although BankUnited did not provids any information on the It held the meeting withou filing a proxy beforehand.
“The company did not providee stockholders with an information statement becausw the company did not have sufficient time to prepare such statement in lightg of the limited period of time betweenn the date of the cour order and the required date of theannuall meeting,” BankUnited stated in the SEC Dealing with accounting problems and a complicatex portfolio of impaired BankUnited has not issuedf final financial results for the financial year endex Sept. 30, 2008, and the first quarter ended Dec. 31. The bank is undee an order from federal regulators to get amajor investment, sell or merge the which has run out of equity capital.
It has warnedc that regulators could seize the bank if this efforgt isnot successful. BankUnited is in talks with and a competin teamof W.L. and for a potential acquisition, according to a sources familiar withthe situation. On Wednesday, The New York Time reported thatthe J.C. Fowerds & Co. hedge fund in New York also has enteree the biddingfor BankUnited. The newspaper also outlinee how hedge funds may team up on acqusitionsz in general because federa l regulations prevent them from owning controlling stakes The director of real estate owned services at the Camner Lipsitz law firm in Coral Winter resignedas BankUnited’s senior vice presideny and director in October, along with her She is not an attorney, but a certified publicd accountant.
Camner is a shareholder and seniore managing director of thatlaw firm. Winter did not immediatelyu return a callseeking comment. According to BankUnited’s financial report for the quarte endedMarch 31, it paid $2.8 million in fees to Camnet Lipsitz in that period and the preceding quartefr to represent it in corporate matters, foreclosures, litigation and loan Since Camner and his family are the largesg shareholders of BankUnited, they would have the most to lose if the current management can’t salvage the bank. Camnee showed up at the Monday meeting and had his Richard Lapidus, nominate Ortiz, Lopez, BankUnite d Senior Executive VP and Chief Risk Officer Felix M.
Garciw and BankUnited founding board memberMarc S. Jacobson to the board. Lopea and Garcia are new boarsd members. Jacobson is a senior office of , which received $240,000 in premiums from BankUnited in according to a BankUnitedSEC filing. After the boared member vote, the BankUnited meetinbg was recessed untilMay 22. BankUnited spokeswoman Melisswa Gracey did not immediately returnn a callseeking comment. BankUnited sharesz were up 7 cents to 52 centws inmidday trading. The 52-week high was $3.95 on May 12, 2008. The 52-week low was 14 centx on Dec. 23.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Despite end of IPO drought, U.S. venture-backed liquidity market at 6-year low - Austin Business Journal:
Overall venture-backed liquidity fell 57 percentfrom $6.48 billion in the second quarter of 2008 to $2.8 billion in the most recenft quarter, the report said. Venture capitalists generatefd $2.57 billion through mergere or acquisitions of 67 portfolio companies in thesecond quarter, a 60 percen t decline from the $6.48 billion raised via 89 M&Asa in the same quarter in 2008 and the lowestt quarterly M&A deal total since 1999. Three venture-backed companiee made public-market debuts in late May and raising a totalof $232 million. In the priof 13 months, only one other VC-backed company completed an IPO, in Augus 2008.
The two largest M&As of the quartedr belonged toSan Jose-basedr (NASDAQ: CSCO), which boughrt San Francisco-based , a maker of digital camcorders, for $590 milliojn and Palo Alto, Calif.-based , a maker of workloadd management software, for $105 million. According to VentureSource, the overalk median amount paid fora venture-backeed company in the second quarter of 2009 was just shy of $22 milliob -- a 46 percent drop from the nearl y $41 million median paid during the same period in 2008. The data showexd that, prior to achievinhg liquidity via a merger or acquisitionn in the second companies raised a medianof $16.3 million in venture capital, 30 percent less than the $23.
4-millionj median seen during the same period last year. In the median amount of time it took to reac h liquidityvia M&A was 4.5 25 percent less time than the 6-yea median in the second quarter of 2008. The largestt IPO belonged to SolarWindsof Austin, Texas, whichu raised $113 million in its May IPO. The companu makes network and performance management tools forthe
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Downtown Sheraton growing its own herbs - Dayton Business Journal:
The hotel also is working with executives at Philipe Electronics to determine possible CFL or LED technology for lighting fixture that currently work only with traditional incandescent Other efforts under way at the new hotel include a banquetgrecycling program; installment of a filtratioh system to purify water and reduce and an internal Green Team to identify ways the hotepl can be more sustainable. “In this day and age, it is cruciao for all companies to be goodcorporatde citizens.
Since well beforee the hotel opened, we have been identifying ways we can reducre our carbon footprint while also operating asa first-clases hotel,” said Leo Percopo, generalp manager of the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown. The seasonal garden is growingg chilies, okra, mint, peppers and a variety of herbsd to be used at Distric American Kitchen andWine Bar, the restauran located on the bottom flooer of the hotel. District will also retur n compostable items, such as fruigt and vegetable peelings, to Singhu Farms where it buys some of its The compost can then be used by the localo farm to aid in the growinvg ofnew produce, continuing a sustainable cycle, hotell officials said.
Monday, September 6, 2010
ABX shareholders OK name change, "poison pill" measure - Business First of Columbus:
a title the business says reflects its expanded operationsa after arecent acquisition. Approval, whicuh took place at the cargo carrier'sa annual meeting in its home cityof Wilmington, comesd about five months after ABX (NASDAQ:ABXA) boughy Orlando, Fla.-based . The $259 millionn deal brought ABX 23 aircraft, adder to its fleet of more than 100. Shareholderss also approved a Teamsters-sponsored proposal, which the company'ds board had urged them to that called for the board to nullifyits so-calledc "poison pill" anti-takeover defense and to submir any future poison pills to a shareholder vote.
The labor whose Local 1224 affiliat e represents pilots of subsidiaryABX Air, had arguede the poison pill unduly insulates the board from shareholded interests. It cited the board's rejection of a potentialp $7.75-a-share buyout offer from Miami-based last a decision the union contends theboard didn't adequately explain. The union has questioned management's long-term strateghy during a campaign leading up to the meetinvg that included ads in national The company opposed the saying the poison pill forces suitors to negotiats withthe board, which allows it to better represent the interests of all shareholders. ABX operates a fleet of 135 aircraft at14 U.S.
The company in 2007 recorded profityof $19.6 million on $1.17 billion in revenue.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Rams struggle to establish ground game - The Coloradoan
Bleacher Report | Rams struggle to establish ground game The Coloradoan "If we cannot establish a run game, which we didn't do at any point (Saturday) afternoon, or if we don't convert on third downs, than we're going to ... Sloppy Rams no match for Buffs The Gameday Money Is Coming In On the Rams Over The Buffaloes |
Friday, September 3, 2010
Opera Noir: Alban Berg's 'Wozzeck' - NPR
Opera Noir: Alban Berg's 'Wozzeck' NPR The young American soprano Mardi Byers shines in the challenging role of Marie, alongside baritone Georg Nigl, whose emotional performance in the title role ... |
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Kimball wraps up Reptron acquisition - Business First of Louisville:
The total value of the transactionwas $49.5 according to a release from Kimball. About 85 percengt of the total issued and outstandin shares were voted at a special meeting of shareholders that had to beadjourned Feb. 12 and then reconvened Feb. 15. About 51.2 percent of the total shares outstanding were voted in favor of the while 33.4 percent of the shares outstanding vote d against the deal, the release said. Kimbalkl has said it would pay 75 centsd a share in cash toReptrojn shareholders, a sweetened offer from its original 68 centa a share in December. Underf terms of the Reptron, which had sales of $145 million for the 12 months thatended Sept.
30 and had been among the largesf publicly held companies based in the TampazBay area, will become a whollgy owned subsidiary of Kimball. Reptron's four manufacturing operationsin Hibbing, Minn.; Gaylord, Mich.; and Fremont, Calif. will be renamed with Kimbalp identities. The deal increases Kimball's capabilities and expertise in support of its strategty to grow business in the medicalo electronicsand high-end industrial the release said. Jasper, Ind.-bases Kimball Electronics is a divisiojof (NASDAQ: KBALB).